
On the Ice => Sitting on the Boards Rink Side => Topic started by: Skittl1321 on December 02, 2011, 10:28:48 AM

Title: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on December 02, 2011, 10:28:48 AM
Do you have a funny story to share about someone who just doesn't 'get' adult skating?
I have a lot of injuries and my PT and doctor both understand my skating is "real" (though not real enough to get a surgery I'd probably get if I was a kid) I appreciate they take me seriously.

However, I recently had a run in with the dentist, that made me laugh.  We were just making small talk and she asked me what I'd be doing after the appointment.  I told her I had a skating lesson.  She asked me if I skated much, and I said "oh, at least 3 times a week".
And then-

"So, can you go backwards?"

Yes! That I can do!  I've had a lot of frustration with progress lately, but backwards- I've got that down!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: irenar5 on December 02, 2011, 11:09:04 AM
Someone recently asked me if I could do a triple salchow.  I think this person was more impressed with himself for knowing the name of the jump.   In general, though, people ask me about more advanced skating than I can do.  I think it is the broadcasting's fault :-). 
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on December 02, 2011, 11:14:48 AM
Someone recently asked me if I could do a triple salchow.  I think this person was more impressed with himself for knowing the name of the jump.   In general, though, people ask me about more advanced skating than I can do.  I think it is the broadcasting's fault :-).  

Yeah, I've been asked if I could do a triple axel.  I said no, but I've practiced on the same ice as what I believe is the only person in our state who can do them.  (He's since moved though... there may be someone else that I don't know about on the other side of the state, but I doubt it).

The woman, a 60 year old co-worker claimed she could do them as a little girl.  I wonder what she thought a triple axel was? And if she really could, how she never made it to the Olympics. That would have really wowed them!  Maybe her figures weren't strong enough  88)
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: taka on December 02, 2011, 11:27:58 AM
I get asked if I can do a triple axel too! Ermmmmm only in my dreams! :P :laugh3

I get the most confusion when I explain I do both free and dance. Everyone seems to associate ice dancing with a TV programme here called Dancing on Ice where a "celeb" is paired with a professional skater and they do some kind of themed program each week and someone gets voted off each week. Often the female celebs get lifted all over the place with not a lot of feet on ice, actual skating. So anyone I mention ice dance to a) looks petrified and b) very confused... as I'm a tall, overweight person... really not someone you'd want to lift! :laugh3 I have to explain that is not really what ice dance is like. ;)

I broke my wrist 3 months after starting skating again. (1st fall! 88)) and everyone presumed that I'd never get on the ice again. I am now viewed as absolutely nuts at work because I went back again. Mentioning I get up at 5.45am to skate before work or paid several 100 pounds for a new pair of boots recently just adds to this view! :laugh3
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: hopskipjump on December 02, 2011, 11:50:05 AM
Dd and I were planning a vacation to Yosemite and picked up a bunch of travel guides.  One mentioned the outdoor rink and said maybe you would be lucky enough to see someone do a "triple camel".  Dd and I laughed and laughed and then put that one back on the shelf. No longer a travel authority!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Cush on December 02, 2011, 03:19:08 PM
I am a newbie to skating. Started in an adult group class January this year. I started with the marching around the rink perimeter just to get used to standing on the skates I suppose. By feb I was able to move around a lot better...then sprained my rt ankle severely in my cheap, ill-fitting, crappy boots. Several months of crutches then PT, Oct 22nd I was back in class and practicing every lunchtime! In new boots of course. 
My family and work colleagues think I am absolutely bonkers.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on December 02, 2011, 03:42:55 PM
Welcome to Skatingforums deliapm!  It sounds like you definetly have a severe case of Adult-Onset-Skating-Syndrome.  Way to stick with it!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: AgnesNitt on December 02, 2011, 04:57:25 PM
Someone at work tried to set me up with a meeting on my test day. I emailed back "I can't meet that day, I have an ice dance test that day."

OMG. By that afternoon it was all over the building. For about two days I couldn't walk into a room without getting an 'ice dance' comment or question.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: FigureSpins on December 02, 2011, 06:37:31 PM
Start handing out recruiting flyers or club fundraising information, snicker.

When I used to skate at Rock Center during my lunch hour, the guys from my office used to come and watch from street level.  After they saw my axel, they were satisfied that I wasn't bs'ing them.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: SynchKat on December 03, 2011, 01:42:53 AM
I skate on an adult synchro team.  We recently skated at an exhibition for a club that is a big synchro club--for kids.  Our coach apparently got a lot of e-mails afterwards congratulating her on wha ta good job we did.  One in particular she said was impressed with our ability to actually do the steps!  So an interaction with skating people but not "adult" skating people. 
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: fsk8r on December 03, 2011, 07:54:19 AM
Someone at work tried to set me up with a meeting on my test day. I emailed back "I can't meet that day, I have an ice dance test that day."

OMG. By that afternoon it was all over the building. For about two days I couldn't walk into a room without getting an 'ice dance' comment or question.

I had the whole problem of them trying to send me to the other side of the planet either the week before the test or the week of the test. They had to reorganise a whole international meeting around my skating schedule!

They're learning not to ask when I make unusual requests, they know the answer will be skating.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: AgnesNitt on December 03, 2011, 08:20:33 AM
I had the whole problem of them trying to send me to the other side of the planet either the week before the test or the week of the test. They had to reorganise a whole international meeting around my skating schedule!

They're learning not to ask when I make unusual requests, they know the answer will be skating.

You're braver than I am to tell them it's skating. I wimp out. I tell them I have to take care of my elderly mother.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: ChristyRN on December 03, 2011, 09:07:07 AM
I broke my ankle skating about six years ago.  I was back on the ice about two hours after the doc OK'd it.  Would have been sooner, but I needed to eat first.

I get asked the triple axel question alot, too.  My laughing response is "Does this look like a triple axel body??" Followed by "I can do 1/3 of an axel" 

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Harleyboy on December 03, 2011, 10:50:40 AM
Skittl, I got quite a chuckle from your use of the word "muggles" but after reflection I have decided the usage is correct as adult skaters are typically a bit magical.

If they are not most of my family and friends are correct and I am "nuts" for doing this.

I prefer to think of us as magical.

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: fsk8r on December 03, 2011, 12:32:44 PM
You're braver than I am to tell them it's skating. I wimp out. I tell them I have to take care of my elderly mother.

No I'm not, I burst into tears with the stress of it. I didn't want to move the test date, and I didn't want to move the meeting.
In the end a wonderful manager negotiated with the customer the perfect solution to my skating / work conundrum, but I really hated being in that position. It's the first time it's happened and I really hope it doesn't happen again.
But work is good at letting me out for skating. They let the working parents go early for school plays, so why not me to go to skating show rehearsals? They get their pound of flesh the rest of the time.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: kiwiskater on December 04, 2011, 10:38:27 PM
The coach we had looking after us at the end of the lesson yesterday got asked by a child, can you do a back flip, an astonished response was forward yes back no - thats an Olympic move for seasoned professionals :D
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: turnip on December 05, 2011, 11:50:00 AM
My old manager thought I skated with my hugely puffy soakers on my blades  :-\

Everyone at work things i'm mad for spending £300 on my boots and blades last spring. I pointed out that my feet arent' gonna grow, so i'll have these until i wear them out, which will be a long time! When I was shopping for them, people asked me "what colour are you getting?" so I had to explain girls have white, boys have black, some coaches have beige. Then get asked why I don't have pink skates lol

Getting up at 5am to be on the ice for 6am is incomprehensible!

"Do you use the toepick to stop?"

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: karne on December 07, 2011, 06:36:18 AM
I've been asked if I'm going to the Olympics more times than I can count. My co-worker found out that I skated the other weekend and was all, "THAT'S SO COOL!" (she's 17) and regaled me with questions for an hour, including the "are you going to the Olympics" question.

My own dad asked me yesterday if I could do doubles yet.

"No Dad, I'd have to have landed all my singles first."



"Have you landed your singles yet?"

"Yes Dad, I have my salchow and my toeloop."


".....there's more than one single?"
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on December 07, 2011, 09:17:07 AM
After watching my program for the first time, my Mom said "Oh, that's very nice- but you'd jump much higher if you skated faster..."

Well, no, if I skate faster (which I can do), I don't jump at all.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Jennymd on December 07, 2011, 09:40:28 AM
I brought my skates in to work one day so that I could go straight from there to the rink after I finished work...

A co-worker who sat near me noticed them and said the usual "Ohh you ice skate!" then commented "I've never seen ice skates before, do they have little rollers on the bottom? Can I have a look?"

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: sarahspins on December 07, 2011, 04:30:32 PM
Well, no, if I skate faster (which I can do), I don't jump at all.

Yes, speed definitely takes the "ZOMG, scary!!!!!" up about a gazillion notches ;D

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Icicle on December 08, 2011, 08:41:34 PM
I broke my wrist in September, but I only took a week off from skating. My coworkers know that I skate. And then I asked for a day off to go to Skate Canada. One of the guys at work asked, sounding alarmed, "But how can you compete if you wrist hasn't completely healed yet?"
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: sampaguita on December 09, 2011, 06:38:23 AM
I broke my wrist in September, but I only took a week off from skating. My coworkers know that I skate. And then I asked for a day off to go to Skate Canada. One of the guys at work asked, sounding alarmed, "But how can you compete if you wrist hasn't completely healed yet?"

ROFL  :laugh:
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Bunny Hop on December 15, 2011, 04:48:57 AM
Reading these stories makes me realise that there actually is an advantage to coming from a country where skating is only shown on TV once every four years. Nobody outside of the skating community has seen enough of it to be able to name any jumps, so don't ask questions about triples! Explaining ice dance isn't too bad as most people over 30 have heard of Torvill and Dean (their shows always sold out here back when they were touring as professionals).
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: kiwiskater on December 15, 2011, 02:43:38 PM
Reading these stories makes me realise that there actually is an advantage to coming from a country where skating is only shown on TV once every four years. Nobody outside of the skating community has seen enough of it to be able to name any jumps, so don't ask questions about triples! Explaining ice dance isn't too bad as most people over 30 have heard of Torvill and Dean (their shows always sold out here back when they were touring as professionals).

or more recently have watched dancing on ice.... I pip in just under that 30yr bracket but 99% of friends/co-workers are above that point & rarely know anything to ask specific questions, though I have been asked recently if I can jump so I'm like teeny jump like a very beginner waltz jump yes, big fancy Olympic jumps - not even close :)
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: AgnesNitt on December 16, 2011, 04:40:34 PM
I've two doctor stories:

Doctor one: Orthopedic surgeon. I was complaining about not being able to get enough arc for a decent backbend. He looked at my records, and said, "What are you? 55? Give it up!"
He is no longer my ortho.

Doctor two: OB/GYN at the VA. She asked if I needed help getting down from the table, I said no and just hopped off. She blurted out "My goodness you're amazingly graceful." "Figure skating," I said. "Well, keep it up." she said.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: ls99 on December 16, 2011, 04:51:46 PM
The following is more along the lines of cheering. Read on.

Today at the rink a grandma, her daughter and daughter's 4 yr old son were skating. They were visitors from out of town.
Grandma on the boards white knuckled, daughter chasing son. Son spent more time falling than standing up, grinning the whole time.

Grandma fell pretty hard, so I skated over to inquire and help if needed.  She slowly climbed up, declining help. Once upright, she said, you know by the fifties it gets really hard to learn skating.

I smiled, nodded my head. Did not tell her I'm 64.
Do admire her courage though.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: kck on December 18, 2011, 08:29:13 PM
Maybe I'm not an "adult skater" just yet, but this was me interacting with a guy. This is kind of a direct rip-off from my Intro thread, but not everyone can read that and most people don't look there often, so here:

I sat down at one point next to an older fellow who was having obvious trouble out there, with the intent to lend some advice. He went on a rant at me immediately, I imagine taking his anger out on me. He went off saying that once you stop as a kid, you'll never be able to do it again. He kept telling me I need to lay off the fat boy food and leave Burger King alone. He was saying that he can't believe I even tried, I'm too fat to do that. I sat there and smiled and joked along with him, thinking... He's gonna hate this... I hopped up after a little while and said, while I'm gonna get back out there. He ended the convo with "Remember, when you fall, use your cushioning!" --- I got on the ice, and as he watched me, I saw his jaw drop. I purposely went out there like a damn speed skater, and went gliding into a turn, and came out speeding again, and after the lap, got to where he was.. I smiled and said "Third time, imagine that?" -- He took off his skates and left shortly after.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: TheAquarian on January 10, 2012, 04:58:32 AM
Skating here is a pretty popular recreational activity judging from the crazy rink crowding,  however  there are few adults that are really serious about wanting to learn figure skating here in South Korea and very few men.   

The second time I skated here I went to the Lotte world rink, and when I felt that the crowd was thin enough I practiced a few basic spins and jumps.   The reaction of the people around me was hilarious first bewilderment, and then fandom.  Every time I passed  one half of the rink I had people waving and cheering.   Mind you, I was only doing waltz jumps.  It was quite amusing.

Even now when I tell people I like to skate, that I am a figure skater,  and that I can do some basic spins and jumps there's often either a mystified "Whoaaaaa..." or a  "Wink wink nudge nudge"  from guys who think I'm telling lies to impress the ladies. 

The kids here who are figure skaters are also funny.  Unlike in the USA where they mostly ignored me while on the ice,  they are very curious about what I am up to, try to talk to me, and are eager to help with Korean skating terminology.  I suspect that this is a combination of both being an adult skater, male, and (usually) being the only white person on the ice.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: TheAquarian on January 10, 2012, 05:03:11 AM
Less amusing however..   when I was still in the USA  I had a lot of people  tell me things like "Don't get your hopes up" with regard to being able to actually do anything beyond recreational skating  when I started.   Honestly my personality was way too stubborn to take them seriously,  and I derived a special satisfaction from accomplishing things people seemed to think I wouldn't be able to do.   My coach was supportive and that was all that mattered.   

I didn't need to justify myself to anyone else,  but when I did I truthfully said that it's a really fun way to keep myself healthy all year round.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: MimiG on January 10, 2012, 08:05:52 AM
Less amusing however..   when I was still in the USA  I had a lot of people  tell me things like "Don't get your hopes up" with regard to being able to actually do anything beyond recreational skating  when I started.   Honestly my personality was way too stubborn to take them seriously,  and I derived a special satisfaction from accomplishing things people seemed to think I wouldn't be able to do.   My coach was supportive and that was all that mattered.   

I didn't need to justify myself to anyone else,  but when I did I truthfully said that it's a really fun way to keep myself healthy all year round.

I started lessons at 18, and one of the moms told me "I hope you don't really expect to DO anything. It's not like you'll ever be able to pass a gold test" - I passed my gold dances just after her daughter did and my Class 1 skills (like Senior MITF) just before she did (her daughter is only a couple of years younger than me and had been skating since she was 6, and is now a good friend of mine). The rest of the moms and all the kids were always very supportive of me, though.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Robin on February 14, 2012, 02:05:46 PM
I'm in the Boston area; I don't think anyone bats an eye that I'm 45 and have never stopped skating. There are a lot of us, I guess. That said, I don't really talk about it much to non-skaters. I mean, we've got over-60 hockey leagues; figure skating's no different.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: rinkrat on February 16, 2012, 10:26:21 AM
Well I'm 16, but started 6 months ago and am homeschooled, so I skate in the adult community. All my skating friends are over 40.

This is a legit convo with a girl I met in an art class.

Them: Can you do a triple axel?
Me: Nope.
What can you do?
A waltz jump, two-foot spin, mohawks, 3-turns, etc.
Cool, so do you like compete?
Not yet, but I'm going to start.
Like the Olympics?
Um, no, basic skills. It's going to be filled with a bunch of 6 year olds, but it will be fun.
Haha, that's embarassing.
I don't really care.
Can you do that thing where you like sit and spin?
A sit-spin? Um, no.
Well those look really cool, you should learn how to do those.
My coach hasn't taught me yet, I have to learn other things first.
Oh, you have a coach? But isn't that for like Olympians?
No, most skaters have coaches.
How much do you pay her?
$50 for an hour.
You know how much weed you could buy with that?
Um, I don't do drugs...
Well still, that's a lot of money for a person who is competing with 6 year olds.
My parents pay for it, but I love it, so it's worth it for me.
Wow, you are spoiled.

Then the teacher came in.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Isk8NYC on February 16, 2012, 10:56:44 AM
Well I'm 16, but started 6 months ago and am homeschooled, so I skate in the adult community. All my skating friends are over 40.

This is a legit convo with a girl I met in an art class.
Then the teacher came in.

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on February 16, 2012, 11:50:03 AM
This is a legit convo with a girl I met in an art class.

The girl is right. I could likely get a TON of weed for what I pay in skating.  At least, I think.  I've never priced it, so I don't really know.  But I do know I think of everything in terms of lessons "Oh- cute shirt, but that's like 2 lessons..."

My answer to the "Can you do a triple axel" (it is always that or "Can you skate backwards") is "No, but I know the only person in Iowa who can."   I'm not sure if I'm entirely accurate on "only person in Iowa", but it is unlikely there are more than a few others, and even this guy has moved to Indiana... but he was back last night. 
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Laneybug7 on February 16, 2012, 12:56:52 PM
Okay, some of the typical comments or questions I've gotten are:

-Do you compete?  A) Well I did and would like to again
-Can you do a triple salchow(this was when I was first starting) A) No, not yet
-Thats so cool, are you good? A) Umm I guess
-You just have to jump up more(this was when I was working on a really bad 2sal)  Answer: No sh**.
-Can you jump and do a spinny thing  A) A what? Axel? I'm working on it

And my personal 'favorite' from my mom: See Laney it's okay to skate for fun. But doing shows and competitions are for the kids.  You're too old to compete and take lessons.  (I'm in my 20s mind you)

Here's the winner..this was when my skates were broken and I had to buy a new pair:
Me: I'm going to (insert city) to get my skates fixed
Dad: Why are you going all the way there for skating?
Me: Either I spend alittle money on gas or have to pay medical bills for a twisted ankle.
Dad: Just give it up
Me; NO!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: irenar5 on February 16, 2012, 02:31:58 PM
I see the same dedication in skaters as I do in runners!  Every time I see this particular runner (a guy in his early 30's), he has yet another overuse injury- most of the time it is a stress fracture.  His goal is to run a marathon in every state, so far he has completed 8.  He has heard it all as well: "Why don't you just quit, you keep getting injured!", "You are too old for all this pounding!".   He just straps on his brace and keeps going! 
If you read runners forum boards, you'll see what I'm talking about.  It is some passion!!!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: karne on February 16, 2012, 07:26:50 PM
Back when I was skating on publics still, I got to the rink just too early, and there was still a birthday party going on, for maybe an eight-year-old girl. However, as they were off the ice, and all over by the kiosk eating cake, I figured no harm in getting ready.

Big mistake! As soon as I took my skates out of my bag I had about ten little girls crowding me! First question:

"Are you like a professional?"

Me (thinking): I WISH!

That's actually the most common question I get from muggles, I find. "Are you a professional?" It's an odd one, but I think maybe it has more to do with the fact that fewer people in Australia would consider it a sport (and therefore an Olympic sport), but more of a performance thing.

Also the only shows we usually get are the Imperial Ice Stars or, occasionally, Disney on Ice. Never a show-show, like Kings on Ice or Stars on Ice or anything. Pity, but I wonder if that shapes the thinking.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on February 16, 2012, 07:35:31 PM
Also the only shows we usually get are the Imperial Ice Stars or, occasionally, Disney on Ice. Never a show-show, like Kings on Ice or Stars on Ice or anything. Pity, but I wonder if that shapes the thinking.

Even in the United States, these shows are very rare.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: karne on February 16, 2012, 07:44:13 PM
Even in the United States, these shows are very rare.

But they still get them. Also, figure skating is televised over there. Trying to get an Australian TV station to televise it outside of the Olympics would be like pulling teeth.

(Yet they'll happily fill their channels with the worst shows known to mankind...)
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on February 16, 2012, 07:51:40 PM
But they still get them. Also, figure skating is televised over there. Trying to get an Australian TV station to televise it outside of the Olympics would be like pulling teeth.

(Yet they'll happily fill their channels with the worst shows known to mankind...)

It is only televised if you can get NBC.  I don't get the channel, so I have no access to skating on TV.

Stars on Ice is only making 10 US stops this year. It isn't at all what it once was.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: JHarer on February 16, 2012, 11:59:30 PM
It is only televised if you can get NBC.  I don't get the channel, so I have no access to skating on TV.

Stars on Ice is only making 10 US stops this year. It isn't at all what it once was.

One of the stops is near me, but tickets start at like $95. :( it's too expensive.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Kat on February 18, 2012, 09:04:23 PM
I told my partner today I'd gone to my skating class this morning.  He asked me, "Did you do any tricks?"

I looked at him, wondering if he's so clueless he really has paid no attention to anything I've told him about my skating (well, his work schedule is stupid so we don't always get to talk much, but still.  Does he seriously think I go to a figure skating class just to skate around and around on the ice or something?)

So I say carefully, "Define 'tricks'." 

He sort of twirls his hand in the air and says, "You know, tricks."  Yep, he means what I think he means.

"Yeah, I did some jumps and spins," I say.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: jjane45 on February 18, 2012, 11:02:48 PM

Does he seriously think I go to a figure skating class just to skate around and around on the ice or something?

Sounds awfully like a power class, or moves in the field, or ice dance, or beginner learn to skate... I know we're talking "muggles" here but yeah... ;)
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: jjane45 on February 18, 2012, 11:30:42 PM
I and friend went to 4CC and visited her brother there.
Brother to colleague: my sister is coming for an international figure skating competition!
Colleague: Is she skating in it?
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: JSM on February 19, 2012, 09:13:21 AM
What is frustrating to me sometimes is that friends and family have are not at all impressed by my skating - until they see my scratch spin.  Granted I have a good scratch spin, but so do most other figure skaters!!  It's one of the first things you learn to do!  I show people video of my skating moves - flying spins, double jumps, and the response I get is "that's nice".  And then they see my scratch spin and they cant stop gushing.  "Wow, you spin so fast, that's amazing!"

Really?  Thousands of hours of practice and thousands of dollars and the only thing people like is a scratch spin?  Why do I bother, lol!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: AgnesNitt on February 19, 2012, 10:11:12 AM
So there was a birthday party on ice yesterday with a man with a big camera accompanying the kids. He was okay on his feet, not an Ice Tourist, but someone that had not skated in decades. I skated up to him and asked if he'd like me to take a picture of him and his daughter. I took four for him and gave the camera back, saying "This is expensive, I hope you don't drop it."

It was a nice moment before I skated away, he looked so happy that he had a picture of himself and his little girl.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: nicklaszlo on February 19, 2012, 01:46:20 PM
Granted I have a good scratch spin, but so do most other figure skaters!!  It's one of the first things you learn to do!

Ouch.  I consider a scratch spin to be pretty advanced (but not compared with a flying spin).
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: JSM on February 19, 2012, 04:44:08 PM
Ouch.  I consider a scratch spin to be pretty advanced (but not compared with a flying spin).

Sorry to have phrased it that way - I didn't mean to offend.  I was just frustrated because I don't think non-skaters really appreciate how much effort it takes to do a lot of the jumps and spins ("tricks", as some might say).

But to turn the table, a lot of skaters (particularly male russian coaches, in my personal experience) talk about how easy back flips are.  One of the current coaches at my rink says it's "way easier than axels".  Now, if I ever tried one of those I'd probably break my neck, haha.  So I get what you are saying!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: ChristyRN on February 19, 2012, 08:44:25 PM
Granted I have a good scratch spin, but so do most other figure skaters!!  It's one of the first things you learn to do! 

I can't spin to save my life and I've been trying to learn how for nearly 10 years.  It's not that easy.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Bunny Hop on February 20, 2012, 05:21:14 AM
I can't spin to save my life and I've been trying to learn how for nearly 10 years.  It's not that easy.
You took the words right out of my mouth! I was never able to learn to spin when I skated as a teenager, and have found it just as difficult as an adult. So that's about five years worth of trying, and on a good day I can still barely squeeze out 3 revolutions on a two foot spin, but even that's more by accident than understanding what I'm doing. I am severely spin challenged.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: VAsk8r on February 26, 2012, 02:52:54 PM
I struggle with spins too. I think a lot of adults do. I went to an all-adult competition last year, and we all laughed because everyone, even the gold-level skaters, was having an off day with spins. The kids at my rink seem to never have off days with spins!

One of my favorite "muggle" stories was last year, with my older cousin. Our rink closes in the summer, so I drive to another rink about an hour away, near where she lives. I was going to meet her for lunch, then go skating. But 20 miles down the road, I realized I'd forgotten my skates. (In my defense, I know a lot of skaters who have done this!) I called my cousin to tell her I'd be late and she said, "well, can't you just rent some skates?"

Another time, I had a kid come up to me at a public session and say, "You're really good! Is this your first time skating?" This was two years ago, and I like to think I've improved a lot since then, but still, I was doing waltz jumps and scratch spins!

Also, one time my dad watched me skate at a freestyle session. He was particularly impressed by one of the teen skaters, who is at least intermediate. This kid is generally nice and sweet but also used to hearing a lot of compliments. After the session, my dad went up and said, "You're really good! Do you take lessons?"

The look the kid gave my dad was priceless.

Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: jjane45 on February 26, 2012, 06:04:41 PM
"You're really good! Do you take lessons?"
The look the kid gave my dad was priceless.

LOL. so natural but so muggle!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: JSM on February 26, 2012, 10:06:16 PM

One of my favorite "muggle" stories was last year, with my older cousin. Our rink closes in the summer, so I drive to another rink about an hour away, near where she lives. I was going to meet her for lunch, then go skating. But 20 miles down the road, I realized I'd forgotten my skates. (In my defense, I know a lot of skaters who have done this!) I called my cousin to tell her I'd be late and she said, "well, can't you just rent some skates"?

Sadly, my husband thought the exact same way when I started skating again, and needed to take them with me whenever we left town to visit relatives.  "Why can't you just rent them, all that skating stuff takes up too much room in the car."

It took a year before he understood!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: jjane45 on February 26, 2012, 10:46:43 PM
Sadly, my husband thought the exact same way when I started skating again, and needed to take them with me whenever we left town to visit relatives.  "Why can't you just rent them, all that skating stuff takes up too much room in the car."

It took a year before he understood!

Does he know how much you spend on boots, blades, and sharpening? ;)
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: irenar5 on February 26, 2012, 11:29:47 PM
My husband still occasionally calls jumps "spins".  But he can now identify axel and lutz.  And he has tremendous appreciation for the "quad" as well.  He was also particularly impressed when I told him what  the score is for a single axel vs. a triple.   
Since my husband also writes my skating music, he is looking forward to writing  the "axel song"- which is the program in which I will have the axel.:-)
Of course, he is thinking it will happen next month.   :P
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: JSM on February 27, 2012, 12:22:09 AM
Does he know how much you spend on boots, blades, and sharpening? ;)

Lol, he does now!  Freaked him out!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: AgnesNitt on February 27, 2012, 08:49:47 AM
This is a story from many years ago. It happened twice with two different people. I would be skating around the rink and someone came up to me. The conversation varied only in the words not in the meaning.

(This part varied a little) "I started skating because of you. I've been watching you skate while my child skates."

The first time this happened, I swelled with pride.

Then both people (at 2 different times) both  said the exact same thing. "I thought, 'If she can skate, I can skate."

The second time I was expecting it.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Skittl1321 on February 27, 2012, 09:59:30 AM
Hey- even if it stings a little bit, you were still inspiring. 

I'd take it as the compliment they meant, even if it wasn't what they said.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: jjane45 on April 11, 2012, 10:23:20 AM
Recent Washington Post article below has a few jewels that are giggle / rolleyes worthy: For a D.C. hairdresser, a love of figure skating becomes a dream fulfilled (

He prepares for a jump. It’s a little jump — no double-axels here — but both of his feet leave the ground, and both of them land again..

A sport for lithe, light bodies, skating is best learned as a child, before cellulite. The proteges go to the Olympics. Everyone else goes to the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships.

The oldest skater here today is Elaine Evans, 72. She won’t be competing; she just skates recreationally. “As long as you’re willing to pay for those gorgeous young Russians,” you can buy happiness, she says. She gazes at her gorgeous Russian ice dancing coach/partner. “Best investment I ever made.”

Kudos and good luck to Mickey Bolek, by the way!
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: AgnesNitt on April 11, 2012, 06:54:27 PM
Recent Washington Post article below has a few jewels that are giggle / rolleyes worthy: For a D.C. hairdresser, a love of figure skating becomes a dream fulfilled (

Kudos and good luck to Mickey Bolek, by the way!

I met him at lake placid. Great funny guy.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: emitche on May 18, 2012, 03:35:29 PM
To the, "why can't you just rent them" line of thought, it makes me think of my husband who is an avid bowler. If we are going on a road trip or anywhere with a remote chance he might bowl, he always brings his 3 ball bowling bag, which is the size and weight of a small child. I didn't understand at first, but it makes perfect sense.
Title: Re: Adult skaters interacting with "muggles"
Post by: Robin on March 27, 2013, 12:43:48 AM
For the most part, I don't talk about skating to non-skaters in the same way I don't talk about my cats to non-cat people.