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2018 Skating Resolutions

Started by skategeek, January 12, 2018, 12:34:27 PM

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Better late than never... here's a thread for skating resolutions for this year!   What are your goals?

(I'm also taking an alternative approach this year; separate post coming about that.)


My goals for this year:

1 a.  Skate more in 2018 than I did in 2017 (~185 hrs, 3.6 hrs/week).  Aim for average of 4 hrs/week
1 b.  Spend at least 1/3 of practice time on backward skills
2 a.  Classes and lessons 1-2 hrs/week
2 b.  Camps/workshops (e.g. Lake Placid or one day camps)
3 a.  Off ice training- XBX, stretching 4-5 days/week
3 b.  Off ice training- lunge/spiral/shoot-the-duck/spin (100 day challenges)
5 a.  Pass Basic 5/Adult 5/Beta
4 b.  Pass Basic 6/Adult 6/Gamma/Delta
4 a.  Basic skills competition
5 b.  Holiday show or other performance
6.  Stop whining about my skates, the ice, my ability, etc. and Just Skate!


My goals for 2018...

1) Posture
2) Keep my head up and aligned
3) Get aligned over my skating side with hip in correct position
4) Power, flow, etc.... the usual

1) Back 8s
2) Figure loops
3) Turns: choctaw, counter, rocker

1) Correct my bad habits
2) Keep working on the axel

1) Centering....
2) Get a consistent 4+ revolution back camel
3) Consistent combinations spins, particularly forward to back camel which I currently can't do at all
4) Consistent 3+ revolution catch-foot (any variety, I'm not picky on this one)

1) Consistent off-ice workouts (yoga, the gym, etc.)
2) Consistent stretching routine
3) Strengthen my core


Yes I'm in with the 90's. I have a skating blog.


Some of these might be a bit ambitious, we will see...

2018 goals:

1) improve twizzles, counters, rockers
2) pass Adult Silver and Adult Gold MIF tests

1) consistent axel, 2S, 2T
2) make progress on 2Lo, 2F, 2L
3) learn split jump

1) consistent flying camel with stars entrance
2) make progress on layback and maybe haircutter
3) sit spins that are truly thigh-parallel

1) finish splits, then oversplits
2) off-ice haircutter/biellmann position
3) visible arm muscles


Have a pair of skates that fit, don't hurt too much, and aren't broken down so that I can actually skate.  Anything else is gravy.


- Pass Adult Silver
- Pass Adult Gold
- Get Gold Medalist Jacket
- Pass Juvenile
- Start Intermediate

- Test Ten Fox
- Test European Waltz
- Get comfortable with foxtrot and fourteenstep
- Get the tuck behind
- Soft knees, nice flow, good rise and fall

- Get a nice scratch back on my dance blades
- Back spin
- Camel Spin
- Sit Spin
- Start combination spins

- Get PSA membership renewed (just waiting on client paychecks then I can do this)
- Attend PSA conference
- Soft knees
- Better posture
- Deep Edges
- Confidence


It's been a while since I've set skating resolutions, but here's what I want to do this year:

- Put axel back into competition
- Get spins counted in IJS program
- Take and pass Foxtrot (and maybe European)
- Sew a skating dress
"Any day now" turned out to be November 14, 2014.


In no particular order:

1. Land a clean axel in competition
2. Skate "in the moment" without worrying about the past or future outcomes
3. Lift my head, extend my arms and legs (should translate to PCS)
4. Land a correct double salchow
5. Learn a new spin
Join my Skating Fridays blog posts at


Using another post as a template, cause I like the formatting.

My goals for 2018...

1) Posture
2) Confidence
3) Speed/Power in stroking

1) Inside Turns
2) Speed, Power and Alignment improvements

1) Polish up Axel
2) Consistent Doubles
3) "Rotate" a Triple
4) Alignment/Air Position
5) Double-Double Combination

1) Centering....
2) Back Spins

1) Consistent off-ice workouts (yoga, the gym, etc.)
2) Consistent stretching routine
3) Strengthen my core
4) Moves And FS Tests through Gold
5) Compete at least once

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Mid-year update.

1) Posture Work in progress
2) Keep my head up and aligned Work in progress
3) Get aligned over my skating side with hip in correct position Work in progress
4) Power, flow, etc.... the usual Work in progress

1) Back 8s Definite improvements. I'm now able to complete the figure, but my lobes are wonky.
2) Figure loops Getting better, though nowhere near a testable level. It's taken me two years to get this far and it'll probably take another two for them to be recognizable and consistent.
3) Turns: choctaw, counter, rocker Haven't started on these yet.

1) Correct my bad habits Work in progress
2) Keep working on the axel Work in progress. I feel like I'm on the one step forward-two steps back pattern with this jump.

1) Centering.... I know how to do it, I just can't manage it most of the time. Breaking bad habits is hard.
2) Get a consistent 4+ revolution back camel Work in progress. It's not consistent and I tend to have only one or two revolutions.
3) Consistent combinations spins, particularly forward to back camel which I currently can't do at all. Work in progress. Haven't attempted the camel one yet.
4) Consistent 3+ revolution catch-foot (any variety, I'm not picky on this one). Success! A catch-foot camel consistent enough to put into competition.

1) Consistent off-ice workouts (yoga, the gym, etc.) Nope. Life keeps getting in the way. And laziness.
2) Consistent stretching routine Actually, I've been keeping up with this one.
3) Strengthen my core Trying and mostly failing.

I'd say I'm making good progress on most of my goals. Let's see what the next six months brings.


Mid-year update!

1 a.  Skate more in 2018 than I did in 2017 (~185 hrs, 3.6 hrs/week).  Aim for average of 4 hrs/week  On track so far. 
1 b.  Spend at least 1/3 of practice time on backward skills Maybe on track?  Probably not quite a third, but getting there.
2 a.  Classes and lessons 1-2 hrs/week On track (summer schedule is temporarily messing with this).
2 b.  Camps/workshops (e.g. Lake Placid or one day camps)  Lake Placid camp done!  Plus a figures workshop.  Hoping for more stuff later this year.
3 a.  Off ice training- XBX, stretching 4-5 days/week  Total fail. 
3 b.  Off ice training- lunge/spiral/shoot-the-duck/spin (100 day challenges)  Even bigger fail.  (Yes, bigger than total.)
5 a.  Pass Basic 5/Adult 5/Beta  Work in progress.
4 b.  Pass Basic 6/Adult 6/Gamma/Delta  Work in progress.
4 a.  Basic skills competition Thinking about this for the fall.
5 b.  Holiday show or other performance  No spring shows this year; planning on the winter holiday show.
6.  Stop whining about my skates, the ice, my ability, etc. and Just Skate!  Mostly doing this!

I'm also updating my Three Words for 2018 (; I'll post that over there when I'm done picking new words.


I never make my skating goals at the beginning of the calendar year; I always make them at the beginning of the new competition season, which is now!

So here are mine:
1.  Get my level 2 spin called (I just mastered a sit spin with 2 difficult variations)
2.  Get my difficult upright spin variation called (I can now do a cross-foot spin, but it's not consistent yet).
3.  Keep the speed up for my entire program and never look hesitant going into anything (hopefully improving my PCS)
4.  Clean lutz takeoff edges
5.  Skate a clean program in front of judges.


Quote from: AgnesNitt on January 12, 2018, 07:34:22 PM
Sit spin.
That is all.

Well, I've reached the state where my beginner spin has become something I don't think about. Then last week my coach started me on 'serious sit spin'. So maybe on schedule for by the end of the year.
Yes I'm in with the 90's. I have a skating blog.


AgnesNitt and Arwen - The breakthrough that got my sit spin IJS legal was being told that I had to feel the calf of my spinning leg pressing against the inner thigh of my free leg.  If you feel that, you are low enough and you know that your weight is also far enough forward that you will stay on the ball of the blade instead of falling backward and sitting down. :)  You'll also need to focus on arching your back and pushing your chest forward to get your weight in the right place.  Cheering for you both!!  :love:


End of year update....

My goals for 2018...

1) Posture Massive work in progress
2) Keep my head up and aligned Work in progress
3) Get aligned over my skating side with hip in correct position Work in progress
4) Power, flow, etc.... the usual Work in progress

1) Back 8s Learned, mastered, passed!
2) Figure loops Messed around with them, but no serious work
3) Turns: choctaw, counter, rocker Learned. Rockers are the easiest of the bunch for me. All of them needs tons of improvement

1) Correct my bad habits Work in progress. I think I developed new ones correcting the old ones.
2) Keep working on the axel  Landed three in harness. Inching closer off-harness, but still a ways to go

1) Centering.... Work in progress. I know what needs to be fixed.
2) Get a consistent 4+ revolution back camel Nope, except from a flying entrance. Which is weird.
3) Consistent combinations spins, particularly forward to back camel which I currently can't do at all Yes to the combinations, no at all to the camel
4) Consistent 3+ revolution catch-foot (any variety, I'm not picky on this one) Yup!

1) Consistent off-ice workouts (yoga, the gym, etc.) Nope
2) Consistent stretching routine Yes, actually, though I slacked off in the last three months
3) Strengthen my core Work in progress

Things that weren't in my goals but want to mention:
1) Passed Silver Free Skate and Gold Moves
2) I felt stagnant in my freestyle, then had a brainwave the other day. Not only did I drop LTS, but a good third to half of my skating time this year has been devoted to learning a new discipline: pairs. So yeah, I learned a new discipline this year and I'm really happy about it.

3) Started coaching Snowplow Sam again

I would say 2018 was a good year, even if I didn't reach all the goals I'd laid out for myself. On to 2019!


Year end update!

1 a.  Skate more in 2018 than I did in 2017 (~185 hrs, 3.6 hrs/week).  Aim for average of 4 hrs/week  Blah.  Came in about 18 hours short, courtesy of a busy schedule and a few weeks of back muscle spasms at the end of the year.
1 b.  Spend at least 1/3 of practice time on backward skills Maybe?  I do't have a clear way to track this, but I did try to focus on backward skills.
2 a.  Classes and lessons 1-2 hrs/week Pretty much managed this.
2 b.  Camps/workshops (e.g. Lake Placid or one day camps) Lake Placid camp and a figures workshop.
3 a.  Off ice training- XBX, stretching 4-5 days/week  Total fail. 
3 b.  Off ice training- lunge/spiral/shoot-the-duck/spin (100 day challenges)  Even bigger fail.  (Yes, bigger than total.)
5 a.  Pass Basic 5/Adult 5/Beta  Work in progress.
4 b.  Pass Basic 6/Adult 6/Gamma/Delta  Work in progress.
4 a.  Basic skills competition Nope.
5 b.  Holiday show or other performance  Missed the winter show this time.
6.  Stop whining about my skates, the ice, my ability, etc. and Just Skate!  Did pretty well here. 

So not so great in terms of meeting resolutions, but I do feel like my skating progressed, at least a little.  Next year will be better!