
On the Ice => The Pro Shop => Topic started by: LaterSkater on October 22, 2010, 09:22:42 AM

Title: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: LaterSkater on October 22, 2010, 09:22:42 AM
Couldn't quite figure out where to post this topic, I guess it loosely falls under "clothing."  Does anyone have any suggestions for (easy) hairstyles for competition?  My hair is about 5-6 inches below shoulder length, straight and fine.  My dress is very "bling-y" and romantic.  I need to do something like a bun, but I don't think I look all that good with a severe type bun.  Yet it still needs to be under control and stay "up" obviously.  And to complicate things further, I am sort of "styling impaired" so it needs to be as simple to do as possible.  Any ideas/suggestions/advice . . . would be greatly appreciated!!   :worthy
Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: Isk8NYC on October 22, 2010, 09:30:59 AM
My favorite is a Gibson Tuck.  It turns a boring low ponytail into a soft, low bun.  Not severe at all.  You can use a clip above the tuck to hold it in place and add interest.

Wow - that's a great site - I love the updos on this page:
The "Figure 8" Hairstyle is awesome!

The Klutz hairstyling book (which you probably wouldn't own since you have two DS's) has a lot of great styles with easy-to-follow directions and photos.  That's how I learned to do the Gibson Tuck originally.

I had a skating friend who used to wear her hair in a french roll all the time.  She had a sheer stocking filled with her own hair (from her hairbrush) that she would use as a curler/stuffing, pinning it securely inside the roll when she put her hair up.  That's an idea for fine, thin hair as well.

If she comes around, Skate@Delaware is our resident hairstyling expert for skating.  She can probably suggest some other tips and styles.  I know that you don't wash your hair right before styling it - unwashed hair stays in place and is easier to control.
Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: Skate@Delaware on October 22, 2010, 09:56:45 AM
Oh my, I wouldn't call myself an expert, just someone that has a bit of experience :P

My latest hairstyle (for work, but it will work for skating comps) is the french braid. It's hard to do on yourself at first, but keep trying. It looks sleek and sophisticated, and beats the pony any day.

Usually, I wear a "ballerina bun" for shows-easy to deal with especially with costume changes.  A ballerina bun is a tight bun covered with a hair net. The hair net is pinned and everything is shellaced with hairspray. If you are prone to fly-aways, you can use a glue-type of pomade mixed with a bit of water when you make your will hold like iron!  I don't like anything moving when I compete!  I also use the large hairpins (bobby pins tend to fall out) to pin the hair net.  Go on youtube & search ballerina bun and you will find many instructional vids.

But I think I might try these new hairstyles-the Gibson bun looks wonderful! Not sure exactly how to "stuff" the pony but I'll have to experiment. Looks like an elegant style I can wear out or to school!
Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: FigureSpins on October 22, 2010, 11:23:26 AM
I make the pocket side-to-side, then split the ponytail in two and tuck each piece into the closer side pocket.

BONUS: When you take it out, you have a perfect "That Girl" flip. (Just needs a little teasing for height) ROFLOL!
Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: Skate@Delaware on October 22, 2010, 12:22:51 PM
I make the pocket side-to-side, then split the ponytail in two and tuck each piece into the closer side pocket.

BONUS: When you take it out, you have a perfect "That Girl" flip. (Just needs a little teasing for height) ROFLOL!

I'll have to try that! hahaha!
Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: Sk8tmum on October 22, 2010, 07:18:35 PM
I second the ballerina bun; put that thing in tight with hairpins, put the lacquer on, and that sucker will last for ever. For a variant, I pull the pony tail in, secure the elastic a little bit away from the head, then "push" it in. This creates a bit of a wave at the front, which looks quite nice, and take away the severity; or, I will leave an inch of hair (measuring back from the hairline) at the front unbunned, do the bun up, then, pull the loose chunk back and wrap it around the bun and secure it in.  Looks quite fancy, not as severe and takes no time at all.

We also bought rhinestone studded hairpins. Jerry's used to make them, however, I usually buy them from the local dance store. You insert these around the bun and it's all very pretty and twinkly. The ones I like are rhinestones around a larger centre stone - very noticeable without being overly bling-y.

Judges seem to like buns ... and they are so practical for skating, as you don't have to worry about hair in the eyes, or, being whipped across the face by a rogue ponytail during a spin!
Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: LaterSkater on October 23, 2010, 04:34:45 PM
OK - reporting back after my first event (solo Freestyle) - I ended up doing a (somewhat messy) bun this morning *justcausethatswhatmyHAIRwantedtodo*  LOL.  I shellacked it down and then put a beaded "decoration" around the whole thing (aka, beaded bracelet that I have, that doubles nicely to finish off a bun!). Then borrowed some glittery hairspray when I got to the rink to make SURE it all stayed up (it did!).

Although no one really noticed my hair, because they were all raving about my bling-bling dress!  (I think myskatingmall may be getting a lot more traffic in the coming days).

Came home during extended break between events and now I am nicely "gibson tucked" for the interp event (I already had a very cute barrette with ribbons/sequins to finish it off, which just matches the dress that I wanted to wear).

Can't wait to try out some of the other hairstyles from that site (you really should sticky that one, it is great!).  Thanks so much to all for your help and advice!

Title: Re: Hairstyle ideas for comp?
Post by: Kat on October 23, 2010, 09:57:55 PM
The infinity (sideways like in the pics) or figure-8 (up and down) bun is really easy to do (but you'd probably need longer hair).  It's easy but looks complex.

You need hair you can wrap around a bun exactly twice (mine is now too long to do it, though when I have it braided, I still can).  I suppose if it's longer and wraps around more, you could try getting creative with it.

You wrap into what is sometimes called a "bee butt" bun--that is, the second wrap doesn't go around the outside of the first, but underneath it.  Hold the bottom layer in place (the second wrap) and flip up the first (top) layer, then pin.  Voila.  I haven't a clue how exactly to wrap it so the top layer flips off to the side for an infinity bun instead, as I have such thick hair it'd look funny, so I just use the figure-8.  I think you'd have to start wrapping somewhere besides the bottom of the bun.