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Finding a better fit--did you see a difference?

Started by Meli, July 07, 2013, 01:28:55 PM

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I'm currently in a Riedell TS133 and am looking to upgrade and find a better fit.

When I bought the current skates, I think I fell into the "this is what we sell, so this is what I'm going to sell you" trap.  Some punching, a pair of Superfeet, and some playing with the lacing, and I could skate without it being too painful.  Some issues I just blamed on not having been on the ice in years, not being in shape, and being a heavier skater.  As I've progressed, I've starting hitting problems that are looking like they're more fit related... I feel like there's too much extra length at the toe, and I have problems with my heels lifting up.

Yesterday I went to one of the local skate shops (to get new blade guards) and was discussing the issue.  One look at my flip flop clad feet, and I got the response of "You shouldn't be in Riedell.  You should be in Jackson."  A few measurements later, and it appears that I've been skating in too narrow a boot, and that I need a shorter toe box than Riedell's.

For those of you that improved your fit, did you see much improvement with the change?  I'm not expecting miracles, but I'm debating if I want to purchase now or in a couple of months.


It will definitely make turns spins, and a lot of jumps easier.  You are fighting physics when your blade is too far forward for your foot (because of a too long boot).


I had the same thing happen - a good boot fitter looked at my feet and told me I was in the wrong brand.  After skating for awhile on Risport, I would say I've improved.  The insteps were REALLY painful, but a shot with a heat gun seems to have fixed that.  It was worth it for me.


That is the exact trap I fell into as well!  I had Riedells that also felt like there was too much room in the toe and they were too narrow. While my heel was not rising, I felt like I was slipping forward and had to push my foot back all the time.
I switched to custom Harlicks and feel like they fit well.

That being said, I am not sure it the boot switch improved my skating ablity.  I also switched blades at the same time, so had to get used to them as well.  I attribute difference in spin and jump feeling to the blades rather than the boot.

One thing that I did notice is toe walks were so much easier and felt a lot more natural than in the Riedells ( I am sure that had to do with the toe pick position being right under my toes, instead of forward).  It also feels like I can get a better toe push off for jumps.   

I would say- go for the better fitting boot sooner than later, why risk potential foot problems? 


My first boots were Jackson.  I have a wide forefoot but my heel is narrow and I developed issues with the Jackson's not holding my heel down.  Almost everyone I know in Jackson's have complained that the heel pocket got too wide and gave them issues.  I'm sure they fit many people wonderfully.  Just wanted to give you something to think about if you happen to have smaller heels but wide forefeet.
Adult Silver FS, Intermediate MITF
Bronze Level Test Judge - Singles/Pairs
Non-Qual Competition Judge


I'm in my third pair of Jackson/second pair of Competitors.  The first was a C width that was perfect for the ball of my foot, but a little loose at the heel.  The current pair is a B width, perfect in the heel, a bit tight through the ball.  I've already told my DH that my next pair will be a split last modification to fix that little problem.

Can't wait for that to happen.
Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with one gorgeous redhead.  (Lucille Ball)


I'm curious too. My current skates are too big and I have just got new ones (blades being fitted in the next day or 2! :)).

The way my old ones broke down (due to incorrect fit) mean I've been having problems with my R foot edges (too much on inside). Getting the magic tightness of tight enough to lock my heel in position but not cause cramp has been a nightmare too. I only really noticed how bad it had got after being off ice for a few weeks due to an injury earlier this year.

I have been skating in Riedells too. Jacksons were close size wise - wide enough at the toes but sadly waaay to loose at the heel for my feet. I ended up getting Riedells again as they were the only brands any skate shops over here had experience of special ordering to get the right combinations of widths to properly fit my feet.

I'm just hoping I won't be fighting my skates as much (once they are broken in anyway!). If all that changes if I feel more confident about trusting my edges it will still be worth every penny! Anything else is a bonus.

If you are definitely in the wrong length and width skates and can afford to get new ones now I would. I've been trying to get new boots/blades since March and it feels like I've just been treading water skills wise in the meantime and have been rather wasting my money.


Quote from: ChristyRN on July 07, 2013, 06:55:22 PM
I'm in my third pair of Jackson/second pair of Competitors.  The first was a C width that was perfect for the ball of my foot, but a little loose at the heel.  The current pair is a B width, perfect in the heel, a bit tight through the ball.  I've already told my DH that my next pair will be a split last modification to fix that little problem.

Can't wait for that to happen.

I considered split width Harlick X Lines but decided to go custom.  I'm expecting my first pair of custom boots to arrive in about 4 weeks.
Adult Silver FS, Intermediate MITF
Bronze Level Test Judge - Singles/Pairs
Non-Qual Competition Judge


Well, they're going to order in a pair to try, and said that they'll order in another if the first doesn't work.  If I have to go split width, so be it.  We'll see... I'd love to quit fighting my boots.


I was recently talking to a skating parent whose skater once had to go thru 5 different custom skates in one year because of fit issues coupled with significant growth: 1 klingbeil, 2 harlicks, and 2 sp teris. all I could say was wow. this sport is surely picky on equipment, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

I'd say physically try out as many different brands as you can, or even get customs if needed. at least adult skaters don't tend to change sizes!


I'm a bit late to the party, but wanted to throw my experience in there.

I had custom Harlicks that fit, but when they broke down I decided to try Klingbeil because I had heard they had an easier break-in time. They never felt quite right, and the toe box was shaped different which made them a bit too big. Massive injury and a second pair of Klingbeils, the were still made too big. Better than the first, but still too big.

Even though some of my struggle was simply relearning things I had previously known, a lot of my control over turns and spins was gone. Once I got another pair of Harlicks (semi-custom) that actually fit, I realized how much effort I wasted compensating for my foot moving around in my boot. Because they were too long, I was never entirely centered over my blade. The width was also off, which caused it's own problems.

Now, my skating didn't magically change overnight. However, I started actually being able to progress and things felt easier as I got used to the new boots. Now that I've had them worked on further and I'm no longer over-booted (they were too stiff) it's amazing the progress that I have made.


Knock knock...
I recently had custom Harlicks made, as I seemed to go through stock boots every few months because they caused so much pain, and I'd also try to find a stock boot that "fit better." But the fact of the matter was, my feet are two different sizes with a very narrow heel, wide ball, and extremely high arches. I learned that my edges and spins hit a plateau mark because my skates didn't fit and thus my alignment was thrown off (mainly because of my high arches, which make outside edges of any kind very difficult.) I also alleviated my plantar fasciaitis and foot pain from skates always being too narrow. I also have had NO problems with blisters, corn, etc etc!! I LOVE much customs, and I do think it was well worht the money. A better fit is ALWAYS going to enhance your performance, and for me, it eliminated most all my pain in skating!


Quote from: Landing~Lutzes on July 08, 2013, 10:47:18 PM
I LOVE much customs, and I do think it was well worht the money. A better fit is ALWAYS going to enhance your performance, and for me, it eliminated most all my pain in skating!

:love: I'm so happy for you!  Phil from Harlick just called me today to discuss my boots and said the ETA is August 13th.  Oh boy!  The poor bones in my feet can't wait.
Adult Silver FS, Intermediate MITF
Bronze Level Test Judge - Singles/Pairs
Non-Qual Competition Judge


Quote from: slcbelle on July 08, 2013, 10:50:53 PM
:love: I'm so happy for you!  Phil from Harlick just called me today to discuss my boots and said the ETA is August 13th.  Oh boy!  The poor bones in my feet can't wait.

That's so exciting! You are going to LOVE them! When I ordered my Harlicks, I couldn't fathom how they would fit just by some drawings and measurements, but they fit like slippers and hug my feet in all the rate places. They flatter my feet... that's a weird thing to say lol!


Going from stock Jacksons to custom Klings = ending of Achilles tendon inflammation.  Going from custom Klings to custom Harlicks = better fit and having to re-learn some jump techniques (Harlick has a higher heel than Kling) but corrected a persistent problem of landing back on heels on landings. Harlicks outlasting Kling for whatever reason, so reduction in $$$$$$$$$$$$ spent.

Going from stock Jacksons to stock Riedell for other kid = better fit and felt more secure on landings.  Also the "pretty" factor ... the Riedells were neater and more elegant on the feet, which added to self-confidence  88)  so, the "flatter my feet" comment - sounds perfectly normal to me.


I think it's funny how different everyone's feet can be.  I am beyond happy with my split width jacksons, and I'm on my second pair.  The first were chosen primarily for financial reasons (getting back into skating needing to replace my old custom SP Teri's, which didn't fit after 3 pregnancies, it was a no brainer to buy a stock boot at less than half the cost of another pair of customs, including the extra fee for the narrower heels) but the second pair was chosen because the first worked so well with my feet.  I had also tried a pair of SP Teri's in a size/width that should have worked and they caused a lot of pressure on the upper part of my heel bone - to continue skating on those would have been a recipe for foot damage.


It makes a total difference. I started in Reidells and was between widths so was fitted into the wide. As they broke in, they got wider and were never tight enough. I've posted pictures of my boots with the laces holes ripped from never being tight enough. Plus the soles of my feet would hurt for at least the first 10-15 minutes of the session.

I got Jackson Competitors in B width and it was like the angels were singing. So comfortable and easy break in. Two years later I got talked into an A width. Nothing but hurting feet despite getting them punched out in the toes. Coach was always commenting on how I was up on my toes or bent forward. Changed back to the B width. Soooooooo much better.  I feel lucky that I can wear stock boots.


I'm really interested in all the replies since this is exactly what we were told about DD's feet this weekend. She is in Riedell 133 but was fitted for Jackson Freestyles in a C width. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the skating after we make the switch (which won't be for a while...had to order them and they're due in right before a competition so we probably won't change over for about a month.)


Well, just tried the first attempt at the new skates.  Not quite right.  Toes happy, heel moving.  Going to go down half a size, and get a split width.  We'll try again in 6 weeks.

I hate being fussy, but I don't want new skates with old problems.


Quote from: Meli on July 15, 2013, 08:45:19 PM
I hate being fussy, but I don't want new skates with old problems.

That's not being fussy, that's being smart :)


Quote from: LT on July 10, 2013, 05:04:09 PM
I'm really interested in all the replies since this is exactly what we were told about DD's feet this weekend. She is in Riedell 133 but was fitted for Jackson Freestyles in a C width. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the skating after we make the switch (which won't be for a while...had to order them and they're due in right before a competition so we probably won't change over for about a month.)

I was in Riedell 133's, Medium width, before shifting to Freestyles in C width. Love the change, although I wish the heels had been narrower. Now I use cosmetic pads to keep my heels in place. Saving up to buy Finesse/Premiere split width pair, because unfortunately Jackson no longer makes semi-customs for Freestyle and Competitor.


Tonight I took the new skates out for a spin (literally!)  I ended up with a C width Competitor in a half size smaller than what I was previously wearing.

Ow.  Right one needs a little more stretching, but at least my arches aren't screaming.  Big plus.

Edges: I can really feel them.  Whole different ballgame.

Rocker:  So that's where it's supposed to be!

Toepick:  Well, that's quite the dangerous looking thing.  Going to take a little getting used to... both for size and location.  Tried tripping myself a few times.  Tried a baby bunny hop (crazy, not stupid)... oh, so that's how that works...


Turns out the C width were a little too wide. And her feet grew almost a full size in between us ordering the boots and the pro shop getting them in! So she ended up in Jackson Freestyles, B width. They seem perfect -- she got about 4 more revs on her one foot spin as soon as she hit the ice in them. Her edges have improved as well. But she lost her shoot the duck and she's been a little more hesitant on her jumps while she's getting used to them. All in all I think they'll be great once she's worn them a few more times. She says they are WAY more comfortable than her Riedells.