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Author Topic: General Splits and Falling Leaves - fsf  (Read 3355 times)

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General Splits and Falling Leaves - fsf
« on: September 02, 2010, 11:58:52 PM »
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Post Title: Russian Splits and Falling Leaves
Posted: 12-23-2002, 08:05 PM

 My friend Christy and I got into a friendly debate about these moves a while ago, and all the footwork discussion has reminded me of it.

Does anyone know which move is harder or are they roughly equal in difficulty? I certainly think they're both beautiful, but it would be great if it turned out I was right in the debate (in decades of friendship with Christy, I don't think I ever have been!). 

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Posted: 12-23-2002, 09:02 PM

 IMO, russian split jumps are much have to get a perfect extension from both legs for it to look right, and you have to jump high enough to achieve this. Definitely the russian splits!!! 

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Posted: 12-24-2002, 01:09 AM

 I always thought falling leaves were more difficult because, unlike Russian splits, you don't have the assistance of a toe-pick to help you into the air. The falling leaf is launched off of an edge, not a toe-pick, therefore making it more difficult to achieve that perfect split in the air. At least, that's what I remember Dick Button saying a couple years back when he talked about Michelle's falling leaf. But I'm not an expert, so I could be wrong. 

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Posted: 12-24-2002, 02:11 AM

 I thought I heard the same thing from some commentator, DBZ -- maybe it was Dick. I think Michelle and Sasha are the class in the field at "their" element -- falling leaf and russian split respectively -- and so, have never really thought about which one was more difficult. However, I would like rack to be "right" so maybe rack will share with us what he/she picked after a few more posters weigh in. 


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Posted: 12-24-2002, 02:26 AM

 Quite a few skaters do split jumps incl. the split falling leaf (even at lower levels like Juniors), very few skaters (especially ladies) do the Russian split. I would say the Russian split is definitely harder, especially for the ladies (more men seem to do Russian splits). A guess why - the men are usually more powerful jumpers - you need a lot of spring and height to get a good Russian split.

Ann-Patrice has a good Russian split - ok it may not be class leading - but I like how its laid out in the program as a prelude to a 3-flip jump deep into the program.

Both AP and Sasha seem to get good spring on their jumps - that must help them do the Russian splits.

Anyone that goes to Nationals - watch Emily Hughes for huge split jumps including the split falling leaf. 

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Posted: 12-24-2002, 07:15 AM

 My guess is the falling leaf is easier b/c it can be done as a beginner version by low level skaters. It can be done as a small hop w/o a full split extension. However, a lower level skater cannot come close to achieving the height req'd for a Russian split position. There is no beginner version of a Russian split.


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Posted: 12-24-2002, 07:52 AM

 I think we have to look at it as which are harder when done the best that it can be. I would take Rory/Sasha for the russian split and Michelle for the falling leaf. AP has an ugly russian split or at least that is how it looked to me from the video I made of her lp at SA. It is just to stiff for me to enjoy it. Actually all her skating looks stiff/cold to me, that is why I enjoy Sasha and Michelle overall a lot better. I also heard the Dick comment during a Michelle performance, but he has been wrong before so who really knows. He said that it is harder to achive a fully extended falling leaf being that the back leg is turned out. I would really say that they are even though. Although back to back I would say falling leaves are far more impressive looking like Michelle did at Nationals last year. 

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Posted: 12-24-2002, 08:22 AM

 Okay- so far three votes for Russian splits as harder, one for falling leaves, one for equal difficulty, and one for me being right (from someone who doesn't know that Christy is much nicer than I am). And already I've learned a great deal about both moves which I never knew before.

Thanks for all the posts! 

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Posted: 12-24-2002, 09:19 AM

 I agree with Kay in that you can't do a Russian halfway. It doesn't take a whole lot of work to do a decent falling leaf-a good Russian takes a LOT more. The falling leaf is just a matter of getting a good split, while in a Russian you have to learn a whole new air position. Russians get my vote as being much harder. 

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Posted: 12-24-2002, 10:18 AM

 Gee, I am really surprised. I would have thought the split falling leaf was more difficult.
Officially though, I vote for which ever Rack thought was more difficult . 


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