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Author Topic: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)  (Read 3345 times)

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Offline JimStanmore

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Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« on: August 30, 2010, 08:40:37 PM »
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Post Title: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions
Posted: 11-11-2009, 03:52 PM

 Just started skating this year, so I had no goals set for 2009...but then again, I didn't expect to complete the level of abilities I have gained over this year since January. I guess I can say I have 2010 goals???

1.) Get a consistent backspin (the only element that has been the slowest in progress)
2.) Land an axle by mid next year??
3.) Get lower in my sit spin. My coach wants me past the 90 degree mark now that I can sit that low. Good times.
4.) Gain speed on my camel spin
5.) Pass Bronze MITF and FreeStyle
6.) Hopefully place in Interpretation/Dramatic and Bronze during sectionals in January? Go to Nationals???
7.) Have a Y spiral by February
8.) Almost can do the splits and my back flexibility is coming along nicely. Stronger back catch position.

Just some goals I have while thinking about them off hand. 

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Posted: 11-11-2009, 04:07 PM

 I hope to get back to skating regularly, so my 2010 Resolutions are:

1) Start taking lessons again. (Moves, Ice Dance, and Freestyle - that order)
2) Pass the Preliminary MITF, Canasta Tango and Rhythm Blues tests (can run over to 2011)
3) Root for everyone at Adult Easterns again, but off-camera this time.

How to get there:
. Exercise every day, including stretching, sweating and weight-bearing exercises.
. Practice at least six hours a week.
. Cut expenses to free up money for lessons. 

Kim to the Max
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Posted: 11-11-2009, 05:40 PM

 Some of the timing of these depends on the results of my tests this weekend, but here we go:

1) Put together an Intermediate test program (testing Juvenile this weekend)
2) Land 2 sal clean (currently landed, but about a 1/2 rotation under rotated)
3) Land 2 toe
4) Start and make progress on 2 loop
5) Work on Layback variations
6) Pass Senior Moves prior to September 2010 (testing Junior this weekend)
7) Start dance (after Senior Moves are passed - that is my agreement with coach), pass several dance tests during 2010
8) Work on Flying Camel 

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Posted: 11-11-2009, 05:42 PM

 *Pass Bronze dance tests

*Pass all Pre-Silver dance tests 

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Posted: 11-11-2009, 06:19 PM

 Okay, so, falling under the general theme of IMPROVE!!!!!....

1. Learn to spin!
2. Improve my general MITF and basics and really push myself
3. Maybe do a test?
4. Improve flexibility for spirals and such 

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Posted: 11-11-2009, 06:23 PM

 This was mine last year....

Well, I still can't claim to have a consistent loop, but I thankfully did land one in the technical program at this year's AN!!! In fact, I nailed all the jumps at AN. It was the artistic program where I two footed my loop. Everything else was fine.

I spent the greater part after Skate SF 2008 and the first 4 months of 2009 working on my crossovers and a little bit of the Silver Moves, as well as some of the jumps. The loop is a bit more consistent and I am landing the lutz more often (particularly when I'm not tired and have a lot of energy.)

I unfortunately lost my job again this year and the unemployment period this time was a LOT longer than last year's -- 8 months!!! I lost it in Feb 2009 and just joined the company in mid-October! I am back training with my choreographer (now new primary coach) as of my birthday last week and my secondary coach the following day!!! What a wonderful birthday gift!!!

2010 goals:
Dare I suggest passing Silver Moves, especially given my track record with my Bronze Moves???

If my lessons with everything else is as hopeful as today's lessons with the BI3's (my weakest 3turns), I might have a shot end of 2010. Other than that, same as last year... maybe adding a camel spin with a bow on it???

And most importantly, I STAY SANELY EMPLOYED ALL OF 2010!!! 

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Posted: 11-11-2009, 07:37 PM

 AFter the broken ankle and everything else, I'm setting my goals low.
1. Break in my new boots
2. Get my three-turns and mohawks back
3. Get a new coach now that my old one is retired
4. Start learning Moves (switching from figures) 

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Posted: 11-11-2009, 07:40 PM

 I posted in the other thread, but 2009 goals didn't happen for the most part.
-I passed through Intermediate moves and Juv FS (I said I wanted to test through JUNIOR. No idea what I was thinking).
-I didn't get a clean and consistent 2axel or any triples, although I've been getting much, much closer. I think it's conceivable for me to land a clean 2axel by the end of the year, still.
-I competed at regionals at open-Juv, not Novice

However, I DID improve my general skating skills and I DID improve my flying spins.

Ok, I'm going to set mine with the dream that my body will cooperate in 2010.

-Clean, consistent 2axel
-Two relatively clean and relatively consistent triples
-Pass Junior moves and Novice FS
-Increase my arsenal of spin variations
-Improve my general skating skills
-Improve flexibility

How to get there
-Stretch every day
-Practice smarter. Don't over train what I can do consistently so that I have more time and energy to focus on the skills I hope to learn
-Order my body to not attack itself and not get hurt? 

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Posted: 11-12-2009, 11:20 AM

 Well, though my progress has slowed to a crawl, I should probably try for some goals, yes?


Pass Paso and Starlight Waltz

Pass Bronze FS

Get a long ways toward having first gold dance test-ready

The Paso isn't far off from giving it a try & I'm hoping to put it out in January, so that might actually be realistic. Then I think it will just depend on how hard I work on the Starlight.

I'm skipping AN this year to make testing a priority, so I'd better have something to show for it!!! 

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Posted: 11-13-2009, 09:53 AM

 I didn't set any for 2009, but I feel I have made a lot of progress this year. I'm set to test pre-bronze before the end of the year, assuming I can find a test session that works for me and my coach; I've landed my loop (altho it's barely off the ice); and I'm getting closer to that elusive sit spin.

I've also started on the camel and layback spins, the flip jump, and upgraded my skating.

Overall, I'm pleased.

No "goals" for 2010 except for continuing on with my coach on Sundays. That's all I can hope for. I start clinicals in January and from what I hear, it's grueling-Theory classes Monday-Wednesday, Clinical rotations Thursday & Fridays. Homework due all the time etc. All the nursing students tote rolling bags because they have so many books. Yeah.

Assuming I pass pre-bronze, I'd like to take the freestyle portion of the test by June. Then I can work on my bronze stuff in the 2 years while I'm in school. Maybe I can test, pass bronze & graduate nursing school at the same time? 

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Posted: 11-13-2009, 11:25 AM

 First, how did I do on this years goals (not very well!)
My goals for 2009
1. Have a 5 revolution, pulled in, foot crossed backspin. I think I have this one
2. Have a 3+ revolution camel, that doesn't fall onto the inside edge (skipping the sitspin here) Nope
3. Make reasonable progress towards testing Silver Moves Not even close
4. Be able to attempt a loop while moving. Yep. I can attempt it after 1, or even 2 slow pushes
5. Stop toe waltzing. nope, but I have a better understanding of what I'm doing and have made progress towards fixing it
6. Increase flexibility, working towards a Y-spiral. No. My spirals are miserable. Worse than when I was a beginner skater

My 2010 goals.
1. Test and pass Dutch Waltz and Canasta Tango, make reasonable progress on the Rhythm Blues (i.e., be able to attempt end pattern)
2. Fix scratch spin, so that it is fast, centered, and consistent like it used to be.
3. Strong backspin.
4. Pass LTS Freeskate 4. (Need that loop and a waltz-loop)
5. Make an attempt at Bronze Freeskate test.
6. Make progress on Silver Moves 

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Posted: 11-13-2009, 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Skittl1321 
First, how did I do on this years goals (not very well!)
My goals for 2009
1. Have a 5 revolution, pulled in, foot crossed backspin. I think I have this one
2. Have a 3+ revolution camel, that doesn't fall onto the inside edge (skipping the sitspin here) Nope
3. Make reasonable progress towards testing Silver Moves Not even close
4. Be able to attempt a loop while moving. Yep. I can attempt it after 1, or even 2 slow pushes
5. Stop toe waltzing. nope, but I have a better understanding of what I'm doing and have made progress towards fixing it
6. Increase flexibility, working towards a Y-spiral. No. My spirals are miserable. Worse than when I was a beginner skater

My 2010 goals.
1. Test and pass Dutch Waltz and Canasta Tango, make reasonable progress on the Rhythm Blues (i.e., be able to attempt end pattern)
2. Fix scratch spin, so that it is fast, centered, and consistent like it used to be.
3. Strong backspin.
4. Pass LTS Freeskate 4. (Need that loop and a waltz-loop)
5. Make an attempt at Bronze Freeskate test.
6. Make progress on Silver Moves
Are you going to attend the adult dance camp again this coming year? 

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Posted: 11-13-2009, 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by dance2sk8 
Are you going to attend the adult dance camp again this coming year? 
I don't know if I'll know enough dances to make it worthwhile- but I really hope to go out there again, maybe for freestyle. If I can have 6 dances, then I think the dance weekend would be fun.

Even more fun if I could stay with a friend instead of spend a few hundred on a hotel !! 

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Posted: 11-13-2009, 05:03 PM

 New Year's Resolutions

2009 Goals:

Pass more tests (some combination of pre moves, pre fs, and/or prejuv moves)Passed preliminary moves in September

Camel Spin- Lot better than what it was, but probably not recognizable

Layback Spin- Actually legitimately started working on it this week

Loop Jump- Almost there

Flip Jump-Haven't attempted lately

Lutz Jump- Haven't attempted lately

Attempts at axels- Ummm.....

Spread Eagle/Ina Baur-I can do a bent knee spread eagle or an ina baur in a circle. Nothing in the big dramatic flourish across the ice yet.

2010 Goals
1. Pass pre juvenile moves, maybe even juvenile moves?
2. Improve camel and sit spins
3. Work on layback position?
4. Consistently land another jump (Loop, Flip, or Lutz)
5. Learn to look up more! 

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Post Title: Show up
Posted: 11-14-2009, 03:46 PM

 Show up at Adult Nationals
Entertain you all. 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 08:42:25 PM »
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Posted: 11-14-2009, 03:52 PM

 2010 Goals

Land my axel...cleanly
Land my 2sal AND 2toe..both of them have great potental of being landed
Improve my camel spin...yuck
Now that most of my forward spins are consistant, try to make them more fluid and artistic....really concentrate on neatness, pointing the toes, clean and intentional arm positions
Get a consistant back sit and maybe back camel...once I get my forward one straightened out
Increase leg and back flexibilty...for spirals, laybacks,
If all goes well with the massage career, compete at my first adult competition..I've been to invitationals where the ages are mixed
Compete with my artistic, spotlight, and silver programme
Like with spins, focus more on the cleanliness of the movements..make everything look good and intentional. 

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Posted: 11-14-2009, 04:07 PM

 Hmm, evidently I didn't commit to any 2009 goals in writing, so I can't confirm whether or not I achieved them! So, onward to 2010:

1) Pass the Fiesta Tango, hopefully in time to qualify for ANs. - Guess that makes this still a 2009 goal, doesn't it?
DONE! As of 11/29!
2) Pass my 1st Figure Test.
3) Maybe pass the Pre-Bronze Free Dance test, depending on what my partner thinks!
4) Compete at ANs, in Silver interpretive, Pre-Bronze/Bronze solo dance, and (I hope!) Pre-Bronze dance.
5) Correct my spin entry.

I might add more later, we'll see. 

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Posted: 11-15-2009, 12:16 PM

 Let's see how I did this year:
2009 Goals:
-Start landing double salchows and double toes Okay this is getting ridiculous, as this was actually a goal from 2008 that I still haven't done!
-Pass Novice MIF this school year DONE!! In June, possibly with Swine Flu
-Learn Junior MIF-Yes, if you count what I do as a choctaw
-Pass Gold FS- I'm taking it on 12/15, keeping my fingers crossed! I PASSED!!!
-Get really good at the Y spin and back camel- Really good is subjective, but I think they're alright.
-Have a really awesome spiral sequence-not awesome, but good
-Keep working on speed and presentation-yes
-Build up my stamina to get through the longer program and novice MIF!- this is an ongoing battle, but I am slowly winning!

Okay, now for 2010:
-Compete at sectionals with a clean, strong program
-Compete at AN with a clean, strong program
-Get all of my elements called at AN
-Pass Junior MIF before the changes
-Learn the new Senior MIF
-Do a Bielman spiral and start attempting the spin?
-Finally learn to do a 2sal and 2toe
-Continue to strengthen my spins- back camel, pancake, change edge, Y
-Learn a sideways leaning spin 

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Posted: 11-15-2009, 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by dance2sk8 
Are you going to attend the adult dance camp again this coming year? 
What adult dance camp? Is this a new one? Please share! 

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Posted: 11-16-2009, 02:51 PM

 Goals from 2009: (that I recall)
Pass Nov FD-done
Pass Jr Moves-done
Finish pre silver (standard)-done

Goals for 2010:
Get jumps back, A, 2S, 2T (all fully rotated not on 1(r) foot)
Pass Jr FD (taking Feb 10)
Pass Pre gold cds (adult) and 1 gold (adult)
Finish silver cd's on standard
Get no (-) GOE on any elements at IJS events
Gain points on GOE (done 2x in 09)
Pass SR moves before change!! 

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Posted: 11-16-2009, 03:39 PM

 Okay haven't done one of these before, but given that my progress of late seems to have stopped crawling and come to a complete halt I thought it might help me keep things in perspective(or not).

Goals for 2010:

Land clean axel (finally)
Land 2 salchow (Hah!)
get flip consistent at higher speeds
get sit spin consistently below 90 degrees
Have 3 revs on back camel
get Level 6 and 7 Field moves upto to test standard
Learn flying camel (maybe) 

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Posted: 11-16-2009, 06:39 PM

 2009 Goals Accomplished:
Pass pre-juv free
Medal in solo dance at ANs

2009 Goals Not Accomplished (were very close but didn't get done d/t injury):
Pass Jr moves (signed up to test, had to w/d). I'd love to try these in February.
Clean Axel (is very very close, still might happen in December when I can get back to them)
Nail flying camel in competition (had to w/d from Buckeye and won't be able to do the Holiday Comp in Columbus, so won't have the opportunity until Wyandotte). I actually did a good one in my interp at a local competition back in March so I "could" count it, but I need/want it in my free program.

2010 Goals:
Lose 50 pounds
Clean axel and axel in combination
Nail flying camel in competition
Junior and senior MIF
Continue improving spins
Podium in silver free and silver solo dance at ANs

I'd like to get at least 2 pre-gold dances but not working on dance until after moves are finished (but I'll pretty much have to move up in solo dance after this year). I'd also like a clean 2 toe because it's actually close, but concern over that jump is tabled until the axel is consistent and moves are done and I can think about moving up to gold free. It won't do me any good in silver. Depending on how this season goes, I may skate up in gold a few times next year if I don't officially move up. 

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Posted: 11-17-2009, 04:58 AM

1. skate 

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Posted: 11-17-2009, 10:50 AM

 Wow, I made a lot of goals in 2009.

2009 Goals:

-stay injury-free - No. Stupid tendinitis. And I twisted my knee last spring.
-pass Gold Moves - Yes!
-pass Fiesta Tango - Yes! (Just this past weekend.)
-pass Swing - No
-start working on next level of dances - Yes
-land axel - No
-get a stag jump that looks like one - Yes, sort of.
-pass Gold Freestyle - No
-compete at least once - Yes
-get splits on both sides - No
-start working on double salchow - Yes
-start working on double toe - No, but I started on double loop
-land axel-toe loop OR axel-loop - haha!! No.
-get salchow timing under control - Yes
-keep forward camel consistent - Yes
-be able to do a catch camel - Yes, just barely.
-be able to do a layback that looks like a layback - No
-get flying camel higher and consistent - eh...yes
-get camel-back camel consistent - yes, barely
-get sit-back sit and back camel-back sit consistent - yes to first, no to second
-get a lower back sit - yes
-3-rev back sit in isolation - no
-faster camel-sit - yes
-get a stronger back spin exit - not really
-get even higher spirals - yes?
-hold a spread eagle (inside or outside) for 3 seconds - no
-lose 10 more lbs - no

54% success rate!

2010 Goals:
-land friggin' axel
-pass Gold Freestyle
-pass Swing dance
-pass all 3 Bronze dances
-land double sal
-splits, again (a recurring goal)
-compete at least once
-improve catch camel
-layback that looks like a layback
-back camel-back sit
-6 rev back camel
-consistent pancake spin
-spread eagle for 3 seconds
-lose the weight I gained this year 

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Posted: 11-17-2009, 11:25 AM

 2009 Goals:

I don't remember what my 08 goals were, but I only have 2 goals for 09:

1. Pass Silver moves - Tested in summer 08 and got a retry
2. Pass Silver freestyle - Nope*

*In mid-2008, I developed an auto-immune disorder (which I am finally just getting under control), so any goals I had after AN 08 went out the window.

My top 10 new goals for the 09/10 season are:

1. Get my jumps back (I just started landing lutzes again this past weekend, so I'm almost there! )

2. Lay further back on my layback spin

3. Get consistent camel

4. Get consistent flying camel

5. Pass Silver moves

6. Pass Preliminary free

7. Get combo spins consistent

8. Get back to work on the axel

9. Lose another 10-20 lbs.

10. Medal in both interps at AN 10 (a girl can dream, right?!) 

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Posted: 11-19-2009, 03:43 PM

 2009 Goals
1. Test pre-bronze dances - tested everything except fiesta
2. Consider testing bronze moves - I thought about it
3. do at least one comp - yes
4. sit spin - yes
5. begin work on axel - um...

2010 Goals
1. Test and pass Fiesta Tango
2. Test at least one Bronze dance
3. Test Bronze moves
4. Test Bronze free
5. Axel 

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Posted: 11-19-2009, 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by Skittl1321 
I don't know if I'll know enough dances to make it worthwhile- but I really hope to go out there again, maybe for freestyle. If I can have 6 dances, then I think the dance weekend would be fun.

Even more fun if I could stay with a friend instead of spend a few hundred on a hotel !!
You are MORE than welcome to stay with me if you come in! It would be a treat. 

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Posted: 11-19-2009, 06:29 PM

 Goals for 2010 competition season:
- Land lutz from bracket entry in my program (Done!)
- Y spiral with heel grab and free foot above head (DONE!! )
- Get my SpSq called as level 4 for 4th year in a row (new rules make it harder every year!)
- Fix my flying camel (I had it working perfectly for a week, but then. . .)
- Add a level to at least one of my spins (mostly there on the change of edge)
- Get my double salchow back (I've been shying away from this after throwing my back out on a salchow in April . . .)
- Land axel from RFO spread eagle (Umm, this is reeeeally harrrd. . . Maybe not.)
- Smile and express more when performing
- Skate a clean program at Sectionals
- Skate a clean program at AN 

Black Sheep
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Post Title: *Showtime! April 23-25, 2010!*
Posted: 11-20-2009, 10:16 AM

 I haven't skated in an ice show for about four years now. Recently, I asked the show director at my new rink if she'd like to have an adult soloist in this year's show, and she was thrilled to have me! I signed up to do a solo and the all-ages production number. I must say it really is a treat to be getting back into "show business" again! 

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Posted: 11-20-2009, 03:01 PM

 I will bid goodbye to the ice at the end of 2009. Our synchro team will be done as of the Christmas show and I just don't have the time, patience or funds to justify getting to the rink for lessons or whatever when I haven't got the time, patience or funds for practice. I have had fun, but without time to practice, it seems sort of silly to expect any improvement and, seeing as I'm still doing the same things I've been doing for nearly six years, and most of it not nearly as well as I used to do it, I'm retiring. 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 08:42:50 PM »
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Posted: 11-20-2009, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by doubletoe 
Goals for 2010 competition season:
- Land lutz from bracket entry in my program (Done!)
I put this in my program right before I got hurt. It actually made my lutz better because having the turn to think about right before I go into the jump makes me not over-think the jump as much. And it gets you on a nice, clean outside edge quicker/more easily than the other things I was doing before to make it more difficult (I had LFI/RBO choctaw-mohawk and crossed the L over the right to set it up last year, but then had to settle into the edge for a second and it slowed the jump down).

Oh one more goal to add to mine: Change edge spins. I was doing it in practice at the end of my layback (coming down to a scratch spin and flipping to a LFO edge) and was working it into my program for Buckeye before I got hurt. 

Debbie S
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Posted: 11-20-2009, 04:32 PM

 Well, after seeing my doctor today (see my leg surgery thread), I think my goal will be to get back on the ice, and skate w/o pain and w/o fear - well, let's put it this way - I want to be able to trust my edges and skate with confidence so that I can avoid bone-breaking falls.

Doc thinks it might be a year, b/c that's when the swelling will go away completely. I'll be physically able to skate sooner, but my foot might not fit in my skate, unless I get it punched out or something. But I'm going to try to progress faster....and get a better-paying job so, among other things, I can afford to have a larger skate made up, if necessary. 

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Posted: 11-21-2009, 06:28 AM


Well, my 2010 goals are:

a.) do the loop jump, with the proper rotation
b.) somehow managed to get past the 1 rev in my backspin
c.) do the scratch spin, with leg holding in front for 2 to 3 rounds first
d.) do the sit spin, in a lower position
e.) improve postures in jumps
f.) have centred change foot spin, with regards to the scratch spin
g.) continue to have 2 30 mins lesson a week


Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 11-21-2009, 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by quarkiki2 
I will bid goodbye to the ice at the end of 2009. Our synchro team will be done as of the Christmas show and I just don't have the time, patience or funds to justify getting to the rink for lessons or whatever when I haven't got the time, patience or funds for practice. I have had fun, but without time to practice, it seems sort of silly to expect any improvement and, seeing as I'm still doing the same things I've been doing for nearly six years, and most of it not nearly as well as I used to do it, I'm retiring.
That is sad, but when the time comes, the time comes. I am hoping to keep skating in 2010, but it depends on factors outwith my control as to whether this will be more than once a week at dance club! At least I can do that as a "holding pattern". 

Rob Dean
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Posted: 11-24-2009, 08:54 PM

 I haven't been on the board much this year due to computer issues, which I've finally had the money to resolve.

As a result, I don't think I posted my '09 goals, but let it suffice to say that I didn't try any tests all year. I did skate in WSFC's Picken Pro-am in June.

My goals for 2010 are simple: Pass Bronze moves (I'll be trying in January and again as/if needed) and test all 3 Bronze dances. I've been sent back for a retry on the Willow twice, most recently in July '08 and I'm itching for a rematch at this point. 

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Posted: 11-25-2009, 06:21 AM

 2009 goals:

Pass at least one of:

* Elementary 2 dances (Fiesta and Swing);
* Any single Primary dance (Foxtrot, European, Silver Samba, 14Step) - but have to pass both E2 dances first (see above);
* Elementary 1 figure test.

I passed both Elementary 2 dances so I made the goal (just!)

2010 goals

* Pass one Primary dance
* Pass Elementary 1 figure test
* Get more speed
* Stop looking down! 

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Post Title: 2010 Goals
Posted: 11-25-2009, 10:54 AM

 * Skate a clean, well-presented program at the Colonial Adult Comp in March.
* Pass Silver Moves.

That's it for now... 

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Posted: 11-27-2009, 08:50 AM

 I was sure I'd posted a long ambitious list of goals for next year, right before I splatted the second time but now I can't find it, so must have forgotten to hit submit. Just as well

So, the modified, modest new goal set

Get back on the ice, eventually

*try* not to start skating like a terrified old lady.

Assuming I manage the first two items,

Work on passing Bronze freeskate, which will be a modification of my ISI FS3 program. I've nearly got the sitspin and there isnt' anything really scary in it.

ISI FS4 was one of my goals, but the test requires the loop jump which I'm now terrified of, and the step sequence is pretty unnerving too. I'm going to backburner this for now. Maybe late in the year.

I'd planned to compete my first USFSA adult comp in March, but that is looking pretty unlikely right now. I'll keep an eye out for something in the summer that isn't too far away. 

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Post Title: Your Goals as a Skater for the year 2010
Posted: 11-27-2009, 12:05 PM

 Ok fellow Skaters!!! Time to tell me your Goals as a Skater for the New Year 2010. Mine are...

To become a better Skater.

To take more lessons.

To improve on the moves I've profected and try to learn and gain more elements.

Also to start a Meet-up from Skatingforums at my Rink.

I'll think of more as we go along. Ok fellow Skaters........GO!!!!!!!!!! 

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Posted: 11-28-2009, 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by quarkiki2 
I will bid goodbye to the ice at the end of 2009. Our synchro team will be done as of the Christmas show and I just don't have the time, patience or funds to justify getting to the rink for lessons or whatever when I haven't got the time, patience or funds for practice. I have had fun, but without time to practice, it seems sort of silly to expect any improvement and, seeing as I'm still doing the same things I've been doing for nearly six years, and most of it not nearly as well as I used to do it, I'm retiring.

I'm sorry to hear this, Quark!! 

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Posted: 11-28-2009, 09:42 PM

 Oh my. I've never put my goals in writing. But, given what we're working on now:

-Sit spin (started, 1-2 revs most of the time and too high)
-Loop (started, 3/4 rotated)
-Flip (must escape scaredy-cat mode)
-Get backspin consistent (have done 3 revs a few times; very inconsistent)--the ISI3 change-foot spin is getting better and needs work before Feb 2010!
All on the road to passing bronze free! (And coach is talking about competing ISI FS4 in winter 2011--eeek!!!)

Silver moves. Maybe. Just maybe. Some are great; others are, well, getting there.

I think dance is going to have to take a back seat this year. I've ignored FS in favor of dance for too long, so after passing (hopefully) my stupid Fiesta Tango on the 8th, I'll be happy to toy around with Bronze dances but I really need to focus on bronze FS & silver moves. 

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Posted: 11-28-2009, 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by LilJen 

I'm sorry to hear this, Quark!!

Oh,you poor Girl. So sorry to hear that. Are you saying your Team will be no more? What Team is this btw.? If it's ok to ask. 

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Posted: 11-29-2009, 05:58 PM

 In 2009 I wanted to:
pass level 2 elements - DONE
level 3 elements - nearly ready
level 2 program - DONE
level 4 field moves - nearly ready
I would like to get flip consistent -DONE
start doing jump combo - DONE
learn parallel spin - DONE
learn lutz - DONE
I started competing

In 2010 I would like to:
pass level 3 elements
pass level 3 program
pass level 4 (and maybe 5) field moves

More jump combinations
Parallel/sit spin combination
change of foot sit spin combination
Maybe back parallel spin (that's stretching it a bit!) 

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Posted: 11-29-2009, 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by FSWer 
Oh,you poor Girl. So sorry to hear that. Are you saying your Team will be no more? What Team is this btw.? If it's ok to ask.
I skate on the same team. Yep- the team will be no more. We were unable to find enough skaters this year to support the team.

It's not a team anyone would have ever heard of- just a small-time ISI adult team, we aren't affiliated with any club (in fact, we've paid the rink's ISI fee for years because the rink switched to USFSA for LTS- so we registered the rink as ISI just so we could exist). 

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Posted: 11-29-2009, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Skittl1321 
I skate on the same team. Yep- the team will be no more. We were unable to find enough skaters this year to support the team.

It's not a team anyone would have ever heard of- just a small-time ISI adult team, we aren't affiliated with any club (in fact, we've paid the rink's ISI fee for years because the rink switched to USFSA for LTS- so we registered the rink as ISI just so we could exist).

Sorry to hear that. But if the main problem is finding Skaters for the Team. Why don't you post something on the Board about it. Sothing like "Skaters Needed for such and such". Anyway,I hope you are ok. 

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2010, 08:43:29 PM »
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Posted: 11-29-2009, 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by FSWer 
Sorry to hear that. But if the main problem is finding Skaters for the Team. Why don't you post something on the Board about it. Sothing like "Skaters Needed for such and such". Anyway,I hope you are ok.
Well the problem is, a small team like ours only does 1 competition a year. It's not like the senior level teams where people would travel long distances to come join us. We've put a call out to all the clubs near us and begged pretty much every adult who can skate backwards and do a mohawk, so it's just not meant to be. 

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Posted: 11-29-2009, 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Skittl1321 
Well the problem is, a small team like ours only does 1 competition a year. It's not like the senior level teams where people would travel long distances to come join us. We've put a call out to all the clubs near us and begged pretty much every adult who can skate backwards and do a mohawk, so it's just not meant to be.

Ahhhhhh,you poor Girl. I sure wish you luck. Maybe someone in On Ice Parents/Coaches can help you. 

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Posted: 11-29-2009, 09:45 PM

 1) Get my mental aspect of skating in order

I'm tired of spending lesson after lesson skating around bailing out of everything. I doubt I'll achieve my goal as it's gotten worse the older I get. 

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Posted: 11-30-2009, 04:17 AM

 Goals for 2010

Get healthy again. Working on it now. (was off of the ice for almost a week this past week)

A) 4 rev backspin
B) 4 rev camel
C) 95% or better Loop jump in and out of combinations
D) 95% or better Flip jump in and out of combinations
E) at least a 75% or better Lutz jump
F) learn Axel if A to E is working for me again
G) relearn Double Sal if A to E is working for me again
H) learn Double Toe if A to E is working for me again
I) Learn Back Camel and Back Sit that is below the knee
J) Learn Flying Camel and Flying Sit if A to E is working
K) Pass Prelim FS complete test
L) Pass all of Junior Bronze Dances 

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Posted: 11-30-2009, 10:11 PM

 Test and pass the Swing Dance, Cha-Cha and Fiasco - I mean Fiesta - Tango, ideally on or before January 14.
Finally (as in, FINALLY) attain three turns sufficient to allow me to test and pass PreBronze moves.
Test (and pass) PreBronze freestyle.
Get my husband out on the ice to start ice dancing with me. 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 04:34 AM

 After reading thru everyone's amazing Achievements , some of us go why bother.

A separate forum with nobody laughing-at newer skaters would be Welcome! 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 06:24 AM

 Who's laughing at newer skaters?

There's a lady at my rink who has been training for two years to meet her goal - which is to skate at Rockefeller Center Plaza. She is over 70 years old. Two years ago, all she could do was haul herself around the edges of the ice by holding on to the boards. Now she actually transfers weight from foot to foot and will go out in the center if someone will go with her. She is going to meet her goal this Christmas season.

She's my hero this year! 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 06:26 AM

 For 2010? Well I really dont know, after 1 minor and 2 major surgeries in less than 2 years I'm not sure I want to struggle on again in an effort to get back to where I was, I was just getting things back after my previous surgery when out of the blue I had to have another one, but I wish everyone on the forum, and all the friends that I have made over the years through competition, the very best for 2010. 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by sk8joyful 
After reading thru everyone's amazing Achievements , some of us go why bother.

A separate forum with nobody laughing-at newer skaters would be Welcome! 
I'm not sure what your post means. No one on this board "laughs at" beginners or non-skating members.

Everyone progresses at their own rate, so don't be shy about posting your own goals and achievements.

A lot of these posts contain goals, but very few contain the means to reach those goals. It isn't enough to say "I want to pass the Pre-Bronze MITF test" The skater has to figure out how to make that happen by planning lessons, practice time, and off-ice workouts. (As adults, we also have to factor in family committments, work schedules, and budgeting.)

That planning turns wishes and hopes into a tangible reality. Just mho. 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by sk8joyful 
After reading thru everyone's amazing Achievements , some of us go why bother.

A separate forum with nobody laughing-at newer skaters would be Welcome! 
There are plenty of newer skaters in here. If you read through some peoples' posts, their goals are to get a consistent scratch spin, mohawks, etc.

No one laughs at new skaters. There are skaters at my rink who started as adults and a few years ago were hanging onto the boards, but are now working through dance and moves tests, doing single jumps, etc. I get so excited when I see some of the skating friends I've made make progress. I've been skating my whole life and I admire these people, I don't think I'd have the guts to try skating if I hadn't started as a kid (I'm so freakin clumsy). And newer skaters are often who keep many of us going, too. Trust me, it means A LOT to most of us when a new skater says they wish they could do X or Y like us, especially when we're having a bad day. 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 09:44 AM

 My goals for 2010 are just to get through the rest of the basic skills stuff (currently ready to move from 4 to 5) and *hopefully* be ready to hit the first freestyle group lesson class come summer (which brings me back to where I was when I stopped all those years ago). My long hiatus off the ice after having my kids basically reduced me to having to start from scratch when I went back last year. 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by sk8joyful 
After reading thru everyone's amazing Achievements , some of us go why bother.

A separate forum with nobody laughing-at newer skaters would be Welcome! 
Why don't you post your goals? Nobody laughs at newcomers. Pretty sure I started posting when my goal was to achieve a 3 turn in learn to skate and it was great to have more experienced skaters offer tips and encouragement.

Yes my goals are more advanced now and yes I've achieved probably more than I expected last year - although not in free skating, only in couples dance which I hadn't really expected to be doing this time last year. In free I think if anything my skills are going backwards due to lack of time spent practising.

My main goal this coming year is to be injury free - at least of off-ice injuries!

Other than that
to conquer level 5 field moves (UK)
to get a parallel spin
to get sit spin low enough to count under IJS
to get a lutz

in other words for free skating pretty much the same as last year.

in dance
to get solo CDs levels 3 and 4 to passing standard and hopefully take the tests.
to learn some of the higher level dances so can compete them in couples dance
to get a level 2 lift called as such under IJS 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by samba 
For 2010? Well I really dont know, after 1 minor and 2 major surgeries in less than 2 years I'm not sure I want to struggle on again in an effort to get back to where I was, I was just getting things back after my previous surgery when out of the blue I had to have another one, but I wish everyone on the forum, and all the friends that I have made over the years through competition, the very best for 2010.
I hope you do make it back to skating. Best wishes for 2010! 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by Isk8NYC 
I'm not sure what your post means. No one on this board "laughs at" beginners or non-skating members.

Everyone progresses at their own rate, so don't be shy about posting your own goals and achievements.
Thank you much! 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 01:55 PM

"I'm working on my double-axels, plus triples" 
There are so few skaters here who say that sort of thing. In fact, I'd say most skaters on this forum have NO doubles, and the ones who do have only a few.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a goal being "learn to 3-turn", because you know what- I know how to 3-turn, but it's definetly a goal of mine to figure out how to do it at speed on going over my left shoulder without freaking out. To an absolute beginner, I'm fairly good- but I'm so lop-sided on how I skate (can only turn one way) my coach is having issues putting together a new program for me. Footwork is SO limited if you can only do 1 mohawk at speed. 

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2010, 08:43:53 PM »
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Posted: 12-02-2009, 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by sk8joyful 
While I have no trouble posting... what I'm working on currently, and what my Skating-goals are, in a forum of absolute non-skaters, (as they go "I would NEVER have the courage , to even think of trying anything like what you think of as ice-FUN!");
amongst Figureskaters, posting in zillions of threads, things like "I'm working on my double-axels, plus triples" (while I'm still learning to skate backwards), makes me go, why bother! - so yes, amidst such an audience, I'm very shy to post what I presently play around with

Well that is your choice if you feel embarrassed discussing your goals versus being proud of what you have accomplished. It has nothing to do with the rest of us discussing our goals or that we shouldn't be allowed to freely (that's kind of like the municipality I work in cancelling the kids summer baseball league all-star game because they decided it's "not fair" to all the kids that some are better than others at baseball and get picked for an all-star was absurd).

I don't understand why you would be discouraged because other people on an internet forum (some of whom have been skating for a very long time) have different goals that you. I actually think it's easier to talk about what I'm working on with other skaters (regardless of what level they are at) as opposed to non-skaters. I feel perfectly comfortable telling other skaters what I'm working on or struggling with, and I'm comfortable competing in front of my skating friends because they get it. I don't really like posting videos or inviting my family, non-skating friends or co-workers to watch me skate (no matter how much they beg) because I don't want them to see me only doing single jumps and expect more. I'm afraid they will think "WTF, she skates all the time, were are the triples?" Synchro was the exception since I've always been on excellent teams and people watching the team are not just watching me. And I did let my parents come to my last dance test, they hadn't seen me skate individually since I was a teenager so I figured if I let them come once they would leave me alone. 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by RachelSk8er 
It has nothing to do with the rest of us discussing our goals or that we shouldn't be allowed to freely (that's kind of like the municipality I work in cancelling the kids summer baseball league all-star game because they decided it's "not fair" to all the kids that some are better than others at baseball and get picked for an all-star was absurd).
Hi there,
Agreed! - That thought you expressed, re: "Canceling a sport, or not being allowed to post", never once entered my mind. So yes, that would be absurd

Originally Posted by RachelSk8er 
I don't understand why you would be discouraged because other people on an internet forum (some of whom have been skating for a very long time) have different goals than you. 
Partly because as a former snow-skiier, gymnast, & sprinter, I expect to have made progress, as fast as I did at 10 -
I mean, (except for near-dying a few times, & now financially-responsible for all the bills), those 2 are the only differences. So
my self-expectations are higher, and then I get side-tracked reading about "double-axels"

Originally Posted by RachelSk8er 
I actually think it's easier to talk about what I'm working on with other skaters (regardless of what level they are at) as opposed to non-skaters. I feel perfectly comfortable telling other skaters what I'm working on or struggling with, and I'm comfortable competing in front of my skating friends because they get it. 
Yes, you are also right with "Other skaters GET IT". One does not need to explain futily, a bazillion-times over, regarding skills...that other skaters know only too well. THAT is a challenge talking with non-skaters, as they also have no clue what I am experiencing.

Originally Posted by RachelSk8er 
I don't really like posting videos or inviting my family, non-skating friends or co-workers to watch me skate (no matter how much they beg) because I don't want them to see me only doing single jumps and expect more. I'm afraid they will think "WTF, she skates all the time, were are the triples?" 
roflol Yes, I'm only laughing, as last week during my birthday-party, a neighbor-friend
watching me leave for practices in my skating-dress, asked me "so Annie, WHEN are you skating in the Vancouver Olympics? "
it took me a moment to recover, before answering "always in my dreams! " LOL

Mel On Ice
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Posted: 12-02-2009, 06:29 PM

 crazy year, so I need to revisit 2009 goals:

2009 GOALS
see if I can cobble something together for Mids, depending... didn't happen - lack of $ plus cankles, and I delivered Will two weeks later!

get my lutz and lutz sequence back (brain screams "baby!" when I prepare to pick) - happened! I'm now doing a smorgasboard after the lutz although I cannot verify the quality

get my camel and camel combo back (morning sickness plus changing body geography rendered it gone on the eve of Buckeye) - got it back, and the camel is BETTER

Silver MITF - passed in November!

Silver free - didn't happen

find time for me or at least appreciate what will be diminished me time
persuade my yet-to-be-gender-determined child that a skating rink is a fun place to play - still a work in progress, Will likes being at the rink, but more than an hour tests his limits. He's getting older and bigger and is not content sleeping through mom's freestyle.

I'd like to think I, along with the rest of the LOC, delivered on the promise of a rockin' ANs too.

Put out two solid programs at AN in MN. If I medal, icing on cake. And I love icing, can I please earn some icing?

Get solid jumps, combos and sequences in any and all incarnations.

Solid spins and combinations.

Get ever-closer to a clean axel! I am currently nowhere near this. When I first started skating, my goal was to have an axel by 40, I have less than a year now.

How about a flying spin? I tried a couple yesterday and am interested in it.

Silver free! At least get the program choreographed and compete up a couple of times to get over the jitters and finally test.

Get started on gold moves. I'd like to earn at least ONE gold test level. Oh, those brackets in the field... I have the spin trainer out in the kitchen to start working on body mechanics while cleaning. Yeah, just a little psycho... 

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Posted: 12-02-2009, 06:37 PM

 Mel, you forgot 2009 ultimate accomplishment: Traumatic premature birth-turned-complete miracle. I'm sure we're all just amazed every time we look at pics of him now and then compare to the one from the day he was born. 

Mel On Ice
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Posted: 12-02-2009, 08:53 PM

 I didn't want to brag... but Will is better than an axel, a gold medal and partying with Michelle Kwan. 

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Posted: 12-03-2009, 03:33 AM

Originally Posted by BatikatII 
Why don't you post your goals? Nobody laughs at newcomers.

My main goal this coming year is to be injury free - at least of off-ice injuries!
OK, you promised!

Live long enough to continue skating... 

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Posted: 12-03-2009, 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by BatikatII 
I hope you do make it back to skating. Best wishes for 2010!
How kind of you Batikat and to you also, I will be following everyones progress anyway, so remember I have my beady eye on you, no pressure 

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Posted: 12-03-2009, 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by sk8joyful 
OK, you promised!

my Sk8-goals:
* Exercise every day, including stretching, approximating more a contortionist so instead 123, I am again 110lbs.
* re-arrange work around skating-practices
(not the other way, grrr!), & get to skate at least 4hrs. weekly.
* Learn increasingly what my feet are doing, as far as the edge I'm skating moment to moment.
* do not skate like an old lady, but
Straighten (grrr) my posture & line of sight UP!
* Crossovers: omg! LOL

* Increase ice-speed
* O-spread eagle (as good as I have it now off-ice)
* a Y, or Biehlman-spiral: atimes I can hold my blade 10-15ft., (& leg to shoulder-height, off-ice),
but on the ice I can't quite get it there yet, let alone resemble Sasha
* get a back-edge, for obvious reasons
* transfer floor-spin skill to the ice
* one mohawk

better stop while I'm ahead
Well see - far from laughing, I see you have several goals there that I know I will never achieve no matter how hard I try - the spread eagle for example and I could only dream of a Y or Biellman spiral. My flexibility has always been extremely poor.

I was watching a lady today who started long after me and yes I can do many more things than she can but boy her spirals are beautiful.

When I was a real beginner I always found drags (lunges) really easy to do and can do them better than many kids even. So if I ever feel down about my skating, I do drags and drag turns and back drags and I feel better. You might find the same with spirals and find you can do them better than many if not most other skaters. 

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Posted: 12-04-2009, 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by BatikatII 
Well see - far from laughing, I see you have several goals there that I know I will never achieve
no matter how hard I try - the spread eagle for example and I could only dream of a Y or Biellman spiral. My flexibility has always been extremely poor.

I was watching a lady today who started long after me and yes I can do many more things than she can but boy her spirals are beautiful.

When I was a real beginner I always found drags (lunges) really easy to do and can do them better than many kids even. So if I ever feel down about my skating, I do drags and drag turns and back drags and I feel better. You might find the same with spirals and find you can do them better than many if not most other skaters.
Gee, you were so positive & complementary & encouraging!

Funny you mentioned *lunges, practiced some, & 2 other skills.

(tho having it copied, makes it sorta overwhelming , particularly
since I haven't been able to practice but 6x this year so far!
And setting ourselves up for failure, isn't) my idea of Fun.

But Thanks! for your comments again!

MERRY Christmas to you!

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Posted: 12-04-2009, 09:31 PM

 Well, mine are more like coaching goals, but first, from 2009, which I completed :
Originally Posted by CoachPA 
Pass my PSA Basic Accreditation Exam, which I have to have completed (online) by mid-February.
Now, for this year, 2010 my coaching goals include:

Short-term goals:
•Network, network, network
•Complete my remaining U.S. Figure Skating Rules CER/B course: U.S. Figure Skating Test Rules
•Complete my remaining Sport Safety and Science CER/B course(s): Essentials of Pair Skating; and Sport Safety for Synchronized Skating
•Seriously begin studying/preparing to take my Registered MIF rating

Long-term goals (that I wouldn't mind getting done in 2010, of course!):
•Maintain my active Basic Accreditation rating with the required 28 educational credits every three years
•Attend a PSA national conference
•Coach a skater through a Senior test (probably moves in the field) within the next year
•Get my Registered MIF rating 

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Post Title: Your plans as a Skater for the Year 2010.
Posted: 12-26-2009, 08:53 PM

 Ok my fellow Skaters!!! I want to know from you today what your plans as a Skater are for the year 2010. For me I'd say I plan to go to the Rink more,and to become a better skater. I think there may be more that I'll think of later. But until then Skaters.......GO!!!!!!! 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 12-27-2009, 06:47 AM

 To keep skating - we have a change of coach this year, which is rather exciting for us, and so we don't quite know what is in store. However, we have asked him to prepare us to skate at the British Adult Championships in February, possibly for Bracknell in April, and definitely for the Mountain Cup in late May. After that, I am not sure. 

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Posted: 12-27-2009, 11:57 AM

 I have been giving this a lot of thought; since I will be in nursing school full-time I won't have as much free time. I have to plan my free time carefully and not waste it! I plan on testing USFS Pre-Bronze sometime this spring. I also plan on fixing some small things (height on loop jump, scratch spin); train more efficiently.

School ends mid-May so I can skate all I want after that (until my rink closes mid-June). 

Kim to the Max
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Posted: 12-27-2009, 12:09 PM

 During 2010, I want to:

* Pass Junior Moves (testing January 16th)
* Pass Senior Moves by September
* Test Intermediate free (coach's idea)
* Land axel on a back edge and not with a 1/4 cheat
* Land a clean 2 sal
* Land 2 toe
* Land 2 flip 

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Posted: 12-27-2009, 12:56 PM

 I honestly have no idea what sort of progress to expect in my first year of skating. I'm not particularly physically adept and am now older than I've ever been , so we'll see what happens. I'm going to make my resolutions losing a bunch of weight, and getting to the rink at least twice a week. If I do that, I'll be satisfied with whatever comes of it. 

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2010, 08:44:14 PM »
katz in boots
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Posted: 12-28-2009, 03:01 AM

 I find this a little depressing because I seem to have made little progress.
Coaching issues, injuries and so forth: Mid-way through this year I switched to a new coach and discovered just how wrongly I was doing everything.

So for 2010, it appears my goals are pretty much the same as they have been for the past 2 years:

continue to improve my overall skating and footwork
be able to do all basic spin positions
all single jumps through to lutz.


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Posted: 12-28-2009, 07:42 PM

 Solid, consistent, fully rotated loop jump from back crossovers
Solid, consistent, fully rotated flip jump
Pass the Hickory Hoedown
Bonus goal: pass silver moves, preferably without falling on my head during either the 8-step or the back 3 pattern! (Fine 97% of the time, flailing wildly the other 3% of the time!)

Rusty Blades
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Posted: 12-29-2009, 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by sk8joyful 
After reading thru everyone's amazing Achievements , some of us go why bother.

A separate forum with nobody laughing-at newer skaters would be Welcome! 
Well Joyful all I can say is that you must not have been here 4 years ago when I set foot on the ice for the first time at age 56. I could barely stand up on skates and EVERYBODY here was wonderfully supportive and encouraging. Everybody was SO great that it kept me going through the tough times.

* * * * * * * * *

I retired from competitive skating this month, just shy of 4 years. I reached my initial goal (Canadian Adult Nationals) TWICE with a Freeskate Bronze in 2008.

My goal for 2010 is to keep skating, keep improving, and ENJOY myself (sans the pressures of preparing for competition). It is nice to have a little "free time" and to go on the ice for the pure joy of skating. 

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Posted: 01-04-2010, 04:17 AM


My skating goal for 2010 is to improve on every aspect of my skating. I would like to be able to do a proper loop, get my sit spins lower, and continue to improve on my spins, and learn new spins.


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Posted: 01-04-2010, 01:35 PM

 I didn't post here, but my 2009 goals were to pass Pre-Bronze Moves & Free Skate and Bronze Moves & Free Skate...which I did.

My goals for 2010 are:

* Land flip consistently
* Land lutz consistently
* More revolutions on my camel
* Low sit spins
* Enter some competitions (first one of last weekend in Jan.) 

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Posted: 08-11-2010, 11:57 AM

 Bumping this thread as a reminder that the goals won't achieve themselves. 2010 isn't over yet - technically, skaters have until the end of the season (June 2011) to meet their goals.

Now's the time that most skaters plan their skating season goals and objectives. Take a few minutes today to think things through and make sure you communicate your plan to your coach(es) and family.

Don't be afraid to set new goals that are achievable if the ones on record were a little ambitious. 

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Posted: 08-11-2010, 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Isk8NYC 
I hope to get back to skating regularly, so my 2010 Resolutions are:

1) Start taking lessons again. (Moves, Ice Dance, and Freestyle - that order)
2) Pass the Preliminary MITF, Canasta Tango and Rhythm Blues tests (can run over to 2011)
3) Root for everyone at Adult Easterns again, but off-camera this time.

How to get there:
. Exercise every day, including stretching, sweating and weight-bearing exercises.
. Practice at least six hours a week.
. Cut expenses to free up money for lessons.
I'm a slacker. Other than rooting for everyone at Easterns, I haven't reached the other goals or even seriously worked on them.

Money: new skates for all three of us set me back, plus I really needed to spend money on some unexpected expenses, so I'm building back my emergency fund before spending money on my own skating.

Lessons: The coach I wanted doesn't have time in her schedule. I have to look around at other rinks.

Exercise: I was exercising daily, but haven't done it since the kids got out of school. I spend way too much time working during the day, then I coach at night, so I'm overscheduled. Once synchro starts, things will change.

New objective: to make sure I skate regularly, I'm going to commit to the adult synchro team. I'll just try it for the season. Hopefully, it will improve my edging and turns. 

Debbie S
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Posted: 08-11-2010, 12:26 PM

 Good luck with synchro, Isk8NYC!

Originally Posted by Debbie S 
Well, after seeing my doctor today (see my leg surgery thread), I think my goal will be to get back on the ice, and skate w/o pain and w/o fear - well, let's put it this way - I want to be able to trust my edges and skate with confidence so that I can avoid bone-breaking falls.

Doc thinks it might be a year, b/c that's when the swelling will go away completely. I'll be physically able to skate sooner, but my foot might not fit in my skate, unless I get it punched out or something. But I'm going to try to progress faster....and get a better-paying job so, among other things, I can afford to have a larger skate made up, if necessary. 
I'm happy to report that I'm back on the ice - got back on after the 6-month healing time. Soon after I wrote that post, I starting icing my leg/ankle for 20-30 minutes twice a day for 2 months, then once a day after I went back to work in late January (had worked at home), for another 4-5 months or so. Got my foot in my skate in late January, albeit uncomfortably, lol, and got a much better fit by the end of Feb. Swelling is almost completely gone. Doc is always a bit shocked by it when he sees me.

So I haven't needed a new skate but I do need a better-paying job, which I haven't found yet. But I'm skating 2-3 times a week now and can even skate 2 sessions in a row. Still can't do turns on the left foot (b/c at my appt in June, there was still a small portion of the bone on one side that hadn't fully healed) but I'm doing crossovers and right-foot turns,and my coach has been teaching me some dances. My next doc appt is Sept 1 - I sure hope it's healed by then - and then we're going to schedule surgery to have the hardware removed - the screws and rod are causing me some pain and range of motion issues - which will take me off the ice for a month or so.

My original goal, before my injury, was to at least attempt Gold MIF this June. I think that will have to be pushed back to around next June. Even though I was only off the ice for 6 months, I feel like I've been set back a year, b/c it will probably take at least 6 months to get back to where I was. 

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Posted: 08-11-2010, 11:51 PM

 Dare I say pass ISI FS4? Definitely a stretch for flip and loop are new, but if the right foot cooperates...
Also backspin on the correct edge, please 

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Posted: 08-12-2010, 08:13 AM

 Bravo Debbie S!!! 

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2010, 12:55:55 PM »
I think almost everyone who posted a 2010 Resolution is now a member, so now would be a good time to revisit and revise!
-- Isk8NYC --
"I like to skate on the other side of the ice." - Comedian Steven Wright

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2010, 06:19:58 PM »
(Had to do a linear search through the thread to find out what I'd hoped to achieve this year!)

The elementary pattern ain't gonna happen this year - rotten BO-BI change of edge followed by BI3 will be the death of me, in more ways than one, I suspect.

Still hope to pass either 14step or foxtrot, but that depends on getting onto one of the few remaining tests left this year, which is far from certain.  (It then actually requires skating the dance at a pass standard, which is also far from certain!  :laugh:)

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2010, 02:04:06 PM »
Had to use the search function to find mine   ;)

My goals for 2010 are:

* Land flip consistently - Yes!  This summer it all just clicked and has been good.
* Land lutz consistently - Boo!  Half lutz is way better, but don't have the full one yet.
* More revolutions on my camel - I had 1 rev and now have 2.5 to 3.5 consistently.
* Low sit spins - Every time I try to get lower, I mess up my form.  I think it's a tiny bit lower, but still needs work
* Enter some competitions (first one of last weekend in Jan.) I entered 3 including AN.  I got 6th, 2nd, and 21st. 

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Re: Skating 2010 - New Year's Resolutions (from fsf)
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2010, 07:09:29 PM »
If I'm not mistaken, I believe I posted these goals about 5 months ago, and
considering I only was able to skate maybe 7-9x since,
I have made a wee-bit of progress  :)

* Exercise every day, including stretching, approximating a contortionist, so instead 123, (I am again 110lbs. <- not yet)  :-[
* re-arrange work around skating-practices -> yes, of the 4 practices weekly I want now, I have 2, yeah!!
* Learn increasingly what my feet are doing, as far as the edge I'm skating moment to moment. -> just starting
* Straighten: my waist, posture, & line of sight UP! -> on the posture some progress
* Crossovers: omg!  -> Actually no longer fear them. I just remind myself to have FUN while practicing Fxo's, & it helps!
* Increase ice-speed -> on Good days, yes some progress.

* O-spread eagle (as good as I have it now off-ice) -> obviously needs more! speed, lol
* a Y, or Biehlman-spiral: at times I can hold my blade 10-15ft., (& leg to shoulder-height, off-ice,
but on the ice I can't quite get it there yet, let alone resemble Sasha) -> keep working on it.
* get a back-edge, for obvious reasons -> a long ways off. I wish I could say 'YES, now'.
* transfer floor-spin skill to the ice -> i keep playing around with this, needs help!

Too, I noticed several other Skaters post this goal: "Skate more...", all progress starts right here!  :)