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Author Topic: What to expect at first adult competition?  (Read 4789 times)

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Offline CaraSkates

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What to expect at first adult competition?
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:17:51 PM »
This weekend I will be competing in my first adult competition. I have competed standard track before (although not in four years!). It is not an adult only competition, I am competing at my state games and will be doing Silver FS and an artistic program. I am excited because there is actually some competition - 5 in my freestyle and 8 in my artistic! I don't really know what else to expect though - I will have my coach there, will everyone? I haven't even seen an adult event in person.

I am hoping I will be competitive at Silver, I have things like lutz/loop/toe and camel/layback in my program, but since it is my first time, I will just see what happens. I have an axel attempt but I always two-foot it. :-\ I am pretty sure I am the youngest in both groups (I would be an age class I) because of how it is listed. I am also the only adult from my club competing...we have lots of kids going so hopefully they will come cheer me on!

Thanks for any insights or tips you may have!

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 03:22:36 PM »
Other skaters may or may not have their coaches there.  I couldn't really afford to pay mine, so he didn't come to competitions unless he had other students there.

I think it is tough to tell if you will be competitive- you just never know what other skaters will be doing until you learn who is your usual competition.  Most non-sectionals/nationals don't divide by age class, so you might be up against everyone.  (If there are enough for a 'group' who are in a much higher age class, you can try to petition to seperate it.  Our state games had an 'adult' category one year- 3 were pre-bronze/bronze, 3 were gold- who do you think would medal?  The 3 gold skaters refused to get on the ice until they made two events out of the adult event.)

My advice, which you probably don't need to hear if you've competed before: get there early.  If you have a distance to drive, plan to get there really early.  I've been in tears on the interstate stuck behind a truck pile up because I only gave myself 3 hours to get to a competition 1 hour away, and got there late.  Also, plan to have things run late- that same competition was running so late the fact that I got there at my scheduled program time ended up making no difference!  So be really flexible.  You or your coach should watch who is on the ice.  I put my dress on 1 hour before my scheduled program time (arrive in dress if I get there 1 hour early) and I put my skates on 3 skaters before my warm up, doing off ice warm ups about 7 skaters before my warm up (but I do really brief ones).

Just enjoy the experience and make sure to watch the other skaters.  Cheer for your club, and they are more likely to cheer for you- though sometimes adult events are scheduled at lunch or end of day when other people have left :(   

At least for me, I've never been at an overly competitive adult event- I've always talked with my competitors while waiting for warm up, and often while others in the group are on the ice.  Just never when they are the next skater up!   That's probably the big difference between standard track.  You want to win, but most are there to have fun as a primary objective.

Good luck!

Offline CaraSkates

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 03:32:04 PM »
Other skaters may or may not have their coaches there.  I couldn't really afford to pay mine, so he didn't come to competitions unless he had other students there.

I think it is tough to tell if you will be competitive- you just never know what other skaters will be doing until you learn who is your usual competition.  Most non-sectionals/nationals don't divide by age class, so you might be up against everyone.  (If there are enough for a 'group' who are in a much higher age class, you can try to petition to seperate it.  Our state games had an 'adult' category one year- 3 were pre-bronze/bronze, 3 were gold- who do you think would medal?  The 3 gold skaters refused to get on the ice until they made two events out of the adult event.)

Thanks Skittl! Luckily, it is divided by level - Pre-Bronze, Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc. There are 4-5 skaters in each except Gold and there is even a Pre-Bronze Men's event. I am looking forward to seeing some other adult skating! I am ok with being the youngest...will be a nice change from being the oldest when I competed standard!

I have practice ice two hours before so I will be there nice and early - I will actually be at the competition all weekend as a vendor this year. It is totally worth it to me to pay my coaches - it will only be $50 for the two events and they will do an off ice warmup and then on ice warmup/put me on. They will be running around like crazy because there are two ice surfaces and they have about 15 skaters competing! However, if it was an overnight competition, I probably wouldn't be able to afford having them :(

I am thinking the little kids from my club will come cheer for me because they love my artistic and I am like their big sister :) I am lucky to be in a club with a lot of club spirit!

Offline rosereedy

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 04:35:32 PM »
It sounds like you really have a great competition coming up!  I hope you have fun.  I love competing at adult levels because we are there for fun and not go to the Olympics.  Get there early, if you don't normally do something before you skate then don't start doing it the day of competition.  I knew a girl that thought running 4 miles the morning of would be a great idea.  It wasn't.  I was that girl.  Whatever you normally do before practice, do before you compete.  Most skaters likely will have their coaches but for adults, this isn't always the case since it could be their only competitor.  It's usually the younger skaters that are dependent on their coaches to put them on the ice.  Have a great time, skate your best and ROCK ON!!

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2013, 09:12:40 PM »
I haven't seen you skate, but I've seen a lot of Silver events and it's all over the place in terms of content (near test level to why can't I get control of this #@$% Axel and  move up!).  :)  Good luck, have fun, try and make some new friends.

Offline PinkLaces

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2013, 10:33:48 PM »
The adult events that I have been to are fun.  The other competitiors are friendly.  The first one I went to there were 6 skaters in my event.  They all seemed to know each other so felt a little out of place.  Everyone was nice and cheered each other on.  One other time we were divided by age so there were 4 of us in one group and 5 in another.  We were all the same level.  That was a really fun group.  I'd say almost all of them had their coaches with them since the coaches had kid skaters at the same competition.

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 09:36:38 AM »
I never have my coach at competition.  These days I am only doing Sectionals and Nationals and maybe one other event (Buckeye or Peach).  I am her only adult skater and it is not worth the money to have her come with me.  Plus, I don't really need her.  I know what I need to do.  I have gotten so used to competing and performing without her that I am actually more nervous when she is there!

Competitions that are adult only are different from competitions that are not adult only and have adult events.  It sounds like you have a good number of competitors, though.

Offline CaraSkates

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 10:57:39 AM »
I was actually surprised at how many competitors there are for the adult events! In previous years, there have only been maybe 3 at most! I think most of the others have competed Silver before and might know each other but perhaps I will make some new friends! I am excited for it - and to cheer for the other skaters from my club too. I am hoping to test Silver FS in a few weeks, if I can get into the test session (I have already passed Pre-Juv so Silver is the lowest I can compete). I've already been training the cardio so it makes sense.

Thanks for everyone's tips and advice! Now I just have to finish stoning my dress!

Offline sampaguita

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2013, 07:00:45 PM »
Based on my experience -- come early, and do your warm up early! You never know what's going to happen to the schedule!  ;D

Offline Skittl1321

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 09:34:48 AM »
Is the dress ready? Did you make it yourself, or just stone it?

Offline CaraSkates

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2013, 10:06:47 PM »
Is the dress ready? Did you make it yourself, or just stone it?

Dress is done - and still 12hrs till I compete! I made it and stoned it :)

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2013, 10:56:46 PM »
- and still 12hrs till I compete!

Oooooh good luck and have fun!
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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2013, 09:15:16 AM »
You probably won't see this until you're done, but good luck! Competitions with lots of adults (I've been in some where I was the ONLY adult) are really fun. People are generally very nice, and it's great to get to know other adult skaters.

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2013, 05:34:58 PM »
I agree with what others have said:  Get to know your fellow adult skaters and be supportive of them.  Nobody's competing for an Olympic spot and being friends with your fellow competitors makes it so much less stressful!  :)

Offline CaraSkates

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2013, 08:13:54 PM »
Thanks everyone! I had a blast, met some other adult skaters (new friends!) and ended up winning both my events! I was pretty confidant after my artistic because it was a really strong skate but not so sure after my freestyle - the other skaters were good! Long day but lots of fun :) Only bummer was that the medal ceremony for my artistic was during the freestyle warmup - all the other medalists were also in my warmup so we were all on the ice!

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2013, 09:10:11 PM »
Wow congrats!! 

Offline sampaguita

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2013, 04:33:20 AM »
Thanks everyone! I had a blast, met some other adult skaters (new friends!) and ended up winning both my events! I was pretty confidant after my artistic because it was a really strong skate but not so sure after my freestyle - the other skaters were good! Long day but lots of fun :) Only bummer was that the medal ceremony for my artistic was during the freestyle warmup - all the other medalists were also in my warmup so we were all on the ice!

Congratulations, CaraSkates!!! :D

Offline Doubletoe

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2013, 10:26:28 PM »

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2013, 06:25:44 AM »

Now I have questions about your dress....

Offline CaraSkates

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Re: What to expect at first adult competition?
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2013, 08:25:22 AM »
Thanks everyone!!

Treesprite, I'd be happy to send you a PM and discuss the dress :)