Anyone know about Dynamite Gym trampoline classes for adults?

Started by Query, March 01, 2019, 08:31:17 PM

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I'll call them, but have any of you taken adult beginner trampoline classes at this gym, near Rockville, MD?

If so, can you say anything about them? My only interest is fitness, not gymnastics, nor do I honestly think I could learn to jump like a figure skating kid at my age.

Where I live, we have a trampoline in the back yard, that was bought for the landlord's kids, but I've been afraid to try it much on my own. In particular, I'm trying to find out if some who has passed his 60th birthday, and may be a bit fragile, should avoid it.

I asked an instructor at a different gym to which I belong, and he mentioned Dynamite, because our gym has no classes for adults, let alone adult beginners.

He also told me to stay away from trampoline parks - he says most are poorly run, and have a lot of injuries, in part because the trampoline surfaces are physically linked, so someone jumping on an adjacent surface can affect your surface, and in part because they are run by unqualified people.