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Pattern 99 Blades for $9.99 on ebay!

Started by RosiePosie.iskates, October 08, 2012, 08:42:36 PM

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I was considering purchasing these, They look alright from what I can see in the one picture the buyer gave, some scratches, only cosmetic damage. That's a great price though! I was just wondering for some opinions on if they look like their edges are sharpened a little too far down? Any comments? To buy or not to buy? The price really has me hooked so far..please help me decide!  :)

Don't practice it until you don't do it wrong, practice until you can't do it wrong.


I think they are effectively at the end of their usable life... plus the size of the blade isn't listed.  Most of the sharpening zone is gone.

I've gotten cheap blades on ebay (I got a barely used pair of gold seals for $10 last year) that were fine, but more often than not blades like this are a bargain because they just don't have much life left in them.


Quote from: sarahspins on October 09, 2012, 12:33:14 PM

I've gotten cheap blades on ebay (I got a barely used pair of gold seals for $10 last year) that were fine,

Wow, that was as quite a bargain! :)

Yes, I think these will work nicely. :) I asked the seller what size they are and they're size 9. I have a friend who's just coming back from an injury, and she's getting some boots and blades to work for her until she's back up to par and getting new ones. Thanks for the advice!  :D
Don't practice it until you don't do it wrong, practice until you can't do it wrong.


If your friend just wants something temporary until she can get boots/blades, and these are the right size, they seem worth trying.  The seller said she would include the boot if you pay the shipping.  Seems like a deal, as long as you don't expect much.
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I think given that situation they are probably just fine - I wouldn't recommend them for someone who is expecting them to last a while, but they definitely fit the bill as a cheaper "get back on the ice" option :)


Thank you ladies!  :D
She only needs the blades to last as long as it takes her to re-coup which shouldn't be too long. She's doing off ice doubles right now, just waiting for the doctor's o.k. to let her get back on the ice. She shouldn't need to use them for long.  ;)
Don't practice it until you don't do it wrong, practice until you can't do it wrong.


Quote from: RosiePosie.iskates on October 10, 2012, 09:28:18 AM
I asked the seller what size they are and they're size 9.

The item description states that the blades are stamped with "9 1/4", which is the size.  The seller doesn't know how these things are measured.
My glass is half full :)


Apparently not, I asked the seller before she uploaded additional photos, hopefully my friend still wears the same boot size.  :-\
Don't practice it until you don't do it wrong, practice until you can't do it wrong.