
Announcements and Introductions => Media Center => Topic started by: AgnesNitt on August 07, 2018, 06:48:45 AM

Title: Adam Rippon takes on skating movies
Post by: AgnesNitt on August 07, 2018, 06:48:45 AM
Title: Re: Adam Rippon takes on skating movies
Post by: Query on August 08, 2018, 07:52:13 PM
But I LIKE skating movies.


The audience knows some things about them are a little bit over the top. That's part of the fun. They are comedies, not documentaries.

Are we to assume that everything in the movie Adam is about to make is completely honest? If not, this could come back to haunt him.


BTW, did they use NO real videos of Tonya in "I, Tonya", as Adam implies?

There are some good videos they could have used of the real Tonya, like:

(Admittedly, the triple axel in that real video was slightly awkward, because of the leg follow through. And, just before the jump, her free leg brushes the ice - I'm not sure how much that mattered.) Besides, there are other good moves in that video, and no doubt in other available videos that show the real lady skating.

It would have made no sense not to use videos the skating audience would recognize.