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Author Topic: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf  (Read 6714 times)

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Offline JimStanmore

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Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:29:16 AM »
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Post Title: Ask any question- skaters' version
Posted: 07-09-2003, 04:38 PM

 Here's how this works. We do this on the Non-Skating Discussions board. One poster asks any question they want, about anything. The next poster answers it, and asks a question of their own. I thought it would be fun to start a skating-related version here. Feel free to join in on the NSD board as well.

I'll start: How old were you the first time you put on skates (figure, hockey, roller, whatever)? 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 05:24 PM

 Good idea! I was around 6 years old.

If you could have a magic wand for a day, and could chose to do just one element to see what it feels like, what would you chose to do? (For example, I'd choose a quad salchow). 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 05:39 PM

 Ooh, difficult! I'd choose a death drop-back sit spin. A really big, flying one.

If you could perform any element as well as any skater in the world, who and what would you choose? (For me - Sasha Cohen and the layback. I'd love to be able to do that.) 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 05:55 PM

 I'd pick footwork a la Kurt Browning!

If you could skate to ANY music, what would you pick? 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 07-09-2003, 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Suzanne
If you could skate to ANY music, what would you pick? 
The Electric Company. Actually, I could skate to it right now--like, for a show audition or something--but I'm afraid I'd look silly....

What color is your favorite skating dress/costume?

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 08:37 PM

 My favorite dress that I own is purple, but I've always wanted something in midnight blue.

What's your favorite dress you've seen on an eligible skater? I'm partial to just about anything Angela Nikodinov has worn. 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 09:14 PM

 I enjoy pretty much anything Amber Corwin wears. As for a favorite...I guess I don't have one.

What size are your skates? 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 09:19 PM

 i think 4 1/2?

Do you prefer spins or jumps? 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 09:36 PM

 Oh, I think my preferance is for jumps -- jumps -- and jumps. Spins are ok, as long as they're flying ones !

What's the earliest time in the morning that you would skate? 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 09:40 PM

 7 AM. Even then I am afraid I would still be a zombie.

Do you like the feel of soft ice or harder ice best? 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 09:47 PM

 LOL, I've practiced on a regular basis at 5:30am. Once I did publicity with a news station for a show at my rink- that day I had to be there at at 4:30am!

Hmmm... I don't know. I think my edges get deeper on soft ice, but I know I move faster on hard ice. As long as it's been resurfaced well, I guess I don't really care.

How many hours would you drive to a competition, assuming that flying is not an option? 

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Posted: 07-09-2003, 09:56 PM

 How about 5 hours? Tomorrow?

Headed for Lake Placid in the morning to help out at the Free skate competition.

If you had the chance, what one thing would you do over differently? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 03:31 AM

 Start skating 27 years before I did and not give up when I did first start skating because of an EX boyfriend!!!!

Dance, Free, Pairs or Synchro? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 04:09 AM

Originally posted by TashaKat
Dance, Free, Pairs or Synchro? 
Free... my edges sucked too much for dance, too scared to try pairs (though my coach has been a pair skater before...) and I don't think there's an adult synch team where I live that I know of, nor do I know whether my skating is good enough for the synch team stuff.

Do you normally skate on Public, Freestyle, Dance or Adults only/Coffee Club session? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 07:33 AM

 I've only ever skated on public sessions (apart from group lessons which were the half hour before), but yesterday skated on my first ever "practice ice" session, and plan to continue! I think you can do either dance or freestyle on there, not just one of them. As far as I know, anyway.

(Inspired by TaskaKat's gorgeous purple Harlicks) If you could have boots in any colour in the world, which would you choose? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 12:29:34 AM »
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Posted: 07-10-2003, 09:52 AM

 If i could have any color boots i would have light pink Custom Halicks cause pink is my favorite color and i love my custom white Harlicks.

If you had the chance would you join an ice show and if you did which one would you join? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 11:12 AM

 Yeah, love to ..... if I was a lot younger, a lot smaller and could skate better

I would have liked to have skated in Robin Cousin's Ice Show or John Curry's company ..... but otherwise probably Holiday on Ice

Figure Skating is a sport ...... yes or no? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-10-2003, 11:56 AM

 Of course it is!

What do you wear for practice? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 12:06 PM

 Tights, leggings, long-sleeved T-Shirt, undies, a bra, skates and sometimes gloves.

Mohawks or 3 turns? (Mohawks any day for me!) 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 12:41 PM

 Mohawks for me, too!

What move have you mastered that you're most proud of? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 01:13 PM

 The forward catch foot camel. I've been able to hold it for many revolutions and control the check out.

Which skater inspired you to strap on your first pair of ice skates? (For me, it was Katarina Witt 1984). 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 01:18 PM

 My mom, a former competitve roller skater. As a 12 year old, though, I was definately inspired by Dorothy Hammil in '76!

What is your most frustrating element? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 01:21 PM

 No one, really. I first started skating because my class at school had a trip planned to the rink when I was in grade 1, and I didn't know how! So, it was just one of those things my mom enrolled me in, like taking swimming lessons, so I'd be able to do it if I had to. But the skater who has been most inspiring to me over the years is Elvis.

What has been your proudest skating moment? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 01:23 PM

 Whoops, guess we posted at the same time!

My most frustrating element is currently three-turns. So basic, but I'm a perfectionist, and I've never felt totally comfortable with them. And spins as well, just because I've been doing synchro for so long that my spins are virtually non-existent, so it's really hard for me when my coach puts them in the program.

I'll keep my question the same...what's your proudest skating moment? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 03:25 PM

 My initial round last year at Lake Placid. It was the first time I ever came off the ice feeling so good about how I skated that I told my mom I didn't care about my scores- I was going to Ben and Jerry's! I came back a couple hours later to find that I had placed twelfth (out of fourteen) and was torn between feeling ecstatic to have beaten two people and disappointed, as my coach and I had hoped for me to be in the top 10. Ecstasy won out, as I figred that with a good second round I could pull up to tenth. (I didn't).

If you could have one lesson with any coach in the sport, who would you choose? 

Mel On Ice
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Posted: 07-10-2003, 06:45 PM


What do you like to watch more, competitions or ice shows? 

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Posted: 07-10-2003, 10:04 PM

 COMPETITIONS! Ice shows, especially after paying (usually) big bucks to get in, are usually dissapointing. I hadn't gone to a show in years, but last year's COI my friend got me a ticket free so I went.

What was your best competition ever? 

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Posted: 07-11-2003, 01:57 AM

 Results-wise, this past Nationals, where my synchro team won the second freeskate, and finished second over-all. Team-wise, two years ago where my synchro team had one of those perfect, amazing skates where everything was right on, we came off the ice in tears because it was our last skate together, and we moved up to finish in the top 5. I've had two personal best synchro-competitions where I just performed like there was no tomorrow, and felt like I couldn't put a foot wrong even if I tried: once was our short program to the music from "Rainman" at a competition in 1999, and the other time was a competition this past season to music from "The Godfather."

What's the ugliest skating dress you've ever worn? 

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Posted: 07-11-2003, 03:35 AM

 I don't wear ugly skating dresses

Erm ..... it would have to be this thing I wore for one of my first competitions! The leotard bit of it was beautiful, red and black velvet BUT the skirt made my hips look the size of a zamboni The skirt was two pieces of georgette, the top piece black, the bottom red ....... yak!

Wedgie or acres of illusion fabric ..... which is the biggest skating fashion crime? 

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Posted: 07-11-2003, 07:09 AM

 Wedgies, definitely! While I'm not a big fan of the nearly-naked look, at least it "is" possible to use lots of illusion fabric tastefully. There's no such thing as a tasteful wedgie!

How much padding do you use inside your skates? I'm likely one of Bunga Pads' biggest customers - I always use ankle sleeves (pulled low over my heel), gel pads on my ankle bones and on the front of my ankle, and toe pads on my 4th toes. 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 12:32:19 AM »
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Posted: 07-11-2003, 07:23 AM

 I don't use any padding inside my skates. The only time I had to was when I got a compressed nerve near my ankle, so I cut up a shoe insert to make a donut-shaped pad. I can't think of anyone else that doesn't use some form of bunga pads inside their skates - so many skaters have them! They must do an incredible business.

Now, how much crash padding do you wear when you skate?
- I wear a small pad on my hip all the time (it's where I always fall), and then I put in 2 larger ones when I work on double axels. 

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Posted: 07-11-2003, 08:50 AM

 I never wear any crash padding - I'm not working on the jumps where you need it, and I rarely fall when skating anyway.

Which competition from years past (recent or not) do you re-watch most often? I'd say 2001 Worlds. 

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Posted: 07-11-2003, 08:11 PM

 1996 Worlds. Specifically, Elvis' long, Michelle's long, and Shae and Vic's free dance.

Do you wear gloves when skating? 

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Posted: 07-11-2003, 09:08 PM

 Usually. Sometimes I take them off when I'm partnering if I'm having trouble with a change of hold or something.

Have you ever done figures? 

Ice T
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Posted: 07-11-2003, 09:45 PM

 Yes, but not when they were around competitively. My coach is a HUGE supporter of figures, having done them all his life for HOURS a day. So I had him teach me the basics to help with my edges and turns while learning the Moves in the Field. I practice them every so often and sometimes we work on them in my lessons. They have helped me tremendously!

What's your favorite style of music to skate to? (Mine is jazz!) 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-12-2003, 07:18 AM

 For practice, my favourite "background" music is middle-of-the-road; dance music is dance music is dance music, I'm afraid!

Do you enjoy learning/dancing compulsory dances? 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 08:58 AM

 I haven't done dance properly for nearly 4 months (since my old rink closed) but plan to start up again next week (hopefully). Yeah, I loved doing compulsory dances (as long as I didn't have to dodge too many people, lol). I especially liked doing them on the dance intervals - sometimes there were only a couple of us doing the dance, and it felt great to skate in front of people, I felt like a *proper* skater, and it felt like a great opportunity to show people what I could do. My favourite trick was to skate them with my hands clasped behind my back, which really makes you use all the parts of your body and your edges properly and is great for improving your balance and really getting those shoulders etc in the right positions.

Would you ever consider becoming a coach in the future? 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 07-12-2003, 10:19 AM

Originally posted by icenut84
Would you ever consider becoming a coach in the future? 
As a seasonal instructor at my local seasonal rink, I don't have enough experience as of yet, but when I can find time and a place to teach in the summer, I might work towards becoming a private coach after that.

What music are you tired of hearing over and over in skating programs (i.e., what do you think is overplayed)? 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 01:32 PM

 I think music from Beauty and Beast is a bit overdone. For example, there are 2 people in my club skating to music from B&B!

What is the worst ice show theme you've ever had to skate as a part of? For example, mine is "Saving the Future For Our Children" - let's just say it didn't work so well... 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 07:47 PM

 My mom was the skating director when I was a kid - most of her shows were really great. One of the best ones was magic carpet ride (a song from the 70's) where the first group (mine, actually) was dressed in a harem costume, then soloist harem girls would fly on a magic carpet around the world, checking in on the group numbers and other solos (I did China).

In one show, though, she blew it. I don't remember the theme at all, but I do remember being stuck skating my solo as Mother Goose, with the little learn to skate kids. (Ok, maybe the show itself was ok, but I sure did hate that solo!)

How many hours can you skate in one day before you drop of exhaustion? 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 08:01 PM

 I've been known to do 5 or 6 at training camps and stuff. 3 is pretty much the most I can do on a regular basis.

What does your favorite skating outfit look like? 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 08:17 PM

 I have two, actually. One has navy and green diamond patterns with the same color sparkles, interlaced with yellow sparkle lines on the bodice and long sleeves, with a V back, and it has a plain blue velvet skirt. (Hard to describe, but it's really cute!)

My other favorite is my testing dress. My coach is letting me borrow it for an extended period of time. It was the dress that she did her last test in and was passed on to me for my tests. It's a simple blue velvet, sleeveless, racerback dress with a small sunburst pattern of clear crystals on the front. It's my favorite not because of looks, but because of sentimental value!

What move is your personal nemesis? 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 08:25 PM

 Any type of combination with a double toe on the end ...... i just can't seem to pick right for the second jump. Ask me to do any combo with a double loop on the end, I'm fine .... the toe, forget about it! Go figure!

Erm ..... what skate order would you prefer to skate in? 

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Posted: 07-12-2003, 08:33 PM

 First after warm up. It's the order I usually do get since I'm not usually in a big group. Plus, I hate waiting after warm up...more time to get nervous!

What's the farthest you've traveled for skating? My farthest was to Atlanta (several times) for Peach Classic. 

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Posted: 07-13-2003, 08:45 PM

 Atlanta for me too- two and a half hour flight. Syracuse and Lake Placid would be ties for second with a five-hour drive.

Wouldn't you know, I thought of a really good question earlier and I can't think of it now.

If you could have your pick of any current eligible or pro skater as a pair/dance partner, who would you choose? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 12:32:41 AM »
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Posted: 07-13-2003, 09:01 PM

 Charlie Butler, because I've met him several times and he seems to be a really nice person. If not him, then Ben of the B & A fame because he looks like he has a lot of fun skating. The weirdest thing about this answer is that I don't really like dance .

Can you rank the skating types from your most favorite to least? (ie, for me, freestyle, mifs, synchro (the last time I did it it was called "precision"), dance, pairs, figures. 

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Posted: 07-13-2003, 09:14 PM

 Freestyle, Synchro, Moves. I've never done dance, pairs or figures, but I really want to start dance lessons in the fall.

What's the worst dress you've seen on a skater (eligible or pro)? 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 07-13-2003, 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Stormy
What's the worst dress you've seen on a skater (eligible or pro)? 
The dress I picked out for my Perfect Strangers ISI Artistic program three years ago. Goregous colors--pink, purple, and lavender all tye-dyed together--but it had this high skirt that went all the way up to my chest, so it made me look pregnant!

Does your club/rink have a website? 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 12:14 AM

Yerba Buena Ice Skating Center

...and it is a beautiful rink to be in!!!

How many skating rinks are within 50 miles radius of your home? I have about a half dozen rinks (maybe even more???) within the 50 mile radius... 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 01:04 AM

 Within a 50-mile radius, only one year-round.

The rink in my city is open only during the winter, so from Oct-April, that would make two.

But I am in the 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 01:29 AM

 Hey, MissIndigo! You forgot your "skating question???" 

The Ice Demon
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Post Title: I'll try one...
Posted: 07-14-2003, 06:25 PM

 When you get off the ice after training do you have a favourite move that you do last thing?

One girl always does fo spiral last thing.
I do hydroblade-spiral-split-flip-sit spin combo 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 08:19 PM

 Nope. Usually by the time I'm done I'm tired and just happy to be getting off!

What brand of water do you like to take on the ice with you? I'm partial to Aquafina or Dasani. 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 09:14 PM

 I like Fruit 2O or Propel. I got spoiled and now I don't like plain old bottled water.

If you could have anyone in the world choreograph a program for you, who would you pick? 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 09:37 PM

 Sandra Bezic!!! I've always loved her chorography.

Ummm...I'm running out of questions...OH, I know! What color are your blade guards? Mine are sparkly pink. 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 10:06 PM

 Mine are pink and Purple and stretched out!

If you could chose any skater pro or amateur (dance, singles and pairs) who's presentation would you most want to have? 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 07-14-2003, 10:49 PM

 Sasha Cohen, for incredible flexibility!

Do you like jumping on the harness or not? 

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Posted: 07-14-2003, 11:21 PM

 I haven't quite decided yet. I've only been in it a couple of times - I think it's kind of weird.

Have you ever worked with any national and/or world ranked skaters? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-15-2003, 08:19 AM

 National-level, yes; world-level, not yet!

How many times each week do you skate? 

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Posted: 07-15-2003, 12:18 PM

 I usually skate 4 times a week, 5-6 times when a competition is a week or two away.

All right, simply because I just did this (stupid broken wrist)--

What is the worst injury that you've ever gotten while skating? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2010, 12:33:05 AM »
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Posted: 07-15-2003, 02:12 PM

 Bruises! I guess I've been very lucky so far

Have you ever been to see the Europeans/Worlds/Olympics live? (I would LOVE to one day) 

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Posted: 07-15-2003, 03:58 PM

 Not yet, but I plan to go to 2006 Worlds in Calgary, and the 2010 Olys if I'm lucky!!

Do you have a "signature" move? 

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Posted: 07-15-2003, 04:14 PM

 I do a back spiral then look back at my free leg, rotate my hip and get on a deep outside edge until I am facing my free leg (still skating backwards).

Are you right or left eye dominant, and is that the direction in which you rotate? 

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Posted: 07-15-2003, 07:20 PM

 I am not sure which eye is dormant - I am thinking right because if I were going to squint an eye it would be that one. I am very right handed and for most things I go in the "normal" direction. Other things, such as hockey stops, I can only do in the wrong direction. I am very right legged too.

Which do you think is easier - Roller or ice? 

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Posted: 07-15-2003, 07:26 PM

 ICE! i cant roller skate at all!!!!!!!! :S

Who do you think is the best skater overall... artistic wise and technique wise.. For me.. I think m.k. orr kurt browning! 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-16-2003, 07:02 AM

 I don't see enough of them to be able to judge, so I'll say Yagudin, because he is a friend of a friend! Nothing like name-dropping....

Are you a clockwise or anti-clockwise skater? 

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Posted: 07-16-2003, 07:40 AM

 Counter-clockwise - I am very right handed. However things like my 8 step mohawk are very strong in both directions, so skating I can do either way but elements very much "normal" direction.

Ok, a decision we US adults have to make for our first freestyle test:

Lunge or Spiral


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Posted: 07-16-2003, 07:42 AM

 Clockwise is my natural direction. I jump clockwise, and feel more comfortable (on the whole) doing footwork etc travelling clockwise, but I'm actually better at spinning anti-clockwise (probably just because I'm left-footed). Apart from the 2 foot spin and the backspin, which are better clockwise. (I'm just confused )

Tell me something unusual about your skating. 

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Posted: 07-16-2003, 07:43 AM

 Oops! I think me and Dani posted at the same time. Ok - in answer to her question, I'd say spiral, no doubt. I'll keep my question the same 

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Posted: 07-16-2003, 09:49 AM

 Hmmm... I am good at ripping (trying to rip) off moves by the skating greats... tried MK change edge spiral and sasha's I-spin... And I still haven't gotten my crossovers proper yet after 3 years of skating

Whats your worst skating fear? 

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Posted: 07-16-2003, 11:31 AM

 Not being able to anymore!

What is the most important thing your coach has taught you? (Either a past coach or current coach). 

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Posted: 07-16-2003, 11:47 AM

 The most important thing my coach has taught me is that it's important to keep practicing through those fallow times in your skating when it doesn't seem like you're learning anything--and the lutz!

Which "easy" move should you (at your current level of skating) be able to do that you can't do? Mine is the lunge.

Happy skating,

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Posted: 07-16-2003, 12:44 PM

 Mazurka! I think I lack the chromosome needed to execute one successfully. I didn't learn one when I first started skating. Now several years later, I still don't know how. Three different coaches have tried to teach me.

What is the best fundraiser your club has had? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-17-2003, 09:41 AM

 Last Red Nose Day, we got sponsorship from the company that owns the rink AND the company that manages it for every person paying to attend the Junior Disco; the Action Group gave money for every person wearing red; and we did face painting and hair painting for money, too. Then everybody got on the ice and we made a "chain" of nearly 100 people.... it was great. I went round with buckets to all the mums and dads - and all our crowd, too. I forget how much we raised, but it was a drop in the bucket of the £65,000,000 raised nationally! All the same, it was great fun, except I knew my skin wouldn't like being painted and, sure enough, it didn't!

What is your "signature move" that you wouldn't dream of not putting in your programme? 

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Posted: 07-17-2003, 11:30 AM

 The attitude spin. This is about the only move that just comes really easy to me.

What is your hardest move? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2010, 12:33:24 AM »
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Posted: 07-17-2003, 01:27 PM

 My hardest move (technically) that I can do well and consistently would be either the axel or the flying camel.

The move that I have the hardest time doing, however, would have to be the back outside brackets in the Intermediate MIF's.

Anyone ever do figures? 

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Posted: 07-17-2003, 02:17 PM

 No figures, but my moves coach says I would have been good at them!

What element is easy for you that most people find hard? (Example, I could do a spread eagle the first time I tried one) 

Black Sheep
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Posted: 07-17-2003, 02:19 PM

 For me, a looooow hydroblade which I'm trying to fit into my new program!

Who does your choreography? 

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Posted: 07-17-2003, 03:00 PM

 My freestyle coach lays out the elements, but I work on-ice with a Russian ballet teacher on the presentation. I'm not working on a program right now, so we're doing stroking exercises and working on positioning instead.

Cotton or nylon laces? 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 03:54 AM

 Nylon (thin things that cut your fingers to ribbons)

Over-the-boot tights or the 'classic' skating look ...... I'm not asking what you wear just which you prefer 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 04:14 AM

 Neither!!! Guess what I wear instead of those ghastly beige colored tights... (But just to keep my coach happy, I do wear over the boot tights at test sessions and competitions. It's also to cover up my KEWL black boots!!!)

What's the most interesting stories you had regarding picking out your music for a program? In my case, my coach's favorite phrase was "SLOOOOOWER!!! Much, MUCH slower!!!" He finally took "Until The Last Moment" by Yanni (from "Live At the Acropolis.") It was a winner b/c 1) everyone at the session that he was playing this music at started doing creating choreography "spur of the moment" for fun and 2) Coach tried it out for himself and said "OH! I want to skate to THAT!!!" 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 10:31 AM

 Flying back from Adult Nationals at Oakland, I began to think of the next year's interpretive program. It was a 5 hour flight, the movie broke, and my friends were asleep. I wanted something fun to interpret. Something that moved, flew, raced and stood still. As I checked and re-checked my watch to see when the flight would finally end - I found it. Time. I wrote out the program on a napkin, gave it to my coach and started on the music the next day. It's been one of my favorite programs.

What has someone told you, right before you stepped on the ice for competition that made an impact on that event? For me my coach said "you have the advantage of speed. Use it". I had never really thought of myself as a fast skater. I kept up my speed and had a great skate. 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-18-2003, 02:18 PM

 I think it was when I was feeling really cross with nerves, and biting everybody's head off, and someone said something that made me realise that if I didn't have fun out there, chances are, nobody else was going to have fun watching me!

What have you occasionally been able to do, but not always, and are longing for it to return? 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 02:31 PM

 Spins! I haven't been working on them very long, and only one-foot upright....but some days, I nail it on the first try, and other days I practically travel right out of the arena....

How does your skating rank in your life's priority list? That is, in relation to job, family, friends, other hobbies, etc.? 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 04:47 PM

 At the moment, not as high as I'd like. If I was skating at regular times, having lessons, and actually felt like my skating had some kind of direction to it, maybe. At the moment I'm just going when I can (not more than once a week) and trying to practice everything I've learnt before. It's higher priority than other hobbies though.

Do any of your friends/family skate? 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 05:13 PM

 My mom's side of the family is French-Canadian, and they all skate. My grandfather was very into hockey as a boy, and I think he must of been somewhat disappointed to end up with two daughters. Obviously, in the fifties, hockey wasn't an option for girls, but he coached local youth teams anyway. He tried to teach my aunt to skate when she was five or six, but from what I've heard she wasn't very good, and he was very excited when my mom took to it better. They never took lessons- I doubt they knew there was such a thing, and there wouldn't have been extra money for it anyway- but my mom really loves to skate and she took me for the first time when I was six. If she hadn't, I'm sure my grandfather would have taken me eventually. He used to love to take me skating, and he finally had to stop taking my nieces and nephew skating a few years ago at age 76 when he had a knee replacement.

My cousin took skating lessons for a few years as a kid- she's 13 years older than me, so this was long before I was born. She just had her fifth child a few weeks ago, and the three older ones- ages 7, almost 10, and almost 12- have all skated a little. Her oldest is, according to my grandfather, one heck of a hockey player, despite being pretty small for his age.

As for my dad's side of the family, LOL is all I can say. They're some of the least athletic people I've ever met. My dad skated twice in his life, once at 8 and once at 18, and flat out refuses to try again.

Who usually accompanies you to tests or competitions? 

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Posted: 07-18-2003, 08:01 PM

 Competitions: My coach and my mom, every time. My husband, dad and son to two out of three (my son had a hockey game the same time as one of my comps). Tests: My coach to all, my mom to one out of three (she couldn't make the others because they were during her work day). Next year, however, I probably won't be able to afford having my coach go with me to Sectionals and AN, which doesn't thrill me. At least my mom will be there, and she's a former coach, so that should help a lot.

Can you give an example of an "ah-ha" moment what you finally understand how something is supposed to be done? You know, the moment that leads up to you actually doing it right? 

Ice T
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Posted: 07-18-2003, 11:01 PM

 Oh yes! A very vivid one! It would have to be the backspin last summer. I argued and argued with my coach, "I'm spinning on the outside edge! I'm spinning on my right foot! I'm doing a backspin." He was never satisfied, and then one day, as he broke it down in a simple exercise.....I got it!!

I was so embarrased and had to swallow my pride and tell him that he was right. He just smiled 'cause he knew he was right. But I finally got it, and that was all that mattered. Now I can whip out a beautiful backscratch!

Where is the most unique or bizarre place you have ever skated when away from home? 

Mrs Redboots
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Posted: 07-19-2003, 06:57 AM

 The most bizarre skate I've ever had was in Chur, in Switzerland, on an outdoor rink when it was pouring with snow. They had cleaned it just before we went on, but by the time we came off it was an inch or more thick - it does show you how much time you spend on two feet....

What did you do in your most recent lesson? 

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Posted: 07-19-2003, 08:49 AM

 Last lesson we worked on the Salchow and my entrance into a spin. Both not very pretty but progress is slowly being made. In both cases it is rushing the move that is the problem. My coach wants me to have these down so that I can "practice my butt off", as she says, at Lake Placid next month.

How often do you get your blades resharpened? 

Offline JimStanmore

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Re: Ask Any Question Skater's Version - fsf
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2010, 12:33:55 AM »
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Posted: 07-19-2003, 05:10 PM

 Every 5 weeks or so. Went 6 weeks this time, and I was desperate!

How often do you skate? 

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Posted: 07-19-2003, 05:34 PM

 Right now, because I have competitions and tests coming up, I'm skating seven days a week- 2 hrs 15 minutes on Monday, an hour and a half Tuesday through Friday, and 45 minutes Saturday and Sunday. During the school year I usually skate an hour and a half Monday through Friday, and forty-five minutes every other Sunday. I get Saturdays off during school because I teach learn-to-skate most of the morning, and do off-ice in the afternoon Saturday and Sunday.

What's the next big "event" you're looking forward to? 

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Posted: 07-19-2003, 08:48 PM

 PEACH CLASSIC!! I can't wait!

Not to bring up bad memories, but where did you have your "worst" skate? Mine was at Charter Oak open a few years back. Totally messed up my camel spin, then popped, of all things, a waltz jump loop combination. It was bad. 

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Posted: 07-19-2003, 11:03 PM

 I've had more than I care to admit, but one of my worst was definitely in Pre-Juvenile free about eight months before I quit singles. First I managed to cheat my double sal and both cheat and two-foot my axel. Then I proceeded to single my double flip- and fall anyway. Yes, Pre-Juvenile and I fell on what was basically a single flip.

In my defense, I had a huge surprise right before I skated- my best friend was competing later that day and she came into the locker room while I was getting dressed; when I asked her if she had seen our coach yet, she said, "Oh, she didn't get a hold of you? She went into labor last night." This was something like three weeks early, and she had taken a nasty fall on the ice a week or so earlier, so I was more than a little worried. Luckily, both she and the baby were fine. And she laughed when I told her about my double flip.

How many tests have you passed, total? 

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Posted: 07-19-2003, 11:26 PM

 All my freeskates, comp and test stream...
Dance only up to like junior bronze lol..
Figures up to 4th...but they took them out when i was around 11
I'm on my 2nd skill but i dont do them

Most recent jump accomplishment? 

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Post Title: Most recent jump accomplishment
Posted: 07-20-2003, 03:15 PM

 A consistent flip-loop combo. May not sound like a big deal to others, but I'm tickled. Also, I've been trying to add speed to all my jumps and, most importantly, to skate all my elements with my head up (I have gotten in the unfortunate habit of looking down when I skate....not attractive!). Pushing myself to attain those goals has also been a big accomplishment.

Question: Do you buy skating dresses (or other skating items) but not wear them? I find myself ordering skating dresses because they are pretty, but you know, I've never once worn one. I know own 3, and I have another one on the way. It's my secret shopping shame. 

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Posted: 07-20-2003, 03:47 PM

 YES. Which is why I've tamed myself to only buy ONE Del Arbour dress a year, ususally when she comes to my club's competitions. They always look so pretty on the rack (and I luuurve Del's dresses), but I hate wearing dresses so I really don't know why I buy them. I only wear dresses to test and compete.

Most recent spin accomplishment? Mine is learning flying sit. 

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Posted: 07-20-2003, 05:01 PM

 Oh, I got TWO!!! Backspin is VERY VERY close! I start off fine, but fall to the inside edge after about 2 rev now. The other is the camel spin, even though it's only about 1-2 rev and not that pretty... and on a good day I could do a wimpy 2 rev camel- 1 rev sit combo too!!!

What new skills or goal would you want to get end of this year? (Me: I want to be a BRONZE lady by the end of the year so I can be eligible to compete at Adults National!!!) 

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Posted: 07-20-2003, 06:15 PM

 I want to land an axel! (And learn a flying camel, and master evil brackets, and...)

Do you take your skates on vacation? 

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Posted: 07-20-2003, 06:29 PM

 Actually I do. When I went to Disneyworld, I took them to go skating at an ice rink in Kissimmee.

CW or CCW? 


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