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Double Salchow Training?

Started by RosiePosie.iskates, July 27, 2012, 08:49:48 AM

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Are Double Sals okay to practice off ice?
I've heard that the only off-ice jumps you should practice are axels because all other jumps require a draw-in or edge. Also if you practice toe-jumps off-ice it leads to bad habbits. Is this true?
Don't practice it until you don't do it wrong, practice until you can't do it wrong.


Dd's coach had her do 2s extensively off ice.  He showed her how to do it and would check to make sure it was done correctly.


I only do singles, but my coach has me do all jumps, including toe jumps off ice.

He showed me very specific ways to practice each jump to mimic the entry.
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