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On the Ice > Sitting on the Boards Rink Side

Whats in your figure skating bag? :D

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So whats in your skating bag? :D

I have a Nike duffle bag, in there I have:
- Jackson's Marquis
- black soakers
- skate guards
- 2 pairs of skate socks (knee high)
- a cloth to wipe blades
- lace puller/tightener
- skate pants (nike)
- hoodie
- 2 pairs of gloves (with fingers and fingerless)
- a binder with skating stuff in it
- bandaids
- chapstick
- screwdriver thingy
- earphones
- gym shoes

I think we already have a similar thread somewhere, but that's okay...I have a transpack ice with blue flowers, and it's got:

- Jackson Premieres
- 3 pairs of knit gloves - I have about a million pairs and routinely switch them around
- Either my maroon Under Armour Virginia Tech practice jacket or my club jacket
- Blue towel
- Soakers
- Purple guards
- CDs for my two programs
- A bunch of pens
- A notebook that's falling apart
- Arm warmers
- Leg warmers
- One pair of Rainbo skating socks in case I decide I don't want to skate barefoot

In my bag is...

My Wifa skates
Multiple pairs of tights which have collected there from competitions and test days
A few mismatched gloves
A few mismatched socks
Pair of guards
2 pairs of blades covers (no idea why)
Leg warmers (possibly only 1)
Random tags from competitions
Random paperwork for the synchro team
A few schrunchies and elastics
Extra pair of laces
Skate polish and tape

Nothing :P  I have a locker at the rink now...

However, in my locker...
My Skates (Jackson Elite Supreme w/ Phantom Profile Paramount blades)
My old skates (as backup, just in case)
2 pairs of guards
Extra pair of laces
8 or 9 "pairs" of gloves (I think only about half of those match)
My coach's jacket
Towel (sometimes.. for whatever reason this tends to disappear, usually into my daughter's zuca)
Box of tissues
Hair elastics
Hair brush
Green Scrunchie
Christmas lights
Magnum Sharpie
2 Jumbo Washable Marks-a-Lot markers
Lots of tiny candy canes
A disturbingly large collection of mints from Sonic
Several fortune cookie fortunes
One 2012-2013 basic skills year badge
Extra pair of contact lenses
Spare meter
Spare infusion sets
Nail clippers
Part of a sheet of EVA foam (my footbed modification material of choice)
Extra SS Screws
Assortment of bunga sleeves
3 mondor skating socks (yeah, I lost one...)
several pairs of cheap knee highs
Homemade butt pad (only one.. I've lost the other, but I rarely use them so it doesn't matter)

I have a LL Bean skating bag.  In it is...

Oberhamer skates with terry cloth soakers on
a pair of Baurer skate guards - basic rubbery type, with the plastic covered spring to hold onto the heel part of the blade
three skating towels
a pair of black knee socks (my favorite skating socks)
a water bottle
two granola bars
a pencil
a piece of scrap paper (for miscellaneous notes)
a pair of fuzzy pink gloves
a pair of fuzzy black gloves
a pair of smooth cream gloves
96 cents in change
various bracelets from public skate sessions at the Rec. center rink
two champion cords
a loop of string for making the champion cords longer for some exercises
folded tissue that I used for an improvised arch support last spring

And now removed from the skating bag...
a ball of kitchen twine (for making extension loops)
a long twist tie
two pieces of Halloween candy
one partly squashed Lindt ball (chocolate)
one glow bracelet (why was it in there???)
hiking stick medallion for Lost River Gorge (why was that in there???)
a cute trivet with a skating penguin on it - my coach gave it to me as a holiday gift yesterday
wrapping paper and a card to go with the trivet

When actually heading out to the rink I add:
a warm hat
warm, fleece gloves


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