
Announcements and Introductions => Media Center => Topic started by: jjane45 on April 07, 2013, 05:36:25 PM

Title: The Skating Lesson interview with Frank Carroll
Post by: jjane45 on April 07, 2013, 05:36:25 PM
The first half of their 2-hour long interview is here, finally!

In part one of our no-holds-barred interview with the 2007 World Figure Skating Hall of Fame inductee, Frank Carroll discusses his views on “Chanflation” at the 2013 World Championships and revisits a number of highs and lows in his career, including Linda Fratianne’s courageous win in Tokyo, frustrations over the 1980 Olympic Games, the decision to end his coaching relationship with Tiffany Chin and the painful demise of his relationship with Christopher Bowman. Through it all, Frank Carroll demonstrates a passion for the sport and espouses the necessity for us all to take responsibility for our own lives and to live with self-respect.
Title: Re: The Skating Lesson interview with Frank Carroll
Post by: FigureSpins on April 07, 2013, 05:56:24 PM
I admire Frank Carroll so much as a speaker.  He has the ability to discuss stressful situations in a matter-of-fact way, without putting anyone down. Very classy and tactful, yet forthright.
Title: Re: The Skating Lesson interview with Frank Carroll
Post by: jjane45 on April 07, 2013, 07:21:13 PM
And he talked about teaching adult skaters around the 43 minutes mark iirc.
Title: Re: The Skating Lesson interview with Frank Carroll
Post by: amy1984 on April 07, 2013, 07:37:55 PM
I remember seeing him speak about Michelle Kwan deciding to leave him and thinking he was so classy about it.  Look, I love Michelle Kwan, but I think the story is (and I might be miss remembering some of the details) that she said she needed a break for a week or something and then never came back before eventually going to him crying and saying she felt bad but she just needed to do her own thing.  Which when you really think about it, leaving him hanging is sort of... disrespectful *gasp*.  And you know... he told the truth but at the same time somehow had nothing but good things to say about her.  And that says a lot about him as a person and how he chooses to look at life...

I thought this interview had tons of great info.  I especially liked the Chris Bowman section at the end.  I've always been so curious about what happened with him but back then there was no TMZ and it's kinda blurry.  There's a bit of info in Toller's books, which is hilariously hearbreaking, but this was a good chunk of info and really speaks of how difficult the situation was for everyone.

When you think of all the interesting things he's experienced, he's such a wealth of knowledge and it was really neat to hear all of the little stories about events and stuff from his POV.  Usually, it's the skater being interviewed.  It's nice to see the other side of the coin.
Title: Re: The Skating Lesson interview with Frank Carroll
Post by: jjane45 on April 10, 2013, 11:50:31 PM
And part 2!!

Frank = classy classy man.

I could not hear what word did he use to describe Yagudin?