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Watching the Zamboni > Available For Sale / Wanted Skating Goods & Services

New Pro-Filer skate sharpening hand held tool - 3/8" diamond stone - $40


I have a brand new in box 3/8" ROH diamond stone by Pro-Filer (I bought an extra one some time ago, then changed my ROH, so never needed it).  This is a hand-held sharpening tool that has been amply discussed on these forums.  If you are not familiar with it - you can see thread here:
Note:  This is the stone ONLY, no holder/chassis, no tape, no side stone, etc.  Best if you already have a setup and just want a new stone.  More on their website here:

$40 includes shipping by priority mail to US

Perhaps you should mention that from the manufacturer (Edge Specialties), the price is $45 + $16(shipping) =$61. And that probably isn't priority mail, so it might take a few weeks.

So your price is a good deal. If I needed another diamond stone, I'd buy it.


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