
On the Ice => The Pro Shop => Topic started by: Neverdull44 on January 07, 2015, 04:17:53 PM

Title: Blade hollow?
Post by: Neverdull44 on January 07, 2015, 04:17:53 PM
My 4 month old Jackson Ultima blades were just sharpened with a 1/2" hollow. 
They are nicely sharpened in that I didn't get all "catchy" feelings and started spinning immediately,  . . . . . . BUT, I can still slide them across the ice very easily . . a little too easily.  I could easily do a sliding three turn or one foot hockey stop.   .   Sometimes, when I take-off on a jump, I will slide.  On landings, I will get the slide around a little, until the outside edge sticks.     I am thinking of trying a deeper hollow.   (I am an adult skater, adult sized).
Title: Re: Blade hollow?
Post by: irenar5 on January 07, 2015, 04:41:13 PM
I have my skates sharpened to an in-between ROH- 1/2-7/16.  1/2 is too slidy, but 7/16 is too grippy.   Ice hardness plays a big role as well in how the blades feel.  When it is cold outside, the ice is MUCH harder (at least at my rinks),  so a deeper hollow might be better.
Title: Re: Blade hollow?
Post by: Loops on January 08, 2015, 04:59:43 AM
Irenar5 is right on about ice hardness.   My rink is a nice hockey rink, = fast ice.  Consequently I use a 3/8 grind.  I'm adult sized, and a healthy weight and I can get a good grip on the ice with that.  Anything more shallow and I'm skidding all over the place.