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Author Topic: CoachMarySkating on Youtube (Basic LTS USA Skills and low freestyle)  (Read 1798 times)

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This is the first time I have found a set of videos that progresses through US LTS basic skills, and slightly more advanced skills.

She starts with a lesson on Basic 1 skills

and has one video per Basic skill level. She also has some videos on individual skills, up to introductory freestyle level.

Her style isn't quite the most graceful and beautiful - perhaps because she is teaching at a basic skill level, and she doesn't want to make her movement style too hard for the student to imitate. Also, she also shows what not to do, but I would like it better if she was more consistent putting a red cross on the video scene every time when she does something wrong. And I would like her to define all her terms.

(And my personal nitpick - I would like her to teach falling in all directions during Basic 1, not just sideways, because some of the falls skaters accidentally do aren't sideways. I would also like her to emphasize being relaxed more during falls. She is fairly relaxed, but an explicit statement of that would make it more clear to students how not to get hurt.)

But overall, the series is really nice, and very helpful.

You could perhaps download the videos onto your phone or tablet, and take them with you to the ice, to copy her moves, if you know how to do that. (I won't say how in detail, because Youtube keeps trying to make that hard, but you might try screen [+audio] capture software.) Or perhaps your rink has reliable WiFi, and you don't need to download them.

Anyway, a definite thumbs up for her freely provided Youtube videos. If you like them, she deserves to have you "like" them, and maybe subscribe to her channel.

Perhaps she will add higher freestyle skills later.