
On the Ice => Sitting on the Boards Rink Side => Topic started by: FSWer on September 12, 2010, 11:15:45 PM

Title: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: FSWer on September 12, 2010, 11:15:45 PM
Ok. I'm not really sure were to put this. As I don't know what were using for the equivalent of "On Ice Skaters". So I'm going to guess here. But what I'd like to ask all of you today is if you have ever taken on a Partner (skated with someone hand in hand) at a Public Skate? I just took on my first Partner yesterday and it was fun!!! But not easy to do. I can tell you that!!! Anybody else? LOL.
Title: Re: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: Isk8NYC on September 12, 2010, 11:59:35 PM
You picked the right forum.  Well done.
Title: Re: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: sofakartoffel on September 13, 2010, 03:23:52 AM
I don't know if this is what the OP meant, but yeah, I drag my SO with me to public skate all the time. Back when I hobbled on ice at a snail's pace (not that I still don't, but this was before my armchair interest in FS translated to actually wanting to learn stuff) he used to pull me by the hand and drag me around the rink. Given that he seemed to fancy himself as a speedskater, it was a bit nerve-wracking at the time...  88) But now we just get silly and try to do simultaneous one-foot glides and crossovers in tandem, and doing fake "dance" moves while I drop hints about doing pairs :P

It's a bit frustrating though because whenever I show him what I've learned in class or something I've been spending an embarrassingly long time practicing, he picks it up in like 3 tries or so.  >:(
Title: Re: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: Clarice on September 13, 2010, 06:28:30 AM
I've done ice dance at public sessions, but so far only with my partner, my own student, my husband (when I make him!) and a friend I was working with.  If a skater I didn't know indicated interest, I would offer to skate with them a little, but so far that hasn't happened.  Plenty of people who weren't skating, just sitting in the bleachers watching, have asked me questions about ice dance, but I can't skate with them!  (At least, not then!)
Title: Re: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: FSWer on September 13, 2010, 10:48:42 AM
LOL,I just went over,asked a lady if she wanted to skate with me. Like we were Ice-Dancing and she said yes and guided me through. It felt good!!! I DID fall a lot doing it though. As it's NOT an easy thing to do. I to;ld her it was my FIRST TIME doing it. That I've never done it before. She said I did very well at the end.
Title: Re: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: Kat on September 19, 2010, 09:58:07 AM
Strangers, no.  My partner, yes.  But not like ice dance or anything.  And I can't stand it!  I skate faster than him, feel like being tied down to another person doesn't let me fully move when I stroke, I usually humor him for like half a lap and then let go and take off.  Poor thing.  No wonder he doesn't want to go skating with me much!
Title: Re: Have you ever taken on a Partner at a Public Skate?
Post by: sofakartoffel on September 19, 2010, 03:42:22 PM
Haha, Kat! I hope one day to have the same problem as you :) My SO can still lap me around the rink any day (he's a track/xc runner, and I'm a decrepit, unathletic person), but he doesn't want to go skating with me much either!  I've subjected his poor feet to too many ill-fitting rentals from various rinks and I wonder whether I should just buy him his own recreational pair since I make him go skating with me so much ...