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Author Topic: ANNOYING KNEE!!  (Read 2202 times)

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Offline miraclegro

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« on: February 01, 2011, 07:53:53 PM »
Hey there...I have gotten serious about getting back in shape, although it wasn't that bad before; however, I've dropped 10 lbs (yeah!) and a lot of it was cutting out things thanks to a helpful website, but i've also gotten on the ellypitcal - my home one - pretty much every day.  Well, here's the problem: I have NEVER had knee problems, and still don't consider that i have bad knees at all.  But my right knee is giving me the fits now when i try to do sit spins, and more pressure related things.  I've started taking glucosamine, and today Advil, but it mostly is my right knee.  It is also the same leg where i have had some pronation issues with that foot.  Any ideas of where this is coming from?  I need to keep the aerobic side up because it helps me sleep better.  I just don't know why that darn knee yells at me now....???? :P

Offline rsk8d

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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 08:52:48 PM »
Good for you for losing the weight!  You should never do the same cardio machine every day, as you develop muscle imbalance. The elliptical will make your hip flexors very tight, which can contribute to knee pain.  You also should make sure that you are wearing sneakers made for over-pronators, or you have good arch supports in your shoes.

The proper conditioning routine should not only consist of cardio.  You need to mix it up with functional training, and never forget to stretch.  If you are doing a lot of cardio without stretching, you can develop pain in various places.

Good luck!
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 10:59:52 PM »
Wow, 10 pounds!

If I give you my 10, will you lose it for me?  Pretty please? :)

I'm pretty cautious. I wouldn't use an exercise program that created joint or back pain. My body only came with one set. Losing excess weight should make your joints more comfortable, not less.

I don't know if this helps, but bicycle seats need to be adjusted so the knee is almost straight (one inch short? Ask a bike store.) when the pedal is at the bottom. Too low and you are straining your muscles. Too high and the leg never stretches out, and maybe muscles get too short. An elliptical is a lot like a bicycle.

Some ellipticals also have a forward/backwards seat adjustment. Playing with this might make you more comfortable.

Taking rsk8d's advice on getting more exercise variety:

Gentle jogging (or try racewalking) is easier on my knees than biking.

Some kids at a local rink are taught to run up and down stairs for about 15 minutes.

Swimming laps with many different strokes is great.

I recently tried another exercise. Wear a float belt in a pool (if you need the belt to float), then run in place without touching bottom.

Offline miraclegro

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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 07:51:13 PM »
Well, i have an orthodics in my skates (custom), and the right one is the worst.  Perhaps i should do better for that one knee especially and get something like super feet. 

I just enjoy the elliptical because it's so easy to do, and i sleep better.

BTW, i logged onto a site called and that's what helped me lose the weight!

Offline Doubletoe

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« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2011, 12:36:34 AM »
Repetitive motion is always bad news when not balanced out by something else, so if you're going to keep using the elliptical machine, make sure you are stretching your quads really well (hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds, timed with a stopwatch or "1-mississippi, 2-mississippi. . ."), and of course it's always good to stretch hip flexors, calves and hamstrings, too.   Also, there are several good hamstring exercises you can do using an exercise ball (a small, but worthwhile investment), and those could help balance out the quad overuse from the elliptical.  They'll also burn a few extra calories, so why not? ;)