
Announcements and Introductions => Media Center => Topic started by: Isk8NYC on September 09, 2010, 01:23:56 PM

Title: Blogs and Online Journals
Post by: Isk8NYC on September 09, 2010, 01:23:56 PM
This is an interesting, newsy blog about figure skating from a fan's perspective.
Title: Re: Blogs and Online Journals
Post by: Isk8NYC on September 12, 2010, 05:22:21 PM
Ashley Wagner's "vlog" on Universal Sports is interesting:
Title: Skating Judge Blog
Post by: JimStanmore on September 27, 2010, 09:16:41 PM
I just came across this blog written by a figure skating judge.  I like it because it gives the honest perspective of a judge.  (Yes, the judge is from Canada, but good skating is good skating, isn't it?)

A sample:

"Starting out with my first "real" post, I decided to go with a series on Program Components. I'll break them down individually and tell you my honest to gosh thought patterns, scribbly codes, and thoughts that go through my head as I come up with a score for "Skating Skills." Though I judge Novice and down (and therefore my ranges tend to be 4.5 to 0.75 for PCS) these thoughts can be applied at any level. I will focus on the lower levels though, because I don't feel like Yuna Kim is browsing my blog looking for ways to raise her PCS!" (
Title: Icemom
Post by: JimStanmore on September 27, 2010, 09:20:07 PM
Even though I am not an icemom, I have really enjoyed reading the posts and comments of icemom for the last several months.  She gives hints and tips on a variety of subjects.  Some of the topics have a quite spirited comments section that has gives me lots of insights and tips.

The original blog:

The new blog:
Title: Blades Interview with Chris Bartlett(skaterslanding) on Icemom Blog
Post by: JimStanmore on September 27, 2010, 09:24:43 PM
This is an interesting interview from Ask the Experts.  The skating mom has a discussion and asks questions with Chris Bartlett of SkaterLanding.  Chris was a Disney on Ice dancer and you may have seen him on SkatersLandingTV (on or YouTube.)  (He does the sharpening for many of the Disney on Ice performers by FedEx.)

If you have 20 minutes or so, he goes into good detail about blades, sharpening, buying and caring for blades and boots.
Title: Re: Blogs and Online Journals
Post by: amice on September 28, 2010, 11:04:59 AM
Thanks, everyone, for the references!  I particularly liked the icemom blog.  I hadn't seen it before, but have just checked it out and think I will be spending more time there!
Title: Re: Blogs and Online Journals
Post by: FigureSpins on September 29, 2010, 08:38:44 AM
I like this site for skating news and IJS updates: