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Author Topic: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf  (Read 7257 times)

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Offline JimStanmore

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Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:37:19 AM »
Mrs Redboots
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Post Title: Ask any question, part 3
Posted: 09-05-2003, 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Icenut84
Who are you hoping will win the next World championships in each discipline? 

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Posted: 09-05-2003, 06:09 PM

mens-alexei even though I doubt that it will happen.
pairs-someone other than s&z, P&t or a russian I hope.
dance-dont know dont care and dont want to care

Share a skating horror story. 

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Posted: 09-05-2003, 09:11 PM

 I was 15 years old, and it was my last competition because I had decided to quit at the end of the season. I was at the Tri-States competition in Ohio. In my warm up, I fell on my double loop and somehow managed to end up sitting on the back end of my blade. It ripped my dress and cut open my, ahem, back end.

I was skating later in the flight, so my mom sewed up the dress, dried my tears, and I skated anyway. I think I finished 8th - not the way I wanted to end my competitive career . (At least, I thought it was the end at the time -- I never dreamed I'd be competing again as an adult!)

Do you prefer your ice to be softer or harder? 

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Posted: 09-05-2003, 10:16 PM

 Harder. Soft ice annoys me, I can't get a good edge and it's distracting.

What's your favorite non jump or spin move? Mine are spirals. My coach said the other day I have a very good spiral and that's high praise from her!! 

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Posted: 09-05-2003, 10:28 PM

 Lunge. I have a very low lunge that looks like Sasha Cohens.

are you a jumper or a spinner? Im a jumper by far... 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 03:51 AM

 I'd choose spinner because there's nothing like hitting the sweet spot on the blade and getting a fast, controlled, centered spin. I'm fairly equal with both though.

Do you suffer from smelly skates? If so, how do you counteract the stench!? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 04:03 AM

 Mine do smell, and it is worse since I skate barefoot too.

I haven't found anything to counter the odor. My wife has banished them to the closet in the basement since she doesn't want them upstairs.

What blades do you use? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 04:37 AM

 Gold Seal for Free and MK Dance for, erm, Dance!

If you could have a career in skating (forget age, skill, finances etc) which area would you go into? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 07:54 AM

 Headlining for Tom Collins' tour! As it is, I plan to have a career in skating, but related to the media somehow. I'm also going to look into Disney On Ice for when I graduate, but I'm not sure yet if I'd really want to do that.

Have you ever skated under spotlights? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-06-2003, 09:59 AM

 No. I think I've skated under disco lights before I started skating, if you see what I mean.....

Do you ache anywhere today? (I have a sore ankle, don't know why, and my knees did not like all those stairs at Central Hall, Westminster, where I have been at a conference) 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 10:36 AM

 YES!! I have a massive bruise on my right hip from trying a ROB bracket! My coach told me to get up and try again (a cool thing is that my fall was spectacular enough that Nicole Bobek asked me if I was ok ;-) and when I almost fell again he suggested maybe I should try it later ;-)

Have you had any injuries that you feared were really bad and turned out not to be as bad as you though? For example, I landed really hard on a rib and after trying to push it and skate, my breathing was labored and I was in serious pain. The next morning I woke up and was a little better then 2 days later I was miraculously better!.


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Posted: 09-06-2003, 11:32 AM

 I fell down the stairs last January the day before a test, and twisted my ankle. It hurt sooo incredibly bad during the day, but as soon as it became time to go skating, it miraculously felt better. I wasn't allowed to jump on my session that night (I land on my right foot). I bound my ankle really well, and skated. The next night, I passed my test too! It's a good thing it was not a freeskate test but a dance test, or I would have had to withdraw.

What's the worst injury you've skated with? 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 09-06-2003, 01:10 PM

Originally posted by StarshineXavier
What's the worst injury you've skated with? 
Other than the knot I had in my back at Adult Nats. last spring, the worst injury I've skated with was a stress fracture I got on the outside of my left ankle (my landing foot!) in Summer 1995. I was off the ice for six weeks. Since then, I've used special stretching techniques (which I learned in physical therapy) for both my ankles every time I skate in order to prevent any more stress fractures. They've worked like a charm (knock wood)!

Which maneuevers do you practice off-ice (if any)? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 01:50 PM

 jumps, spins and edges on my spin trainer, and running through the patterns for all of my dances!

Other than your skates, what is the most essential thing you must bring to the rink every time you skate? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 02:19 PM

 a water bottle!


if you could steal any skates costume and wear it for a show or competion of your own whos dress would it be and from what progran did they skate with it on in? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 12:37:36 AM »
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Posted: 09-06-2003, 02:49 PM

 Interesting question! I'd probably take Katia Gordeeva's dress from their "Reverie" exhibition at the 94 Olympics. It was beautiful - light blue, sleeveless, a knee-length slightly ragged skirt (and some small ragged bits on the shoulders), and a faint sparkle. It looked lovely.

How many ice surfaces does your rink (or main rink) have? And do you skate all of them at some point? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 05:23 PM

 My main rink has an olympic pad for figure skating and the original hockey size for hockey most of the time. Sometimes during the year we get put downstairs (yuk!) when a hockey tournament is scheduled. To think that old surface is where I learned most of my skating!

Do you wear skirts, practice dresses or pants for practice and how many layers?

In the winter I have a wicking undershirt, turtle neck, lightweight pullover sweater, polarfleece pullover top and stockings, to the boot leggings, light fleece/poly smooth exterior stretch pants. Warm weather (summer) I wear stockings, to the boot leggings, skirt, light undershirt, turtleneck, polar fleece top (until I am warmed up - about 10-15 minutes.) My old rink in town before it was totally rebuilt, I used to love just wearing a teeshirt with a skirt - I felt so free! But the rinks around here are cold all year. 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 05:33 PM

 I wear a sweatshirt and pants usually, or sometimes a sweater and pants. I only break out the dresses on special occasions.

Of course, my seasonal dress varies too with my body's thermal sensors. In summer, I can wear one single layer (with underwear) and pants and tights and be fine. Gloves stay too. In winter, however, I must have my turtleneck and sweatshirt, and sometimes one of those fitted tank tops underneath with the built-in shelf bra to help keep me warm. question...what do you think, if you can think of something, is the most positive thing that the USFSA adult MITF test structure brings to the overall culture/philosophy of adult skating? I do like that it encourages us to further develop our power, but I am not keen on the inconsistency with its judging (probably from the test structure being so new). 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 06:09 PM

 I think it definitely encourages more power/edge quality/overall skating quality. It shows the USFSA is recognizing Adults more and more. Any thing that gives us recognition can't be bad.

What MITF test are you working on? I am on Intermediate, as well as preparing for Adult Pre Bronze, Bronze & Silver Moves. 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 07:30 PM

 Intermediate - testing later this month. This will be my second MIF test, with the first being Adult Gold. Hopefully I'll do better than I did with my figures tests as a kid .

I am going to ask the same question - what MIF test are you working on? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 07:44 PM

 Im working on Pre-preliminary. I have everything but the waltz eight. I can do it once but not the neccasary 3 times!

What freestyle, pairs, or dance level are you working on? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 07:51 PM

 hmmmmm....i guess prepre. Im in basic, but not usfsa or isi basic, out rinks system....

what supposidly basic skill do you just hate? fir me its turning CW 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 08:44 PM

 Mohawks! I just can't get them down properly, I still play with them almost every session, hopefully I'll be able to acquire the skill to do them properly!

Have you ever attended and skate camps or clinics? (I did a stroking clinic this summer, and even though I was usually last, it was a hoot!)


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Posted: 09-06-2003, 08:55 PM

 Spent a week in August at Lake Placid to attend adult skate week at the Olympic Center. This is my fourth year and I highly recommend it. Besides learning a lot there is a great comradiere among the adults who attend, about 90% of which return every year.

What jump do yo really detest? 

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Posted: 09-06-2003, 11:00 PM


What spin do u hate? 

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Posted: 09-07-2003, 03:59 AM

 Oh, that's EASY!!! The BACKSPIN, of course!!! (Not to be confused with "backspin" the person who posts here! We like her!!! )

What moves pattern do you hate the most? Currently I would have to say forward power 3's, but the back crossovers to BO edge ranks right up there too! And I'm sure when it's time to learn power pulls that I'll hate them MORE than I hate the two... 

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Posted: 09-07-2003, 08:28 AM

 So far that stupid novice one that is on the Gold test. (inside 3/inside 3) That one is going to be the death of me ;-) Although it was the brackets that gave me my current set of bruises!

What other fun thing(s) have you had to give up for skating? For example, I had been going to the Chess club on Tuesday nights and I have stopped because of skating.


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Posted: 09-07-2003, 09:52 AM

 I'll be giving up watching Canadian Idol for the next 2 weeks due to the fact that I finish skating at the same time that it's over at. For me, it was usually giving up going to parties, or out to the movies/bowling/the mall, stuff like that. Now it means giving up work, which can sometimes be great!

What kind of food do you like to eat before or at skating? 

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Posted: 09-07-2003, 10:30 AM

 I don't like to eat too soon before skating, I prefer to have at least an hour between. At skating, I sometimes eat something like a banana, as it's not too heavy and is good for you/gives you energy etc. I like to have a bar of chocolate after though - for a while, it was kind of a tradition to have a kit kat

Three turns or mohawks? (I prefer three turns.) 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-07-2003, 11:36 AM

 Mohawks! My mohawks are 95% reliable when I'm skating with a partner, my 3-turns are only about 40% reliable (I'm apt to bottle them!).

What do you dislike most about your home rink? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 12:37:52 AM »
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Posted: 09-07-2003, 05:40 PM

 It's SOOO COLD! Brrr. Even in the summertime.

How many rinks do you skate at on a regular basis? 

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Posted: 09-07-2003, 06:25 PM

 Four. Depends on the time of year, though, which ones I'm at.

Have you ever shown off at a busy open skate? (I'll admit to showing off for some birthday party kids this weekend - they were amazed at a waltz jump, so I couldn't stop there .) 

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Posted: 09-07-2003, 10:58 PM

 nope cant say i have


do u use the dame pair of blades for dance as u do for freekskate, or do u a desgnated pair for dance and then another for freeskate?? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-08-2003, 09:58 AM

 I do very little free skating, but, in fact, I have Precision blades which have the best of both worlds - something of a toe-rake, so I can jump if I really want to, but the shorter dance length.

If you could only do one discipline: free skating, pairs, dance or synchro, which would it be? 

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Posted: 09-09-2003, 10:55 AM

 Pairs ..... or Free ..... or Dance

I don't know ..... Pairs! I think .... or Free ...... 

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Posted: 09-09-2003, 10:56 AM

 .... and she forgets the question!

What has been your biggest achievement so far 

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Posted: 09-09-2003, 11:13 AM

 Finding a coach.

How many pairs of gloves do you have? (I have one pair of red, two pairs of blue, three black ones, and one white one)


Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-09-2003, 11:24 AM

 I don't keep gloves in my skate bag, as I very seldom wear them on the ice. Boot-covers, now.... 7 pairs, or is it 8. Only one pair has gone funny, the colour must have run....

For dancers: which is your favourite compulsory dance, and if you can't yet do many, which would you like to be able to do? 

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Posted: 09-09-2003, 01:00 PM

 Without a doubt, it is the 14 step. I am a powerful skater and I love the feeling of being able to push as hard as I can on the edge of control! ;-)

I also have to say I really like the Willow too, because it is a nice pretty waltz.

The dance I would love to be able to skate well is the Silver Samba - it is a relatively easy dance but it is so quick and so much fun!

Do you bring your skates on vacation?


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Posted: 09-09-2003, 07:30 PM

 Almost always, unless i will be gone only a few days. Like earlier this summer, i went to San Diego for 2 1/2 days and figured id soak up some sun and beach and take a break from the rink. but if ill be gone for 3 or more days, my skates go with me.

For those of you who travel w/ skates, are you over-protective of them? like when you check into a hotel, they are the first bag into the room, and they are always by your-side elsewere. i am like this, it drives my parents crazy hehe. 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-10-2003, 11:31 AM

 Yes, indeed - they DON'T get left in the car overnight (it drove my parents crazy when we took them on holiday last May!).

What artistic/creative music would you really like to skate to? I'd love to do My name is Luka but am afraid I'd not do it justice. So I stick with farce.... 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 09-10-2003, 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Mrs Redboots
What artistic/creative music would you really like to skate to? I'd love to do My name is Luka but am afraid I'd not do it justice. So I stick with farce.... 
The theme music from the '80s game show Press Your Luck! But I'd only do it if I could throw in my axels and doubles.

At your practice sessions, do you have a tape monitor, or do you have to play your own tapes? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-10-2003, 11:47 AM

 You play your own - IF you can get a moment to do so when the teachers don't want it and the elite dancers aren't hogging it.

Do you choreograph your own programmes, or does your coach do it, or do you employ a choreographer, or any combination of the above? 

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Posted: 09-10-2003, 05:32 PM

 For my singles programs, my coach does the basic choreography. I.e., laying out spins & jumps & the overall pattern. But I generally do a lot of the refinements, like arms, head, expression, etc., and I do a little of the basic choreography as well. She & I are in agreement that adult skaters (me, in particular!) have to take responsibility for their skating, so I'm the one who provides her with the info about what elements I need to be competitive at my level. We work together really well. Some of my adult friends give their coaches free reign, with the coach picking out the music, doing all the choreography, picking / approving costumes, and even telling them what competitions they should or shouldn't do. I'd go nuts!

For my pairs programs, the coach has more control because it's too hard for 3 of us to collaborate.

Question: do you skate mostly rink-based sessions or on club ice sessions or on a combination? 

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Posted: 09-10-2003, 08:50 PM

 All club-ice. My rink has very little rink sessions and I like being on Freestyles, anyways.

Have you ever done Synchro? I'm starting my 3rd season. If you've never tried it, you MUST! It's awesome! 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 12:38:10 AM »
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Posted: 09-11-2003, 02:01 AM

 But of course. I'm starting my 12th season, and I wouldn't give it up for anything.

What do you think is your strongest skating move, no matter how basic? 

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Posted: 09-11-2003, 07:00 AM

 If you can't count stroking, then it has to be the Waltz jump. I am very, very proud of my Waltz! It is too bad it isn't a respectable jump because I clear over 6 feet of ice and I get some decent height too. The height looks even better because of the position!

What does your spouse/SO think of skating? (Mine thinks I am nuts, but knows that it makes me happy and is good for me so supports it and even shows up every now and then to video me!)


Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-11-2003, 08:32 AM

 Thankfully mine is as hooked as me, and probably a better skater - stronger, certainly. So we partner each other and try desperately to skate better than our Dear Friends.... usually without success!

What move do you know you must practice every session or your coach will be AT you? 

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Posted: 09-12-2003, 10:00 AM

 I don't have a coach at the moment, but I always practice my basic skills every session, e.g. three turns and mohawks, stroking, crossovers, etc. It improves your skating a lot, technique and consistency and fluidity etc, and I know it's important.

How many different rinks have you skated on in your life? I've skated on about 7 altogether, I think. 

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Posted: 09-12-2003, 11:07 AM

 It's really fun to think back on all the rinks I've skated at, let's in Ann Arbor, 3 in Cleveland, two in Columbus, one in Troy, 4 in Cincinnati/N. Kentucky, one in Nashville, one in Columbus, Indiana... I think that's it, lucky 13!

Did you have someone in particular at your rink inspire you to start skating? 

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Posted: 09-13-2003, 11:00 AM

 I was first inspired by seeing Carol Heiss in an ice no, it wasn't anyone at my rink that inspired me to start. I was inspired, then found a rink (many, many, many years later).

What one element you are currently working on is the most challenging. I'm TOTALLY walley challenged. 

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Posted: 09-13-2003, 06:40 PM

 Double Salchow.

What music would you most like to skate too? 

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Posted: 09-13-2003, 06:55 PM

 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Please, if anyone knows of a good instrumental version, please help!!

Is your music one song, or multiple mixed together - mine is one song, but is mixed together because the song is several minutes long and my program is 2:06.


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Posted: 09-13-2003, 06:57 PM

 The Diamond Music

What music that you've skated to is your favorite so far? Mine is Legends of the Fall. 

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Posted: 09-13-2003, 08:13 PM

 The Grand Valse from Chopin's ballet score "Les Sylphides."

What do you use to carry your skates to the rink? Wheeled suitcase, gym bag, etc.? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-14-2003, 06:08 AM

 A rucksack (day bag); actually, most of the time my skates live at the rink - we have pigeon-holes in the lobby outside the pros' room.

How long is your average practice session (me: 1-1.5 hours; 2 hours is a long session). 

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Posted: 09-14-2003, 12:06 PM

 2 hours
what is your favorite element? 

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Posted: 09-14-2003, 10:39 PM

 I've always loved spirals, and have always been able to do them well.

Do you have anything lucky that you bring to competitions? I actually have a lucky dress that I *must* test Moves in, and my stuffed lucky Piglet that comes with me to competitions. 

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Posted: 09-15-2003, 06:42 PM

 I bring a white teddy bear that I named Karma. My friend gave it too be last year and it has only 1 eye. She told me she picked it for me because she thought it needed the most love. So now he comes with me to competitions and tests.

If your rink has a jump harness, do you find it useful or not when learning new jumps? 

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Posted: 09-16-2003, 03:16 AM

 My rink didn't have a jump harness but I would have loved to have used one when I was learning the axel. As you all know it's difficult to learn and correct jumps and I always felt that being able to slow it down slightly (ie not meeting the ice again before I'd even had time to think) would have helped me.


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Re: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2010, 12:38:26 AM »
Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-16-2003, 07:52 AM

 Plain dress, but lots of glitzy, glittery bling bling...... and hair glitter, and sparkly make-up.....

(Incidentally, Tashakat, we now do have a harness at my rink - if and when you decide to skate again, you could try it out, no doubt. There's the set-up on the ice that looks like a fishing-pole, and the one off it that looks as though you are going to be hanged!)

If you (generic you - this is my question!) have access to a harness, do you love it or hate it? 


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Posted: 09-16-2003, 08:01 AM

 HATE IT!!! The velcro let loose once mid-axel and I fell out of it and landed on my head. Luckily I have a hard head and was unhurt!

If your club does an annual show, what was the most recent theme? Ours was Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 

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Posted: 09-16-2003, 08:05 AM

 Yes, we did 'The Wizard of Oz'. This year it's Peter Pan.

Are you a fast learner or a hard worker? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-17-2003, 09:46 AM

 Very definitely a hard worker!

How many times a week do you normally skate? And in the run-up to a competition? 

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Posted: 09-17-2003, 07:13 PM

 5 or 6


who is the most influential person whenit cmes to your skating ( mine r shae-lynn bourne and victor kraatz) 

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Posted: 09-17-2003, 07:52 PM

 My coach and all of the adults that I skate with.

If you test, what do you wear on test day? 

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Posted: 09-17-2003, 08:09 PM

 Depends what dances I'm testing, or if I'm taking moves, and also how cold the rink is. For dance I have a plain black dress with long sleeves and dark green stones, and a short-sleeved one trimmed with aurora stones, but sometimes I wear one of my competition dresses if I have one for that dance. When I take my American, for example, I'll probably wear the light blue dress I wore to compete the American last weekend- unless it's really cold. I've been known to bring two dresses to a test and decide which one to wear when I get there and can decide how cold I'll be.

dancing_queen- Shae and Victor are my biggest influences, too.

Does your rink do ISI or USFSA learn-to-skate? 

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Posted: 09-17-2003, 09:15 PM

 Just ISI. I wish they did Basic Skills, too, because I love the structure of the Basic Skills program.

Did you skate today? I actually had the morning off from work and was able to do two sessions. 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-18-2003, 07:59 AM

 Not yet; I'm planning to skate on this evening's patch, and then at Dance Club.

Do you skate bare-footed (I mean inside your boots!)? 

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Posted: 09-18-2003, 09:24 AM

 No, I always wear skating tights but not socks as they wrinkle and rub! I did skate in bare feet once and it felt great but when I tried it the next time I ended up with scars all over my feet

If you participate in more than one discipline do you (or would you like to) wear different blades/boots (eg dance blades for dance and free blades for free)? 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 09-18-2003, 11:30 PM

Originally posted by TashaKat
If you participate in more than one discipline do you (or would you like to) wear different blades/boots (eg dance blades for dance and free blades for free)? 
I used to do Synchro., and I had a different pair of skates for those. Actually they were--and still are!--Ridell synchro boots with synchro blades. Some coach helped design them.

Do you, or have you ever, had boots/blades in another color (other than the traditional black/white)? 

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Posted: 09-19-2003, 12:50 AM

 I've always purchased white boots, but then dyed them beige for synchro.

Do you wear your skates as they are (laced up all the way, with no pads or sponges), or do you make additions and adjustments? For example, I wear bunga sleeves, skip the top hole, and skip the top eyelet. 

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Posted: 09-19-2003, 03:02 AM

 I have purple boots at the moment (stood looking at me, waiting for me to start skating again!)

Do you wear your skates as they are (laced up all the way, with no pads or sponges), or do you make additions and adjustments? For example, I wear bunga sleeves, skip the top hole, and skip the top eyelet.

(Edited to repeat luna_skater's question because I forgot to 'refresh' and her post came up before mine!) 

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Posted: 09-19-2003, 03:51 AM

 I have mine untied at the top eyelet and I have this Dr. Scholl's pad on the ball of the foot for both feet. I HATE doing forwards spins w/o those pads!!! (My boots are just painful to spin on since I really press on that ball of the foot!)

Do you buy your competition 1) auction/dress off the rack, 2) auction/dress off the rack but embellish it with more stones, 3) get them custom made, or 4) you sew them yourself/mom does them for you?

I'm contemplating 2) for my next competition, since I find that stoning a dress isn't that hard, but I'll probably go with 1) this time around. My last competition dress was 3), but this is way overboard for my first competition dress and I'm not exactly "made of money" anymore. If I had the skills, I'd probably do 4). (But I don't so that option is out...) :-P 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-19-2003, 11:33 AM

 I have 2 dresses that were made for me, one bought off-the-rack, and one given me by a friend and then subsequently altered by another friend. Plus various skirt/leotard combinations - no, only one now, I've thrown out the one I didn't like so much when I saw it on video - that I made myself.

Whoops, nearly forgot a question. Ummm.... Okay a choice between a black-and-gold dress with a figure skating-length skirt, and a green dress with chiffon skirt, which would you wear for the Swing Dance, and which for the Riverside Rhumba? 

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Re: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2010, 12:38:43 AM »
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Posted: 09-19-2003, 04:48 PM

 I would say black and gold for the Rhumba. Rhumba just says black or a bright color to me, and you can really do any color for the Swing. I think my Swing dress was royal blue.

What's one kind of music you want to try skating to but haven't? I've always wanted to do a samba, but I'm still awhile away from doing the Silver Samba. I'll probably do one for my footwork program next year. 

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Posted: 09-20-2003, 05:04 AM

 Slow, classic, romantic, intense ..... it's not used very often at the 'lower' levels (or it's used inappropriately!). I KNOW that my skating probably isn't up to it but it would be nice to give it a go!

Your favourite step (talking footwork not jumps or spins)? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-20-2003, 06:37 AM

 Er - 3-bracket-3 when I can make it happen. Or else FI-BO twizzle. But I can't do either of those at speed.

Do you enjoy artistic/interpretive/creative routines? 

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Posted: 09-21-2003, 03:40 PM

 I haven't tried one yet, but I'm looking forward to doing one this year. My Mom, a former coach, and I will be putting one together this year. We already have the music picked out and the basic idea for what we want to do - we just need to find the time where we can both get out on the ice.

Do you stretch after you skate? 

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Posted: 09-21-2003, 04:23 PM

 Not as much as I should. I do stretch at some point though.

What's your best tip for entering a 1-foot upright spin properly? 

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Posted: 09-21-2003, 06:44 PM

 the best advice is to wait you want to make a full semi circle before you actaully started spinning, once you do slowly bring your arms and leg in. Hope this helps


does anyone have onhints on how to hydroblade? 

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Posted: 09-21-2003, 06:54 PM

 Mmm, I don't have an exact hint, but front what I see on how its done, you basicly do a back crossover, and just let the leg continue out as you sit on your skating leg.

I leave the question open to someone how may be able to describe it better.


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Posted: 09-21-2003, 07:58 PM

Originally posted by dancing_queen

does anyone have onhints on how to hydroblade? 
I don't, and that's mainly because very, very, very few skaters have the technique to do it correctly. According to Shae and Victor, the technique lies in the edge and changes slightly based on what you're trying to do. Where your weight needs to be depends on which edge you're on, how low you're trying to be, whether you're going forward or backward, and whether you're supporting or being supported by your partner. It's the kind of thing I would love to discuss with them, just absorbing and learning and hearing their ideas. But I'm weird like that

If you've ever done synchro, what level team(s) have you been on? 

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Posted: 09-21-2003, 08:16 PM

 Just Teen Introductory for the past two years.

I'll ask the same question, if you've done Synchro, what level(s)? 

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Posted: 09-21-2003, 11:18 PM

 Oh, man, I've done so many! Recreational B (sort of an intro team), Recreational Novice, Competitive Novice, Competitive Senior, Festival Open, Festival Junior, and Festival Adult!

Do you have any bad habits when it comes to skating? If I'm unsure of myself, I bring my shoulders up and slump forward, so I'm always trying really hard to concentrate on keeping my shoulders back and upper body straight. 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-22-2003, 07:31 AM

 My worst habit, according to my coach, is skating with my feet apart. Deep sigh....

Do you prefer going forwards or going backwards? 

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Posted: 09-22-2003, 10:03 AM

 I prefer to go forwards although my backward cross overs are techincally better...


Which element for you is the most satisfying to perform but least satisfying to watch other people perform. 

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Posted: 09-26-2003, 06:55 PM

 Good question!

I don't know, I'll go ask somebody if I can find anybody who dares to answer!

Probably my dear ugly toeloop and salchow!


Would you prefer to skate with someone better than you to get more challenge or to skate with someone weaker just to make sure you're getting everything right? 

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Posted: 09-26-2003, 07:12 PM

 I'd prefer to skate with someone stronger than myself. I've done both, and have found that when I'm next to a weaker skater, I'm not as motivated to do well. When I skate next to a really strong skater, I push myself harder to be able to skate closer to their level.

What's your nemesis move of the moment? 

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Posted: 09-26-2003, 07:13 PM

 I definitely like to skate with people who are stronger than me -- both as partners and also just the people that I share the ice with. I find inspiration from their strength and find myself copying their body line, etc. (as much as possible!! ).

Dancers: Do you have dance blades and even if you don't what are your opinion of them? I myself am obsessed with my blades right now -- an "older version" MK Dance -- some things I like about them and other things, not so good... 

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Re: Ask Any Question Part 3 - fsf
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2010, 12:39:04 AM »
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Posted: 09-26-2003, 07:16 PM

 Well, since I posted at the same time as luna_skater, I'll answer her question -- the nemesis move:

Anything where I have to turn from a left back edge (inside or outside) to a right front edge -- I have the hardest time putting my foot down for the forward and it is completely driving me crazy!! This is a fairly new problem -- I used to be able to do it without even thinking, but then one day had a problem with it and then found it harder and harder and harder to do -- now I think it's just psychological -- and it comes up in practically every dance (on the solo) and in Moves, too -- aacckkk!! Drives me crazy!!

So I'll re-ask my question -- re: dance baldes: what's your opinion, whether you have them or not?? 

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Posted: 09-26-2003, 08:45 PM

 I have synchro blades, which are similar to dance blades. They are short like a dance blade, but are the same width as a freeskate blade. I love the blades I have now, though it's hard to compare them to other blades. I went from a pair of skates that came with blades on them, to MK Precision, to Ultima Precision. The short heel is great for synchro, and it is turning out to be great for mohawks in dance, too! However, it requires a lot more balance to hold a long edge, since you have less blade to work with. What I love about the Ultimas is that I hardly ever have to get them sharpened. If I did go to a dance blade, I would definitely look at Ultima first, because I used to have to get my MKs sharpened constantly!

Since we're on the topic of dance...which dance gives you the most trouble? Is it the whole thing, or just one particular step? The LBO edge to RFO edge on the Keats Foxtrot is making me crazy right now! AAAHHHHHH!!! 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 09-27-2003, 05:21 AM

 That bit's all right - it's that Mohawk. The move I really have no idea how to do is the Mohawk in the Tango. And of dances I have a realistic hope of doing, I still rush the Mohawk in my Swing Dance.

Are you tempted to buy the brightly-coloured tights that are so fashionable right now? For practice, I mean, not for competition. I must admit I am.... 

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Posted: 09-27-2003, 09:43 AM

 If I wore skirts to skate in, my answer would probably be yes! (I wear stretchy trousers.) I like the look of funky tights And the look of different colours other than just tan legs on skaters. Go for it, Mrs R!

What's your favourite dance (if you do dance)? I haven't done dance for ages, but when I did, my favourites were probably the Canasta Tango, Swing Dance, and maybe British Waltz. 

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Posted: 09-27-2003, 11:57 AM

 My fav dance is definately the Westminster and Starlight. I love waltzes!!

If you could choose the theme for OD, what would you pick?

(Sorry if this double posted.. this computer doesn't work well) 

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Posted: 09-27-2003, 02:24 PM

 Do you mean for elite competition, like Worlds? I'd definitely choose a single theme, I don't like the mish-mash of styles that they are doing at the moment. I'd probably choose something like a blues, or something with a slow rhythm.

What is your opinion on the new judging system, the Code of Points? 

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Posted: 09-27-2003, 02:37 PM

 I'm interested in it because it is a major change to a sport that has been fairly static in the judging department for the better part of a century. I'm not one of those people who has analyzed the system to death; however, from what I HAVE read, it doesn't appear to be any less subjective than the old system. To be fair, I have mostly only read up on dance. Nevertheless, I've been a firm believer from the start, that the change needs/needed to be made not to the judging system, but to the people in it.

What's the most you have or would pay for a practice dress? 

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Posted: 09-27-2003, 05:29 PM

 I think $85.00, for a Del Arbour practice dress. I never wear dresses for practice so I only treat myself to one a year.

What's the most you've paid for a competition dress? 

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Posted: 09-27-2003, 06:07 PM

 $40 for the dress and $250 for the stones ;-) I think it is gorgeous though!!

Is your competition dress based on the theme of your music? Mine wasn't specifically, except I did make it blue because I skated to Water Music.


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Posted: 09-27-2003, 08:04 PM

 I have a bunch of competition dresses because I have to skate whatever dances are drawn for any given competition. Right now I have a Waltz dress, a Foxtrot/Quickstep dress, a Tango dress, a Paso Doble dress, a Blues dress, and so on, plus some stoned practice dresses for official practices at big competitions like Lake Placid. I have a couple of different ones for most dances too, a short sleeve or sleeveless and a long sleeve, because I usually compete two or three times in the spring/summer and another two or three times during the late fall/winter. I get cold really easily, but even I don't need sleeves in Lake Placid in August, so I usually have two. But since the rhthyms don't change, and I'm not growing anymore, I'll be able to wear them all for years.

Oops, almost forgot a question. Do you make it a point to follow elite skating and tape it when it's on TV and everything? 


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