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ipad/ipod touch/iphone apps for skating

Started by jjane45, July 08, 2011, 01:03:28 AM

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I've got it now and I've been through the whole thing looking at all the videos.  Pretty good so far as I can tell, though there are a couple of glitches.  In Adult 6, the Lunge description has the written description for backwards crossovers to landing position instead, and the video is for the spiral, not lunge.  I assume those bugs will be fixed in an update (something similar happened for Basic 1-8).  For Perimeter Stroking with Crossover End Patterns, though, there's something that might actually be an error, or at least confusing.  The description reads "The skater will perform four alternating forward crossovers separated by strong forward inside edge transitions.  The end pattern consists of a minimum of three crossovers.  Instructors should have students practice inside edges down the long axis.  Draw pattern on ice (Use Adult Bronze MIF pattern)"  But the video appears to show the skater simply doing forward stroking down the long side of the ice, with crossovers along the short side.  Does anyone know which is correct?


I would guess that the element for adult 6 would be what was shown in the video. The description appears to be very similar to the perimeter stroking in the adult bronze test, which does not seem level appropriate for adult 6?


That's what it looks like to me.  I'm wondering if I should write them about it, but I'm hoping to get more confirmation of what's correct before I do.  If it's really just that the wrong description was pasted in, that seems like a much easier fix than if the video was done incorrectly.


Another bug is that the second half of the Adult 6-Bunny Hop video should have the on-screen title of "Bunny Hop / Straight Free Leg" instead of "Name / Description." 

I'll report the Lunge and Bunny Hop glitches to Mark Fitzgerald at Rink Tank.  He's usually pretty good at fixing things quickly.
"If you still look good after skating practice, you didn't work hard enough."

Year-Round Skating Discussions for Figure Skaters -


I don't see anything wrong with the perimeter stroking video, per se, but the description is misleading.  This IS supposed to be the Perimeter Stroking pattern from Adult Pre-Bronze and Pre-Preliminary Moves in the Field.  However, the entry steps are optional on that pattern. 

The app lists the demonstrators' intro steps, but you don't have to do those particular steps for a class evaluation or Moves test.  The demonstrator starts out facing the short wall and does her intro across the hockey crease line, which is a little confusing when the description talks about long axis but the description is correct.   I teach it with two strong strokes along that short axis followed by a single forward crossover as the intro before starting the pattern.

The "strong forward inside edge transitions" is a fancy-schmancy way of describing forward stroking.  The judges want to see bend, shift and push.  The demonstrator is heading down the long axis of the ice, which is correct.

The five crossovers at each end are intriguing: one in the corner to start the curve along the short axis, one above the hockey circle, one above the goalie box, another above the second hockey circle, then one more in the corner, almost heading down the ice.  I usually for "less is more" by using four crossovers on the end pattern, but I might try that with my smaller skaters since kids don't count.  I was afraid that letting them do six would cause them to do 26!  Five is do-able.

Would you please report this particular issue to the developer?  I think that a question coming from one of their target users would be helpful.  (vs. an old instructor/coach who skated ISI.  ;-) )  The email to use is
"If you still look good after skating practice, you didn't work hard enough."

Year-Round Skating Discussions for Figure Skaters -



Another slightly confusing thing, though I don't think it's incorrect:  In Adult 4, one skill is "Backward Crossover to Landing Position"  In Adult 6, there's "Backwards Crossovers to a Backward Outside Edge Glide (Landing Position)."  The app uses the same video clip for both levels, showing "beginning" (single crossover), intermediate (multiple crossovers), and advanced (three turn, multiple crossovers).  I don't think it's incorrect, but maybe it would be less confusing to users if the caption said "beginning (Adult 4)" and "intermediate (Adult 6"?


In the Instructors Manual, it does list both with very similar Objectives and Focus Points, but different Teaching Tips.  I agree that it's confusing in the curriculum to list the same skill twice so the app could help clarify the progression from beginning to intermediate/advanced.  Good suggestion - pass it to Mark.


I take no credit for anything other than the mislabeled bunny hop, lol.  I had his email handy so I just quickly dashed off a message; I didn't mean to create a shadow.  Because I've sent him bug reports in the past, he probably appreciated the effort and wanted to give me a "attagirl."  Not due - I've been away so I only updated the app this morning to see what skategeek was describing.
"If you still look good after skating practice, you didn't work hard enough."

Year-Round Skating Discussions for Figure Skaters -


No worries!  He e-mailed back and said he'd look at my feedback and make corrections.  Just found him on FB, thanks to your link.  (Apparently there are two different Rink Tank pages and I'm on the other one that only deals with official announcements, etc.  I didn't really want to post a bunch of errors on their public page.)


I agree: if you make an comment on the App Store page, it's there forever and (to my mind) that just confuses people after the fix has been made.  That's why I suggested email. 

Hopefully, our Basic Skills program will get the badges for Adult 5 & 6 because they're still using the 1-4 curriculum. I'd rather use the new curriculum.
"If you still look good after skating practice, you didn't work hard enough."

Year-Round Skating Discussions for Figure Skaters -


My rink is ISI (and for the adults, doesn't really focus on following the curriculum or doing testing), but I've been keeping track on my own of my progress through the USFSA skills.  Passed Adult 1 and 2 at a different rink last summer, and I can do most of Adult 3 and some of 4.  I'm thinking about doing the NJ Basic Skills competition series this year, too.


Heard back and he's going to get the revised app posted asap.  Apparently a couple of the glitches (some of the captions) had already been fixed but somehow got dropped from the uploaded version.  He'll fix the others, too.



New App from a skating coach and programmer, for MOVES IN THE FIELD!  Finally!

Price says "Free, with in-app purchases" -- 99ยข/test level, but it looks like that's just for the "Quiz" to test the user's knowledge.  (I could be wrong; I only downloaded it a few minutes ago.)

I like the layout - you choose the Standard/Adult/Adaptive level, then you can select each test level.
Within each test level, every pattern is listed along with the overall test expectations, etc.

For each pattern, everything you need is available, either within the app or via a link to the US Figure Skating resources/rulebook page.
WONDERFUL: no more searching in the rulebook pdf to find the patterns!
The downsides are that you need internet access for your device if you want to use this -and- it links to the entire rulebook online, so it gets downloaded to your browser.  I keep a copy of the most-current rulebook on my ipad, but there's no way for the app to access that document.  It opens a new browser window and downloads the rulebook, which is quite big, every time you click on a pattern. 

There's a nice, clear video of each pattern being performed at a passing standard.  Standards seem to vary from judge to judge and area to area, but the videos I peeked at look accurate.

It's very much a work-in-progress.
-- Isk8NYC --
"I like to skate on the other side of the ice." - Comedian Steven Wright


I have the moves app. The videos are nice. I just paid for the whole thing at once
Yes I'm in with the 90's. I have a skating blog.


Gonna brag a bit... I'm demonstrating some of the videos in that app.  :)

The coach who created it is really nice and fun to work with. I love the app.


Quote from: AgnesNitt on October 20, 2020, 08:17:53 PM
I have the moves app. The videos are nice. I just paid for the whole thing at once

How?  The app lets me pay for the quizzes, one at a time.  Is that what you did, or is there a "One payment for all" option that I missed?

Quote from: LunarSkater on November 07, 2020, 06:36:20 PM
Gonna brag a bit... I'm demonstrating some of the videos in that app.  :)

The coach who created it is really nice and fun to work with. I love the app.

Bravo!  I had a convo with her via FB Messenger.  She's on the ball and my students are really "getting" things now that I can make them stand still and watch the demos.
(When I demonstrate, they try to mimic without watching.  Waste of my time and a real risk, as I point out to them every time.)

It would be really great if she could talk through the steps during the demonstration, with a voice over.  Ex: Waltz Eight - "Push onto forward outside edge, hold for a count of three while bending knee and keeping upper body checked into the turn, lift heel and turn on the front of the blade.  Now, stay upright, check hip back and hold backward inside edge for a count of three with head turned in direction of travel....

I'm tired of repeating myself all the time and being everyone's memory  bank.  (Me: "Look in the direction you're traveling." Them: "Oh.  I forgot.")
"If you still look good after skating practice, you didn't work hard enough."

Year-Round Skating Discussions for Figure Skaters -


Quote from: FigureSpins on November 09, 2020, 01:11:14 PM
It would be really great if she could talk through the steps during the demonstration, with a voice over.  Ex: Waltz Eight - "Push onto forward outside edge, hold for a count of three while bending knee and keeping upper body checked into the turn, lift heel and turn on the front of the blade.  Now, stay upright, check hip back and hold backward inside edge for a count of three with head turned in direction of travel....

I'm tired of repeating myself all the time and being everyone's memory  bank.  (Me: "Look in the direction you're traveling." Them: "Oh.  I forgot.")

That is a great idea! I don't know her future plans for the app (we're at rinks several hours apart; we filmed before a test session), but I know she's constantly working on it.

Everyone's memory bank! I love it... and it's so true.