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Watching the Zamboni > Available For Sale / Wanted Skating Goods & Services

Jackson Synchro blades size 10-1/2" $70 shipped


I have a set of Jackson Ultima Synchro blades (UB60) for sale that have never been used. I purchased these back in 2013 or 2014 with the purpose of experimenting with a synchro blade, but never got around to it. They were sharpened once at the Ohio State University rink, which had a stellar reputation for fitting and sharpening. For Columbus skaters who know him, Tony at the pro shop did the sharpening.

The price is $70 and I will pay for shipping via USPS.


and tails...

Synchro blades have shorter tails than freestyle blades, but longer than dance blades.

Mounting plate surface...

I have the original box for them with all the original materials. The mounting screws included look to be galvanized steel, not stainless.

Contact me via private message if interested.

Oh - if only they were 10 1/4 - I would buy them off of you!

I've come down half a boot size since I ordered these 10-1/2" blades. I am also now using 10-1/4" with my new boots.

Still, thanks for considering them.

I actually am still considering them - I could quite possible take a 10 1/2 - definitely could on my left boot but not sure about the right - will ponder -thanks!


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