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Author Topic: 2016 Skating Resolutions  (Read 34550 times)

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2016, 09:07:38 PM »
Three out of eight is better than zero out of eight?

1. Test Bronze MIF in February.  Hopefully pass. Done!

2. Land loop cleanly. Ha.  Hahahahahaha.  It's much closer than it was January, I'll give it that, but I'm still two-footing, largely because I don't really get all the way around.

3. Get 3+ revolutions on a back scratch spin. This was not happening so much that I've been taking lessons with another coach specifically on back spins, and I'm still no closer.  But I could write a book on all the possible entrances to a back scratch spin one can use that do not work for me.  I believe I passed ten last week.

4. Get into an actual camel position on forward camel spins, not just an arabesque with aspirations. Done.  Sometimes it even looks rather good.

5. Get back to the @#$%! line on the back edge of forward rockers. I kind of let this one slide.  Never happened.

6. Maybe compete Pre-Bronze at Peach Classic in September, which would be my first competition.  Might depend on whether friends are going. I did my club's competition instead, which was excellent.

7. Assuming resolutions 1-3 go well, start working on a program for the Bronze freestyle test. Maybe this can be 2020's goal.

8. Land a flip. Oh, I was so optimistic 11 months ago.

Offline CaraSkates

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2016, 01:01:17 PM »
Let's see how I did....

1. land 2sal - no but it's closer!
2. clean axel in competition/IJS credit - close but not yet. 2017 for sure!
3. compete in Championship Gold Ladies at EAS Done.
4. credit for combo spin in IJS FINALLY. So busy being excited about this, didn't realize I had also medaled!
5. test at least two Pre-Gold Dances. Bonus if I pass Tested and passed the Blues & the Paso. Starlight is almost ready to test!
6. Junior MIF...stop avoiding it and test it. - started working on it but not ready to test...
7. improve my IJS score Personal best by over 2 points.
8. successfully skate my new dramatic program Experience of a lifetime performing it at PSCHS (no boards) for my aunt and cousins. Couldn't have asked for more.
9. keep improving on and off ice stamina and strength Much improved. One a day programs (like a vitamin) help!
10. lower sitspins, better back spins in positions other then upright Level 1 sitspin at my last IJS competition of the season!

7 out of 10...not to bad! Here's to 2017!

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2016, 08:03:40 PM »
1. Begin testing MIF at Pre-Preliminary and get through Juvenile. I passed Pre-Pre and Prelim in February. Haven't been able to test since then but I'm hoping to this February.
2. Get axel landed cleanly and consistently. Landed a few clean-ish axels but I haven't been working on them much this past half of the year. Maybe next year.
3. Land doubles: salchow, toe loop, loop, possibly flip and lutz. Get them consistent as well. Almost landed a few double salchows and loops. Most attempts end in falls. Didn't attempt double flip or lutz.
4. Improve spins in general, especially camels, back spins, and flying spins. My camels and back spins are great most of the time. I kinda gave up on flying spins but I can do flying sits fairly well.
5. Stretch every day. This has not happened at all.
6. Gain more speed on the ice and cleaner footwork. I'm definitely faster, and I feel like my footwork is slightly cleaner. Let's check this one off :)
7. Compete as much as possible and place in top 4 at least once. I competed twice, first time getting last and second time getting 5th. I'm kinda over freestyle competitions at this point.
8. Go to EGL Regionals as non-qualifying. This didn't happen. It was located in Michigan this year, which is farther than I would like to travel to skate.

I pretty much failed at this years resolutions. Now I know to be more realistic  :blush:

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2016, 02:05:40 PM »
1) Find a new coach that inspires me and works well with adults.
2) 3-turns in all directions, and not just from a standstill I have 3 out of 4 3-turns now, but they're not especially clean. Still a huge improvement over where I was a year ago though, I only had fwo and only from a standstill, and I couldn't do the inside 3-turn at all. I still can't do them fast though...
3) Mohawks Messily when at years resolution will be to clean them up a LOT
4) nice high waltz jump I don't know why I thought I could go from 0 to 100 on this one, I'm just proud I learned the waltz jump, period. Nice high jumps? Maybe in 2026
5) fast 2-foot spin with graceful exit See point about 0 - 100, my 2-foot spin is meh
5) one-foot spin - I guess in theory, yes, but I mess up 90% of the time on the entry, and they're super slow.
6) Improve spirals
7) Form, maintain good form and posture I've come to realize this one of those lifelong goals you have to consciously practice each and every time you're on the ice.
8) Maybe start testing, this really depends on reaching my first goal - Yeah, this won't happen until mid year 2017.

1) Stretch consistently, do more yoga
2) work on core

HAHA. Ok, I may have been over-reaching a little bit, but in my defense, most resolutions were predicated on finding a new coach, which only happened half way through the year...And then of course I spent a couple of months un-learning things from my first coach. :S

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #54 on: December 25, 2016, 06:29:35 PM »
Definitely feasible:
1. Test the gold skills. I've been working on them for a few months, and while they're difficult, I am on the right track so I think taking the test by December is a fair goal. If I pass the test by then, all the better, but if I can at least reach a point where I'm ready to try it, I will try to be satisfied, given my limited ice time.
2. Finish the junior silver dances. Then I will re-evaluate if I want to stick with dance or go back to freestyle.

Shooting for the stars:
1. Pass the gold skills. That is my ultimate goal at the moment, everything else comes second.
2. Pass one senior silver dance OR get my freestyle skills back up to where they were before I stopped 4 years ago. Either is acceptable at this point, but neither is likely to happen until the skills are done  :sweat

Here's to a year of happiness in skating!

I remember thinking that I was setting the bar low on my "Definitely feasible" goals - but I did achieve them! I tested the gold skills before the summer break, passed none of the three exercises but each of them was on the edge of passing, so that was pretty good. The goal was just to test them - passing was deemed a "Shooting for the stars" goal, so I haven't failed in my eyes. And I passed my last junior silver dance earlier this month, so now that set is complete :-). All in all, not a bad year. I definitely fell in love with the sport all over again, so it's time to set my next goals!

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #55 on: December 28, 2016, 12:55:13 AM »
1. Land consistent Loop (Started working on this, but never landed one)
2. Land consistent Flip (Same as above)
3. Land Lutz (Nope)
5. Land consistent Split & Stag Jump (Nope)
4. Start working on the Axel (Definitely not)

1. Consistent Basic sit spin (at least 6 revolutions) (Only ca get 3 revs)
2. Consistent basic camel spin ( at least 6 revolutions) (nope)
3. Consistent back spin (will settle for 3 revolutions with full correct entrance) (can do 3 revs but not from the correct entry)
4. Start working on Lay back spin (Nope)

Foot work
1. All brackets consistent (only back inside :( )
2. Outside spread eagle (Nearly there)
3. Get awesome low hydro plane (getting lower, with building strength for the sit spin)

1. Pass Adult Bronze MITF test (ready to test, but missed the deadline)
2. Past Pre Bronze Free test (Definitely ready to test - even if my coach laughs at me doing a two foot spin) 
3. Past Bronze Test (see above - and needs to tidy my toe loop up)

Overall Skating
1. Work on speed, specially is footwork (getting there)
2. Work on overcoming fear of falling (Getting there)
3. Compete (Did, and won my level, but was ready sick that day, so completely sucked)
4. in competition get level one or above on a spin (As above, but did receive a level one on step sequence, so not sure what step sequence the judges were watching, certainly wasn't mine)
5. Achieve a plus in GOE on a jump (As above)

Off ice
1. Get full front splits (nearly got there, but pulled a muscle while warming up at the competition, so had to start again)
2. work on core strength (seeing improvement)
3. Start on middle splits (Nope)

Ok I have a lot of work to do next year.

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Re: 2016 Skating Resolutions
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2016, 09:31:09 PM »
End of year results:

General Skating:
1) Improve flow and speed Yes. Slowly, really depends on what I'm doing, but yes.
2) Improve footwork Slowly. I'm probably better at it than I think I am, but it's still rough.
3) Improve posture Definite work in progress

1) Get all of them consistent with good form All jumps consistent. Form is being worked on, but steadily improving
3) Get more height in all of them Work in progress
2) Start on-ice axel prep Yup!

1) Centering all of them Ha. HAHAHAHA! Yeah, definitely failed this one.
2) 4+ revolutions on sit spin and backspin in the proper positions Yes and yes.
3) Work on layback so I'm not as awkward as I feel and know I look Still awkward, but progressed enough to attempting the catch-foot version
4) Start working on the camel Yup! And back camel.
5) Stop scraping my toepick on the crossover entry Better.

1) A consistent work-out schedule that I'll have trouble pushing aside no matter how busy my life gets Utterly failed.
2) Stretching Failed
3) Take some kind of dance class if I can find one that works with my schedule and doesn't cost a lot Found a class after I started the new job, wasn't able to take it due to finances
4) Learning a good, healthy way to manage my anxiety so I don't become a vibrating ball of nerves before testing or competition Working on it! I was not a vibrating ball of nerves before the last competition or the holiday show.Nervous, yes, but not vibrating.