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The Pro Shop / Different sharpening technique...
Last post by Kaitsu - December 31, 2024, 10:05:08 AM
Here is some collection of different power tool sharpening techniques and machines. These might be helpful for those whom want to learn skates sharpening or you are looking some out of the box ideas. These are presenting the collection which I have used to pick my knowledge and which has been a bit different than mainstream.

I would be interested to get direct links to videos or search words with other langue's than English. I assume this forum has members which home langue is something else than English. Its hard to find similar videos when I don't know what search words I should use or is there some better channels than Youtube, which is blocked in some countries.

I hope Query is not sharing this time his tips to use google translator or search words which he has translated with google translator. That I can puzzle by my selves. I am now asking help from the people whom home langue is somethings else than English.

Rink Roundups / Re: Bowie ice arena closed aga...
Last post by Query - December 27, 2024, 07:17:29 PM
They re-opened today.
The Pro Shop / Re: Incredible Edger sharpenin...
Last post by Query - December 24, 2024, 04:56:46 PM
My Mistake. Broadbent's study was paid for by the US Olympic Committee, not USFSA.

Broadbent's own most recent version of his page (around November 2024) is archived at

I notice the prices for the sharpening machine have increased from a fair bit on the current page.

The Pro Shop / Re: Incredible Edger sharpenin...
Last post by Query - December 24, 2024, 02:27:17 PM
Oh! Broadbent produced educational materials on skates and sharpening, and at least one USFSA funded study. It is a shame the new company (which isn't providing a name for itself on their website! How strange.) seems to have dropped that material.

One could debate some of his conclusions, as you can with any textbook, but, AFAIK, there is nothing comparable. Or is there?

He also had designed, coplanar mount "GoldQuest" blades with adjustable toe picks, that I think were produced under the MK or JW label. I wonder if anyone still produces them... And whether the patents on them are still in force.

The new company also isn't providing much explanatory material on their website, but perhaps they haven't had time yet.

You can find old versions of at least some of his pages at
The Pro Shop / Re: Make-your-own 3" wheel sha...
Last post by marc - December 24, 2024, 12:18:04 PM

Voici l'avancement de ma future machine à affuter 3"

prochaine étape:
rail de guidage linéaire et montage d'un moteur 400w avec un arbre porte meule.

mery christmas
The Pro Shop / Re: Incredible Edger sharpenin...
Last post by marc - December 24, 2024, 12:16:12 PM
actually, the other day, I came across their site, and I hadn't thought of sharing it here.
The Pro Shop / Re: Incredible Edger sharpenin...
Last post by Kaitsu - December 24, 2024, 02:30:03 AM
Unfortunately Sid Broadbent whom has develped Incredible Edger has passed away some time ago. He was 102 years old. His businesses continues with new owners and they seems to develop business model to meet todays needs. Possibility for online shopping seems to be coming soon.
Rink Roundups / Re: Bowie ice arena closed aga...
Last post by Query - December 06, 2024, 09:17:48 PM
It's been about 7 weeks since they closed. And they had problems before that this season.

They hope to bring someone in December 16 to work on it. If they fix it, then they will still have to remake the ice.

The LA Fitness club a few blocks away, which my health insurance pays for, continues to have problems with their pool and whirlpool bath. At the moment the whirlpool jets don't work, and the water is cold - and I think the pool felt a bit cold to me too. I would need a wetsuit, or at least a skin suit, to swim there.

I shouldn't complain. The Washington DC area metro area has a fair number of ice rinks and has enough wealth to attract some very good coaches. There are worse places to be a skater. (But: I've heard that Northern Virginia electricity costs are projected to increase by about 70% over the next few years because of an influx of cryptocurrency servers and other data centers. I presume it will happen in suburban Maryland and DC too, and that ice rinks costs will go up. But some of that may go away, if and when computer and network security problems destroy the value of cryptocurrencies.)

It's giving me more time to spend trying to regain my strength at the gym.
The Pro Shop / Re: Make-your-own 3" wheel sha...
Last post by marc - December 06, 2024, 09:02:22 AM
Voici le modèle de machine que je voudrais modifier:
je mettais une meule que j'ai dèja de blademaster 3
je me servirais du porte foret pour y mettre le diamant...
je mettrais les rails que j'ai acheté en photos précedentes
par contre j'ai un probleme c'est pour changer le moteur ...
Si vous pouvier m'aider à trouver cela...