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Watching the Zamboni > Spectator Skating Discussions

Olympic music- why all the covers?

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I know this is the first Olympic year that allows music with lyrics.  I've been noticing that a lot of the songs used are covers or less well known versions of songs.  Any idea why?  Is it just because they're less familiar and therefore unusual (and maybe not associated with some movie or commercial or something)?  Cheaper royalties?

Also, looks like the award for most used song may go to the various versions of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah".  No real objection but there seem to be a lot of them out there. 

Some covers are just better for programs than others. Cohen's Hallelujah is not as skateable as later covers.

I’m currently skating to a cover and maybe my thought process is part of their reasons, too. I find the original version of my song to be a tad boring. I love the cover. Sometimes a different version ‘speaks’ to you better than any of the others out there.

Cover versions often have different tempo or emphasis on the lyrics.  I use them when there are objectionable lyrics in the original version.  For older songs, like Swing-era, even the remastered versions of the originals sound a little flat or jarring on the soundsystem, so re-recordings or covers give you the same/similar sound.  I heard a song on the remake (movie vs. anniversary remake) for Sound of Music that I just liked better - it was a little slower, the vocals were clearer and it had a slightly more "fun, fun, fun" feeling than the original.  My skating student agreed and so we're yodeling at the rink this Spring to Carrie Underwood, ROFLOL!

I love Hallelujah, but agree that Cohen's version is not the most skatable.

Personally, I may try to get a cover when the original is sung by a male, and I'd prefer it be sung from a female perspective (which will also flip the pronouns in the lyrics). Depends on the song. I also may prefer a pop version over country, or vice versa.


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